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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. Or do what some may actually be doing: buy from there, take advantage of ridiculous bargains and curse yourself for doing so! j/k
  2. For the princely sum of $7.00 (cost of the blade), I brewed my own curve. I doubt I made anything new, but it's new to me. I used to brew my own curves 100 years ago, lol. Who knows if it works or not, but it was a cheap experiment. I took an Iginla curve, opened up the toe, curved the heel, and made a generally twisty curve. It could fail miserably, or I could end up doing this to every single Iginla curve I own. I am hoping for puck clearing ability, some good saucer passing, and a lofty shot. I hope two piece sticks with wood blades never go away...
  3. Had to do a Pete Townshend on my veggie steamer- new fangled crap electronic timer would not cooperate, so I swung it by the cord and smashed it on the concrete. Much less expensive than doing it to a Les Paul. Got out a bit of frustration; maybe this should be on the Sweet Spot thread... ;)
  4. Fun pix!!! Don't grind off the paint- you will SERIOUSLY damage the aluminium shaft. Instead, use a chemical paint remover (Citrustrip or similar), then polish. You may not be able to get rid of the battle scars without destroying the stick. You could fill the dents, nicks, etc. with Bondo and paint the stick silver (or whatever colour you desire). PlastiDip falls off; but you could get some of that soft paint. Alsa Corp makes a cool system; however, you need the capabilities of a full-on body shoppe to apply it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane with the pix of your gear!
  5. Friday, I outworked a very, very good player along the boards and was given a shove after I moved the puck out of the defensive zone. I had considered it a compliment. When I had last played twenty years plus back, I was always more of a defensive forward, and now my new role as defenseman is starting to actually prevent a goal or good play develop. I'm still a crappy skater, and I have lost many steps in a twenty plus year hiatus. By no means am I Barret Jackman or Al Mc Innis. But on occasion, I do win a battle along the boards, and that was my sweet spot on Friday.
  6. I've only been back on the ice since September, but I have already owned three pair of skates!!! CCM U+07- fit was good after break-in, but skating on them 8 hours per week proved too much for them as they started breaking down and hurting my feet Bauer Nexus 400- I love the feel of these, the toes box was wide enough for me, but darn if after fully broken in, the heel started slipping. They became downright slippery without a second pair of socks!!! These are still a back up pair. Reebok 16K- stiff, supportive, and I hope it takes at least a year before they break down. I skated their first full pick up game in them Wednesday, and they felt good from warm up to my very last shift!!! The Pump really helps lock my heel. My favourite skates previously were Bauer Supreme 90, but were way long in the tooth before they went to the rink in the sky... I had some cheap crappy Bauers that weren't the same for a short time after that and before I took a twenty year hiatus.
  7. Holy time warp, Batman!!!
  8. Having been in customer service for over 30 years, it is hard to believe someone can be this flip; however, I did work with a bloke who was rude, the rumours about him were even wilder than the truth, yet he had a full book with a month long waiting list.
  9. I have had two issues with Tron and NEITHER ended like this- I think hockeycrazy is an abberation and NOT the rule @ the Tron.
  10. Anyone know the story on the "authentic" NHL-type jerseys disappearing? These were uncrested, but had fight straps and the multi-stretch material in strategic areas. I was going to order one, then I noticed they went away.
  11. Maybe those are the two that don't fit in the rack because there are 50 sticks in his rack. After all, those two sticks aren't even on a rack. Or, he is taking the mick out of us...
  12. Read up on that thread and have a few ideas... Hockeytron has their mid-level shoulder pads on sale at $19.99... Should be something cheap to experiment with!!!
  13. One would hope that more R&D was performed on the NHL players that have these skates! After all, pros got many, many prototypes when I operated my components company. Many issues will probably never surface on an amateur player that would on a pro player. However, if I had a return, I would certainly update their skate if it were within a normal warranty period. I don't disagree. I think I want to save my pennies and wait until next year to buy these skates. I am certain there is a quality product available from VH footwear NOW; but seeing that there are some quantum leaps on the newer boots, it wouldn't pay me to buy now.
  14. Then it was his duty to fix it! Again- this is a young skate manufacturer who is deep in the process of R&D. It's great that he has a portion of his local NHL team using his product because he is also drawing R&D experience from that, as well.
  15. Measurements are KEY on ANYTHING custom, whether we are talking skates, bike frames, goalie masques, anything that is not a t-shirt size item. It's quite a bit different on skates than it is with bike frames. On a bike frame, we used a size cycle, which the bike fitter would come up with a set of measurements based from that. I did have a "gotcha!" moment with one of those, but the fitter finally admitted fault, and we split the difference. I see that some of the VH skate returns are being sold at a discount, which is exactly what I did with my "gotchas". Scott isn't losing as much as it would appear, and it is apparent he is deep in R&D with these skates. With the returns, he gets to see areas that could use improving without the need for a recall. It's better to have paid R&D than to make hundreds of working prototypes that never return a penny. It is also certainly better to be pro-active than need a costly and possibly reputation damaging recall. While I am not suspect about Scott's work, it really, really surprises me that he doesn't want a mould of the foot. I had to do that with custom cycling shoes. I had no issues, especially since the pedorthist was told how specifically to mould the foot for the mesurements. While this would add slightly to the cost, the cost savings in returned boots would even this out. After all, the customer is inconvenienced when an $800 pair of skates doesn't feel right.
  16. http://s2.postimg.org/dl631fr2d/image.jpg x844, extra padding in thumb and fingers, 1/2" taller cuff, goat skin palms, "Bunnyman" embroidered. Gus at Eagle Hockey worked with me on every detail.
  17. Probably not. I suspect tradition doesn't allow that secret to be told; but then again you never know...
  18. Being a St. Louis Blues fan, I had followed Perron for a long time. I am just glad he could play again, whether it be for us or Edmonton. That was a long absence from a concussion. I hope he keeps doing well in Edmonton.
  19. Time gets away from you. Yes, that is probably early to mid '70s logo, dontcha think? The white plastic outsole makes me think 30 years, but the fancy punching makes me think older.
  20. 30 is about the right age on those. Tuuks were starting to appear, but only on a few models. I can't think of the player's name at the moment, but in the early to mid '80s I remember a bloke on the Rangers who was a tube blade hold out. Cool stuff there!!!!
  21. I was around when it was black and brown leather. Coloured leather was soooo cool that it was hard for me to get into tan leather. But it's just a nod to the days of the past. Black, tan and brown will be my nod to the past whilst ushering in the present. I think I have a pretty cool idea cooked up. Now I just have to save my rubles...
  22. Not even PU; they're tricot. But the tan is attractive like natural leather.
  23. When I save my rubles for these boots, you bet I will ask for black and tan. I'm on a retro kick right now. It would be awesome if WinnWell were to re-introduce their old gloves in tan LEATHER, not PU leather... I have to settle for my upcoming Reebok tan/black/white colourway 9000 gloves (no doubt made for the centennial Canadiens unis).
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