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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by TBLfan

  1. Didnt get it off ebay.
  2. Yannick Lehoux. It's identical to the Afanasenkov/Kovalchuk except for the heelness of it and lie. I used it once but the lie was off, so I had to chop it down.
  3. pttf, you wish. Here's some more. RBK 7V Pattern: another angle And these beauties.
  4. I like the blue better if you look at that part of the skate but, the blue doesn't look good with the chrome. The silver tongue, chrome logo and silver on the heel blend in nicely to carry the look throughout the skate.
  5. Am I the only one that think the one75s look better than the one95s?
  6. Lets mugg him for gloves. Drew, I told you, I'll get you mickey's autograph, I know a guy that knows a guy. KTP, i may get you some free ice time as a finders fee... ass.
  7. Not bad for $290 shipped. :D
  8. To have x72s 4 years ago you must have had access to a time machine.
  9. I wouldn't give graf canada one penny. I won't even buy their laces anymore. I don't support companies that dont care about their customers... But this is NOT a "Why graf sucks thread" and I will not partake in any such thread.
  10. I honestly don't care. It's your money.
  11. I know you do, just taking shots at MIA whenever I can.
  12. No, they are retail- the Rasta Mon Edition Hey....the way that Warrior is doing things....I wouldn't put it past them. ;) That's backwards buddy. MIA steals Eagles designs, not the other way around. Still waiting for the SSH2 palm.
  13. yeah, yeah... I know. It was bought on a whim... three words: six more weeks. ;)
  14. Add these to the collection:
  15. nice two-piece shaft. ;)
  16. Still sell a hell of a lot more gloves than SWD... which was my point.
  17. Off the shelf they felt pretty good but definitely needed to be broken in. After a quick bake, they felt amazing. Off the shelf, still much better than anything from THC in recent memory.
  18. I liked the RM series. Durability is good, mobility is good. Palm is decent. Not a bad retail glove. I'd rather have that then a NBH 4roll.
  19. SWD has been making great gloves for years, they just fly under the radar.
  20. thanks, much appreciated.
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