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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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VegasHockey last won the day on June 9

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1271 Excellent


About VegasHockey

  • Birthday April 11


  • Skates
    CCM and TRUE
  • Stick
    CCM and TRUE
  • Gloves
    Vapor Hyperlite
  • Helmet
    CCM Tacks X
  • Pants
    Vapor Hyperlite
  • Shoulder Pads
    Vapor 3x Pro
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM FT6 Pro
  • Shin Pads
    CCM FT6 Pro
  • Hockey Bag

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  1. I have tried them and was not impressed. I still think the Bauer Speed Plate is the best hockey insole I have ever used.
  2. Go to a shop that uses stainless steel oval head semi-tubular rivets and all of those issues should go away.
  3. The last will fit more like the current generation Jetspeed, which is also very similar to the AS-V. I went from a 100K size 7.5R to a 7.0T in both the AS-V Pro, FT6 Pro, and the XF Pro.
  4. I don't think the changes are extremely significant, but with the longer front and rear post, the steel likely engages better with the holder and provides more side-to-side support internally.
  5. They all start with factory shell, with adjustments to foam placement, facings, etc. Overall, nothing has changed. If you have foot issues; bone spurs, haglunds, etc. You should consider TRUE SVH customs. If you don't have any foot issues, but have different sized feet, need minor adjustments to skate facings, etc. Then Bauer or CCM custom should be fine.
  6. Bascially. https://www.instagram.com/bsharpottawa/reel/C7Us8_oRM64/
  7. It's closer to a P90T than a P28. I have used it and like it. I prefer the shape of the P29/92 and dislike the P28 blade shape.
  8. Minor changes: Revised fit, updated graphics, updated liner, updated comfort collar, updated foams, updated tendon guard, updated toe cap Major changes: No removable/replaceable tongue Opinion: If you remove cost from consideration, and I was considering AS-V Pro vs XF Pro, I would select the XF Pro. Other thoughts: I wish they released these with the new Reload holder. I hope when ordering customs later in the season, the Reload holder might be an option.
  9. As much as you want. They are adjustable.
  10. Mainly the stiffness of the skate and the tendon guard; Catalyst is less stiff and has a flexible tendon guard.
  11. When I get back from Denver, I can send you a couple I have lying around.
  12. It could be the isotretinoin, you might want to reach out to their doctor to double check.
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