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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


Principal Wizard
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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. You expressed what I was thinking much better than I did.
  2. I don't think we ever had a school day cancelled for snow. Only ever for freezing rain.
  3. Yeah. You may not be right on the blue line for zone entries but, at least for beer league, refs rarely are anyway. Don't think of it as being lazy, think of it as conserving your energy. lol. Seriously though, I'm not sure how USA Hockey handles a 2-official system if one official gets injured. That's a great question.
  4. If you're working alone for whatever reason, I don't think anyone is going to fault you for not being on top of every play. I wouldn't try to get ahead of the play because you'll end up killing yourself for, most of the time, no reason.
  5. Crap. I didn't think of that.
  6. Who were you quoting? I'm confused.
  7. It's fine against the rest of the teams. It's just that one. You basically just hope in every 5th week that nobody gets injured and they don't start any fights. Unfortunately that last one is tough with some of the players they have. The league leading scorer on their team is the guy who was kicked out of the game the last time we played with them for homophobic slurs.
  8. There's not a single player from the bottom 4 teams in the top 10 of any stat category.
  9. I wouldn't expect a camera just for that player. I'm just suggesting highlighting that player on the standard camera angle.
  10. Yeah see that could be cool. Or if you wanted to single out a player and just watch them... have them highlighted like in a video game. Whatever. So many possibilities. Just as long as they don't force me to actually look at it if I don't want to, I'm all for it. Hell, even the Fox Puck. Make it an option, like turning on closed captioning. Lots of things they could do if they're streaming the content online.
  11. Predators I agree. Black Knights... well, this is the lowest division so there's nowhere really for them to go.
  12. Another season of this. I believe this team has three regulation losses in four seasons, if I recall correctly.
  13. Maybe as things move away from traditional TV to more online content they could do these kinds of things as overlays that can actually be turned off as an option.
  14. I would have said “sorry we can pull the goalie next time.”
  15. Like I said, it could require a minor adjustment. Not a big deal.
  16. Nope not me. But its possible you may need to adjust your alignment if the ring isn't perfect. Or contact them to get it exchanged.
  17. Was about to delete your post until I saw the "have them in the marketplace" bit...
  18. Even weirder because on the back of his collar was an under armor logo during the game. I don’t normally notice things like that but it stuck out for me.
  19. Definitely interested! My wife loves Chicago so she’d even go with me this time!
  20. Yea I’d have liked to see a fine just as a “come on, that was potentially really dangerous” and a slash doesn’t have to hit the hands or other body parts to be illegal
  21. Probably not but being on the stick should be irrelevant since that’s not a legal play either.
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