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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. The reward is the product and whatever other perks depending on how much you pledge.
  2. I just wanted to mention real quick - there is no such thing as ‘Kickstarter escrow’. When you back something on Kickstarter you aren’t buying a product, you are investing in an idea. Sometimes the product never happens and your money is gone. If they offer refunds, that’s their choice. They certainly aren’t required to. I just wanted to mention that because I often see comments on delayed projects that day things like “it’s been 6 months, I want my money back” from people who clearly don’t understand Kickstarter and it drives me bananas.
  3. He’s also an engineer, making suggestions or criticisms “as an engineer” pretty meaningless. That said, the fact that Russ was a MSH member is probably 60% of the reason I backed the project on Kickstarter in the first place.
  4. Just dropped into the Slack channel. Looking forward to trying this out!
  5. Yeah I don't have enough in it to worry about. I've put in about $2200 all told and its sitting at about $5900 right now. I think what I'm actually going to do is pull my original $2000 out and just play with house money.
  6. I’m in the Apple developer program and would love to give it a whirl. I’ll go ahead and sign up.
  7. Hey @GregHenn19 looks like you tried to use photobucket. Don’t. It’s junk. Stick to imgur.com
  8. Is there an actual point you’re trying to make? It just seems like we’re beating a dead horse here.
  9. I’m not giving somebody business who messes up my skates. The Sparx does a great job so I’ll stick to that.
  10. I have edge protechs but they aren’t permitted during games. I had been using them for pickups until I had my own sharpener ;) Yes but you keep posting about a manual sharpener being better. We get it. For those doing high volume they might want to try the commercial version. I understand that not everyone is going to be in the market for a Sparx and prefer to do it manually. That’s fine. But this thread is for questions and discussion about Sparx and not the merits of manual vs Sparx sharpening.
  11. Okay, we get it. You think your sharpener is better. Let’s go ahead and leave this thread to discussion about the Sparx.
  12. For putting them on, I use a shoe horn. Taking them off I fully unlace 3 eyelets. I also warmed them up, stuck a softball in the opening and tossed them in the freezer. That opened them up just a bit.
  13. As a goalie, with the amount of damage I do from hitting the posts, I'm always interested/amused by how much noise it makes when it hits those spots!
  14. Why the sour taste? What should they have done if you were concerned about the warranty?
  15. Let’s go ahead and get this thread back on track.
  16. That dude is really good at reading marketing material.
  17. Truth. I used to have to pull to get my skates tight. Now my laces are pretty much just snug enough that there's no slack. That's correct. You can't get Tuuks from True so they leave off the heel cup.
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