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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Maria Mountain is THE SHIT. Go watch all her youtube videos! She also has a 14-day butterfly flare challenge, where you work on getting a wider flare if you follow her routine for 14 days. Anyway, my issue is more that when I get up with\, for example, my left leg up first. I don't get my leg under me enough to be able to push my full weight up with that leg, so as a result I end up pushing up with my right foot. Except because I was in the butterfly my right foot is parallel to the ice and I end up pushing up with the inside of my foot, putting a TON of strain on my right ankle. There's been a couple days where going downstairs the morning after a game was difficult because my ankle hurt so much. I'm going to take a video of it since its kind of hard to explain though really obvious when you see what I'm doing that it's bad news. I'm just not sure exactly how to fix it... if its strength, technique, both, or what.
  2. Heh yea I can't even imagine playing without knee pads anymore. The skates aren't too bad. I found going back to player skates way harder than going to goal skates. I'm having some MAJOR issues with getting up that I'm not even sure how to fix.
  3. Agree completely. I certainly don't expect or intend this to replace my pro shop completely, but it will let me have a decent edge for every game thanks to weekly maintenance. And I don't think I'd even try using this for an initial sharpen on a new pair of runners, either.
  4. The nightmare from hell is almost finished. Two projects completed, two to go. At least the squeeze is a bit less now, even though I'll be working nights and all weekend on these last two. I'd kill for a 9-5 sometimes.
  5. Well THAT was embarassing. Lost my first rookie league game, in a blowout. Ended up being 7-4 (6 GA). I couldn't stop anything. One goal I missed with the glove, it hit my side and went in. Later in the game I had a puck hit my right shoulder, go straight up, and roll down my back into the net. That's pretty much how my night went. The only goals against that bother me are goals that there was no excuse for besides just straight up missing them, and boy was there a lot of those tonight. I knew something wasn't right with me even in warmup when shots right at my glove and blocker I'd miss. It was like my timing was way off. Oh well, next week we'll get that one back. I was starting to feel bad about being 5-0 in a league with only two teams...
  6. I dunno, maybe that's why I'm baffled why he took it so personally, since I'm not from here... You're right though, people down this way seem to get their feelings hurt or get offended by nothing pretty easily. Sorry Chase! :)
  7. Well the fact that he wouldn't pass it anymore was probably pissing people off even more than aiming at my head was ;) He'd just get it and wind up, regardless of where he was on the ice as long as he was past the red line. Some of these guys have been playing these pickup games together for literally decades (we have an 80yo who plays with us!) and stuff like that is not really tolerated. There's always a "HEY HEY HEY KEEP IT DOWN" on high shots, even if not intentional.
  8. Yeah he probably did, I guess. Like I said, he'll get over it. The guys at pickup eventually told him to stop being an asshat so that shouldn't be an issue going forward as well.
  9. Yea, he had better position on me. I was just trying to get to it thinking he was going to have better position to make a play with it, whereas I was trying to just get there and get a piece of it. He took it really personally, I guess. It's not like it was a retaliatory hack to the stick or ankles or anything, but whatever he'll get over it eventually.
  10. Sort of, it was a bit of a bad description. You know the motion I'm talking about though. Both hands come together (or often one hand on the stick) trying to reach out and chip the puck past the guy. It's not like I tried a forceful chop at his stick or anything. I tried to find a good photo of the play I'm talking about but couldn't really find anything good. This was the best I could find: Imagine I'm Karlsson and I take a horizontal swing at the puck just trying to chop it past Seguin. It's not like I was angry or hacked at him or anything.
  11. they make my butt look FABULOUS, thank you.
  12. So the guy Whos stick I slashed in my last game as I mentioned in a previous post... He plays pickup with us on Tuesday nights. He took slap shots at my head all night, regardless of whether he was at center ice or 6 feet in front of me. Even from the bad angle along the goal line... Big windup and high slapper. I guess he's still mad at me. Though you'd think he'd try to score on me rather than just shooting it right at the guy wearing massive padding. *shrug* Like I said, goalie is calming for me. Definitely not going to let THAT kind of nonsense get to me when I have to focus on making saves. I'd really have put this in the sweet spot thread if I hadn't been referencing the earlier post. Zen... Calm... Have to make saves. Stay focused. I had a pretty good pickup session actually :)
  13. Hey now, we get about a month where it drops under 60F consistently and rains.
  14. I love summer. I love the sundresses that go with summer even more.
  15. Finish a 40 page network assessment for a company. "Hey, can you convert this into a powerpoint to present to management?" Uh, sure. It's not like I have 3 other projects due this week or anything. Let me go ahead and waste a day on this.
  16. Other than higher shipping charges, but that's reasonable.
  17. haha maybe at some point! :P
  18. Would be awesome but at this point I'm more likely to buy VH goal skates :)
  19. Hmm now would be a good time to order then :)
  20. Yup. Every time it goes in you have to think about what happened to allow that to go in. Of course then there are the goals that were just great shots or a fantastic pass or whatever. I don't even count those in my head when I play pickup. I only count the goals i should have had.
  21. Hell, at least you have a coach! :) Keep at it, and if the other guy got lit up after switching teams you know it wasn't YOUR fault :)
  22. Heh sorry, "right on" just sounded dismissive. Yea, I need to either take the summer off or figure out a way to reduce work stress. Almost everything makes me angry. Seriously just about everything.
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