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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'd bet neither Doan nor Iginla sign with a team prior to the olympics for just that reason, and then sign somewhere immediately after (assuming somebody wants them and they want to continue).
  2. I just had mine profiled "slight negative", whatever that actually means. That fixed the pitch for me. I'd be more likely to just put Bauer holders on than to shim the front.
  3. Maybe I can convince my wife to let me put wheels on my VH and let me buy some True goalie skates...
  4. I don't think Dave will be barred from future MSH events, so that's not an option ;) hahah
  5. I already wear VH goalie skates but they have cowlings. Player skates are Mako though.
  6. At the airport waiting for my flight :) Haha it seems to be a thing for me. The last three times on the ice it’s happened. I need to actually USE the warrior bottle holders!
  7. Getting to hold the new True skates in my hands yesterday... I NEED THEM RIGHT MEOW.
  8. I saw in 70mm. Hoping to see it again in IMAX soon.
  9. Last week's pickup. We were ridiculously short, and ended up playing 3-on-3 half ice. It was actually kind of fun, but definitely happy it's rare. I played pretty decently for the most part and only got beaten by some really good shots for the most part.
  10. Today I noticed a significant change in how the coaches are handling my group. Quite a bit slower and a lot more instruction. I still had to sit out some of the drills after a few reps but I’m pushing myself as hard as I can. My back was a bit better today and some adrenaline taking some actual shots was really helping. A lot of up/down and shuffles etc when the adrenaline isn’t flowing gets really tiring. I’m terrified about tomorrow since I have to pretty much come home, throw my under gear in the wash, and head back out to my game. No way my stuff will be dry in time. Almost considering wearing my old gloves to camp tomorrow so my good ones are still dry for the game. But man it’s gonna be brutal.
  11. First day of camp last night. BRUTAL. First some skating to warm up, then stretching, and that was followed by what seemed like FOREVER doing shuffles. That absolutely destroyed my lower back and feet. First time ever I’ve had foot pain after switching to VH. All went downhill from there. They set up about 8 “stations” for drills and had us split into groups of 3 or 4. I’d make it though the first 30 seconds of a drill, but then I was done. Back hurt way too much to continue. Ended up sitting out a bunch of drills :( I’m planning on loading up on Advil and going back today but we’ll see if I bother with Sunday or not. One thing I should mention is that while the actual skill level was just fine, I don’t feel like I was getting the things out of this camp I was hoping for. An hour of basics instruction would easily be more useful to me personally than six hours of crossfit-like drills (where it’s all speed and no emphasis on the mechanics of the movements). For example, my group is three middle aged adult men and none of us can do a proper t-push. So instead of cycling through the drills with the kids, maybe take us to one corner and work with us on that? I’m going to ask the head coach if that’s something we might be able to do.
  12. Yea, I probably wouldn't bother if they still have my current tracings. After going through as many pairs of skates as I did before finding VH trying to skate without pain, the idea of changing anything at this point terrifies me, even though I know it SHOULD actually be an even better fit. Very hesitant to change anything at this point.
  13. I'm 100% happy with my VH as far as fit and such, but... why not add more data points? I can't imagine actually getting an even better fit, but it sure can't hurt. That said, if you don't have access to a fit centre, it's not the end of the world.
  14. I use the suction mount on the glass. I can mount it on the outside easily enough, it just means I only get two periods if we’re the home team and only one period if we’re the visitors since you can’t get to the glass at one end of the rink. For editing, I use Final Cut Pro. I started using iMovie which is probably sufficient for most people, and free, and has almost an identical interface. Moved to FCP a while back and love it. I also use an inexpensive shuttle for editing the clips: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001DBEKG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_-uWBzbBPVBKA7
  15. Not much here except one big glove save. Ref took my camera down right after that, though.
  16. If you don't mind some constructive criticism, would you be able to edit your video down a bit more? Cut it down to just goals and saves so we're not watching a bunch of video of guys skating around ;) Looking good, though. Nice squareness and depth, for the most part!
  17. Definitely. Almost zero grade-A scoring chances in the playoffs. Shots all come from the outside. No breakaways. Definitely a better team in front of me come playoff time. The fact that we get anywhere from 6-12 skaters every game probably doesn't help. It's different people playing together every game. The cycle game we used to have has gone to crap. Though this team now has almost no original members. Only two guys have been on the team longer than me. We have 5 guys who moved up from rookie league in the last 12 months. We lost our two best defensemen after last season, too. Also just to be clear, unless I'm in a red jersey, it's just pickup. We have uniforms for our pickups here. So the D is way worse in those (especially in that last video).
  18. I was just going to say that! Keep pushing those limits!
  19. 6-4 loss. Now 0-4 on the season. I think I may have a total of 7-8 regular season wins since I came back from injury, yet have two championships. Go figure. EDIT: oh god it’s even worse than I thought. 9-17 in the last 26 games. I’m also 0-2 during that span subbing in rookie league, but we also played the top team that has about 3-4 guys who should be about 1-2 levels higher and they crush everyone AND it’s rookie league where it’s nothing but bad bounces, so I don’t feel too bad about those. But man, my D5 league play is garbage. 4-0 in playoff games though, so I guess that’s all that matters?
  20. Notifications for line changes. The two lines st this pickup are different skill levels so everyone generally changes at the same time. One siren is 15 seconds left, 2 sirens is change time. Usually once the first siren goes they finish the current play and change. Peoppe day it’s annoying in the videos but I don’t even notice it anymore.
  21. I didn’t get to go to the GGSU camp this year, but there is a weekend camp locally. The photos are mostly kids but the guy assured me adults are welcome. I figure with all the times I’ve complained about not having ice time to practice skills and be coached, I can’t say no to the opportunity. $200 for 6 hours spread over all three evenings is perfect, especially since my game isn’t until 9:30 Sunday anyway.
  22. They keep telling me they know not to but keep doing it anyway.
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