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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Gotcha. Just a word I’ve heard a million times but had no idea what it meant. Thanks.
  2. Sort of but not really. Making tweaks just to score a higher rating without being any safer doesn’t mean much.
  3. That’s the issue though; they aren’t making them objectively better. They are making them to score high on the tests. As I’ve said before: getting a concussion doesn’t make a helmet bad, and not getting a concussion doesn’t make a helmet good.
  4. Cruises are definitely not for me, for the reasons you mentioned. I don’t like being around people for too long, and I can only tolerate about 6 hours of Las Vegas so the whole casinos/shows/etc thing doesn’t do it for me.
  5. You’d think getting around an airport with a luggage cart would be much easier than it is. I guess people having luggage at an airport is unusual?
  6. I mean, if its producing level edges then I would have to assume it's aligned, no? EDIT: Oh, you said no edge checker either. Sorry.
  7. I haven’t been but I’d like to. Someday I will try to get up there.
  8. I think you're missing a word in there.
  9. Yeah, it's super easy to get around thankfully.
  10. Hmmm I wore an 8.5D. I wonder if an 8.5EE would work for me. Probably not a good idea to take a $469 gamble.
  11. At this point it’s pretty simple. Buy some and watch it grow :)
  12. In what way? It’s just like stocks.
  13. I use coinbase if that helps you.
  14. You have to go to a dealer now for fitting. I think you can do the older tracing method if you contact them but not sure.
  15. Just dumped $2000 into it during its big dip late last week. It's already recovered and then some so things are looking good :)
  16. We have a brand new arena they just built a couple years ago, but they installed used boards, glass, nets, etc. What a shame. At least the locker rooms and showers are clean... for now... We've done the same.
  17. I just checked the roster for this season. 13 skaters active for this season, maybe 4-5 of them paying up-front. 3 additional that we generally don't count on but occasionally show up. We've given out 28 jerseys in the couple years this team has existed.
  18. Totally agree. I don’t know why but we’re often much better with three D-men. The only thing I can think of is that you don’t get both trying to change at the same time? Or maybe they play a bit more conservatively to save energy?
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