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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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VegasHockey last won the day on February 17

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1283 Excellent


About VegasHockey

  • Birthday April 11


  • Skates
    CCM and TRUE
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    CCM FT6 Pro
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM FT6 Pro
  • Shoulder Pads
    Vapor 3x Pro
  • Pants
    Vapor Hyperlite
  • Helmet
    CCM Tacks X
  • Gloves
    Vapor Hyperlite
  • Stick
    CCM and TRUE

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  1. Pure Hockey is not really specialized to address most fit issues. Where do you live?
  2. My point is is simple. Young players should train on what the pros use. For us old men, and non-pros, go with whatever makes you happy. A good example is Connor Bedard, he used to use TRUE skates with Flare steel. He now uses Bauer skates and conventional steel. Some would argue that watching old footage of him prior to this change, his skating was significantly better. I personally agree with them. Is FBV good theoretically? Yes. I 100% agree that separating the depth, width, and bite angle of a hollow can have advantages. As an engineer, we know that everything is not 2 dimensional, especially when you start incorporating profiles into the equation. It really is a matter of determining the correct pound per square inch that provides the optimal result for the specific situation. There are some companies that have been trying to do a variable hollow; very aggressive at the toe, flat through center, and medium aggressive in the heel. Pairing this with a profile would be fantastic. However, since this is something that can't be adopted widely across retail without a significant investment, it will likely fail.
  3. Too hard of steel can be a bad thing, not sure if anyone remember Massive Blade? The tensile strength of their steel was ridiculous, which always led to it breaking instead of bending. Applying DLC is not a trivial task if you want it to be functional and not just look good. A lot of prep work has to go into the polishing that happens before it goes through the PVD process.
  4. Likely they are operating at scale and have hired staff to help out with retail profiling/sharpening, thus you aren't getting the same quality they provide to the NHL teams.
  5. Would love to see someone measure all the brands of steel to assign them a Rockwell (HRC) rating
  6. I am willing to bet the holder are just stretched a bit which causes the outsole to become oval-shaped and allows for some slop between the holder and outsole mount.
  7. Brands are running out of ideas for cosmetic design. There is only so much you can do to a hockey skate to make it look unique without adding too much weight or providing a diminishing value. Even brands like TRUE are going to start removing the "jewel" from most of their skates moving forward. I think a graphics/color package is really the only thing they can do to "spice" things up and with CCM going down the road of "retro" for skates, and Bauer doing itfor sticks, I would imagine they are now looking to do the same for skates.
  8. Taking the year off to regroup since they went through a private equity acquisition. Long story. Too much to type.
  9. I do recall it, but have not seen anyone selling it for a very long time.
  10. There are multiple versions of quad profiles, and they are not all created equal. In the last year or so I moved mostly to Elite profiles. https://eliteperformancetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Elite-Profile-Overview-V9-July-2023.pdf Maybe consider a Polaris Quad?
  11. Pitch or pivot point. You are mixing two things together.
  12. Not a single semi-pro or pro team uses the FBV. I will never understand why people are still trying to make this a thing.
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