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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'm quite impressed by the number of women there! We have one in our league (two teams).
  2. Yea the AMT looks like a much more natural motion than a normal elliptical.
  3. I found the elliptical to be a bit of an awkward movement. Did you find that, and just got used to it? Or did you never feel that way at all? Just wondering :)
  4. Makes sense, I've never had cold skates before so never really thought about that.
  5. Interesting you say that about them becoming loose. My Makos have such good wrap around my foot I almost think I could skate without laces at all!
  6. Lost 7-0 today to a team of colossal douchebags. I mean really, who celebrates a 6-0 goal after cherry picking like it was the cup winner? Get over yourselves.
  7. Heh yea, just wish I hadn't wasted so much money on a friggin IT diploma.
  8. Student loan is now paid off. Man, what a waste of money.
  9. Are there really people who aren't aware of diabetes? ;)
  10. Yeah, no matter what I tried I always had that issue. Still use the neoprene sleeve on my leg. I don't notice it and it takes 3 seconds to put on... well worth the effort to have skates that don't hurt my feet! Glad they fixed that in the Mako II.. will probably pick up a pair when they go on clearance.
  11. Better Call Saul is fantastic. House Of Cards returns Feb 27.
  12. Indeed. I actually got asked if I'd been taking skating lessons. I told them nope, I just got skates that it doesn't hurt to skate in.
  13. Shims are the ideal solution, but that requires taking the holder off. For me personally, saying "hey profile these please" via mail-order sharpening was much easier. It's not like the profiling can't be fixed down the road if you desire.
  14. Nexus 600 pants sold on eBay. Funnily enough, they were bought by my team captain who had no idea the auction was mine. What are the chances?
  15. Yes. I had no-icing apply a "minor negative" to my runners. Helped immensely. Also changed the radius to 10' which also helped me.
  16. Stevens ref pants sold on ebay for $15 (ouch.)
  17. Even worse than the actual mistakes (your and you're is the one that drives me nuts) is how much nobody seems to care. I actually had somebody tell me that this was the evolution of English. *facepalm*
  18. Returned my car today. Very sad day. I'll miss it :(
  19. Is it okay to talk about products that are in the catalog but were not part of the section of catalog that was published on MSH?
  20. Loved it so much I had to get a second one now that they're on sale :)
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