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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Definitely not True. The toe cap is totally wrong. Looks like CCM to me, too.
  2. Bad time of year to be ordering custom anything. Is what it is in this industry. Theyre worth the wait :)
  3. img tags aren't necessary anymore. Just paste the URL and the forum will convert it to an image automatically. I did this for you.
  4. I did, but it was Rob that sent it directly to me. It wasn't automated or anything. I'm sure you can ask them for it. (Then again, this was in the VH days a couple years ago, I like to think True is a bit more automated for the order process but who knows)
  5. I had just figured that since mine were perfect, I didn't want to introduce the possibility of something being off. But from your experience I think it'd be better to get it done. I guess it SHOULD be more accurate and make for an even better fitting pair of skates. But that ounce of concern is still there nevertheless.
  6. Interesting. So perhaps I should go for the foot scan instead of just having them make mine based on my VH tracings.
  7. I use mine once a week (two passes for touch ups). Sadly I went about 5 months without using it because I was out with an injury. I’m about ready to buy my second ring at this point. After using it I’m not all that worried about durability. I mean, I understand that it’s an electronic box and will therefore likely have a much shorter lifespan than a mechanical tool you can replace almost every single part on, but I still imagine it will still be around for a long time. It’s a seriously solid unit.
  8. I’ve had mine for quite some time now, with no issues so far. Not sure if that’s long enough for you!
  9. I don't understand why the boot being the same is a bad thing.
  10. I completely disagree with your assessment.
  11. I don’t understand... it’s the same skate minus tendon guard with a different runner. How do you like one but not the other?
  12. And another game of the same thing. 6 goals against. Couldn’t catch the puck. I think there were three goals that I didn’t catch cleanly and ended up in the net.
  13. Just a shame it ended the way it did.
  14. I had a similar one from nothing more than a hard pass that I got in the way of.
  15. Three New Era fitted caps, all the same size and style, all of them fit drastically different. That's really frustrating.
  16. I remember skating out I used to get hit on the inner thigh occasionally and it sucked. No padding there at all.
  17. Interesting. The one at SummerJam was fine.
  18. I like it too, actually. Makes it look a bit more finished. I'll likely order sometime in early 2018 or ask for a pair for Christmas.
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