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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. That’s brutal. I hope you didn’t pay for the season!
  2. The problem with the second suggestion is that turning people away because they didn’t play when called doesn’t help us fill our lineup, as much as I agree with the concept.
  3. That’s what we had been using but it’s become so disjointed. We have probably twice the number of people who pay per game than pay up front. I think the attendance problem for us has a lot to do with people figuring it’s not costing them anything to stay home.
  4. And we won that game. We usually play with 6 or 7 because nobody shows up.
  5. We’re at a point where we’ve been taking that approach as well, but in reality all we’ve been getting are people who only show up occasionally. So now we have a roster of close to 20 and still can’t get a full lineup. We lost that game. But then in the “consolation finals” aka 3rd place game we had a full lineup (10 players) and won 5-2. Weve started using BenchApp for this season. The way we’re using it is basically: anyone who pays upfront is a regular, anyone who pays per game is considered a sub. Even the guys who have been on the team for years. Once the regulars have checked in, the software starts inviting subs and will allow up to 10 slots total, first come first served. Were hoping that avoids any issues where everyone decides to show up on the same night since we have so many pay-per-game players.
  6. Would have preferred a 5th straight championship but we’ll take a 5-2 win for 3rd place!
  7. If you have an order number you could probably contact them and ask.
  8. Will they do singles? It’s hard to find somebody who will. I’d even take sublimation if I could buy a single shell.
  9. Let me shed a tear for the shop owners... Actually, no. If you’re a craftsman, like a SERIOUS craftsman who has worked on your art for decades, you have nothing to worry about. If you seriously feel threatened by a home sharpening machine, you can’t be all that great. Lets face it, 90% of pro shops suck, because 90% of them aren't staffed by people who REALLY know what they're doing. And in reality, if the pro shops near me weren't so terrible I never would have even considered something like the Sparx. Put simply: I wish there wasn’t a market for Sparx, but there is. As an analogy, I wish something like Uber wasn’t needed. But, since the cab industry is shit, it is thriving. Cabbies are all pissed off about Uber stealing their business. And then every time I take an actual Taxi I’m very quickly reminded of why I love Uber. Regardless, you'll get the occasional cabbie on MSH complaining about Uber stealing their rides...
  10. Well not a direct competitor, but Sparx is giving people less reason to continue going to a pro shop to have a 16 year old kid butcher their skates on their big expensive Blackstone ;)
  11. I can't see them licensing their patent to a competitor. I mean, obviously it would never happen, I'm aware we're talking hypotheticals of course.
  12. Just so we're clear, @ZamboniFever is not a salesman. He's the founder/owner and is an engineer.
  13. FBV is a patent held by Blackstone. The FIRE ring would be much closer to the non-patented BFD used by Blademaster and others. This diagram should explain it well enough:
  14. Hopefully you are in contact with them already for a resolution.
  15. That's definitely better than screen print, but I'd also be disappointed to not get embroidery.
  16. Is that screen print, or sublimation?
  17. “It can’t make you faster” ”you might be faster because...”
  18. Awesome! We’ve done similar (we did HCG at one point that worked really well), and while it’s certainly not sustainable on its own without a diet/exercise/general lifestyle change, it’s one hell of a kickstart. Im personally at the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, 252lbs. Just got back from the doctor who did a ton of blood work, EKG, etc. Time for a kickstart for me as well, and the lead in to a dietary change and more activity. Hell, we have a damn home gym and don’t touch it. But I’m at a point where it’s no longer just laziness; it’s become annoying because I have no shirts that fit me anymore.
  19. Wow that’s not a very glowing review! Hopefully Sparx can address your issues. Any photos of the machine? It must be significantly different from the consumer model to have this many issues.
  20. I’m good as long as I’ve had enough time for the food to be digested. Immediately after eating is never good. A couple Advil so my back doesn’t hurt and water. I need to drink more water during the day (regardless of game day or not) and during a game I really should have two bottles. I don’t drink nearly enough.
  21. Time to go lose in the playoffs for the first time in 5 seasons. I figured people might actually show up for playoff games… NOPE!
  22. iPhone X. Holy crap this thing is awesome.
  23. I put $210 into BTC over the course of the last few months. Now worth $485. That’s some investment!
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