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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. There’s no True heel cup unless you are using the step holder
  2. The color has always been optional.
  3. I signed up but haven’t used it yet. Not sure how well it’d work for goalies. Obviously shift timer isn’t useful but if it has better output for heart tracking it may be worth it.
  4. Yup, mine have white. Just wasn't sure about the "whoosh" thing.
  5. Wait, are you suggesting you need to have an internet connection to use the internet??
  6. I've never seen a whoosh graphic on them. Can you point out what you're referring to?
  7. Thanks for the clarification! I'll stick to neutral then when I get mine.
  8. True with Step holders feels MORE forward pitched than VH with CXN? Maybe I'd better ask them for a -1 or something. I had as much of the forward pitch in my Mako/CXN combo removed as possible.
  9. That's kind of what I was thinking. No status to give if they didn't get the order.
  10. Yes it tracks heart rate. The Apple Watch is basically an iphone on your wrist.
  11. Nice thing about the Sparx plus step blacksteel... no burrs at all. I use a piece of leather but really don’t need it. Shop cloth would be plenty.
  12. What do you do and where do you live?
  13. For sure, I agree. You still need an edge checker for fine adjustments, for sure. I would think of the alignment ring as more of a starting point.
  14. I've never heard of V-Steel but would absolutely recommend Step either way.
  15. The adapter also has nothing to do with the blade width. It’s there because goalie runners are taller. Not needed if you’re using the new Bauer holders though.
  16. Tongue is the same. I don't care if theres no tendon guard.
  17. Yep, and my statement still applies. If he was given those quotes then that was the store doing add-ons.
  18. They don’t offer any holder besides Step.
  19. LOL yes obviously the goalie runners are different. I was really just wondering if the goalie and player steel was interchangeable. For the RARE time I would skate out (I've been on player skates ONCE in the last 1.5 years, for Winterfest 2016) it would be cool to not need two pairs of skates.
  20. I mean same except for that detail.
  21. Can anyone confirm if the True holders for goalie and player skates are indeed the same (other than the cutout at the toe end for the toe ties)?
  22. I’ve used both and no. The Mako bump issue (abrasion) was actually solved with the Mako II anyway.
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