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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Larry54 last won the day on November 19 2022

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  1. One interesting note: While the Step Edge XL is only taller than the regular steel at the toe and heel, the Step LS2 XL was actually 5-6mm longer than regular Step LS2 Steel. So the 254 LS2 XL that I currently use are closer to regular 263 than 254. So when I went from 263 LS2 to 254 LS2 holders, going from regular 263 to 254 XL steel softened the transition a bit.
  2. I feel that if you work enough on your skating, you reach a level of stability that makes flatter portions of a profile less necessary. And the flatter portions will only limit your agility. If one's goal is only top speed that might be another story. But I find agility much more useful than top speed in hockey, anyway. Each person has different needs, and the 10' gives me what I need.
  3. I tried quad zero once on my 254mm blade only because I could order a new blade with it. After a year I never really gelled with it and I wasn't willing to go down the profile rabbit hole. So I went back to the 10' factory profile and felt right at home. Maybe my brain / muscle memory couldn't adapt to multiple contours. I think I'm better off practising on a single profile than trying to find a magic profile that might improve my skating somehow. The farthest I might go from a single profile is to try a 9/10 or 9.5/10.5. Just my 2 cents.
  4. If you're happy with the blade manufacturer's stock profile, then I'd get a shim. If you're going to get the blade profiled anyways, you might as well just have the pitch added to the profile.
  5. Liner socks. I wear THESE.
  6. Are they warped while they are in the holders, too?
  7. From what I've seen and read, EE would not only be wider than D but also about 1/4 size longer, so 7.5EE would be more like 7.75D length.
  8. It looks fishy and it uses the old logo from this real site https://www.sourceforsports.ca/
  9. In the guitar world, we call it relicing. 😆
  10. Here's another option you can try. Years ago I did this for lace bite. It's a similar idea to Vet88's but it's applied to the inside of the tongue instead of to your ankle. I used closed-cell foam tape weather stripping that comes in a variety of thicknesses and widths, sold at hardware stores. I applied it to the tongue leaving a channel for the tendon.
  11. I'm all over the place except for sticks. I now use Bauer sticks because I use junior 50 flex, and they're the only ones whose dimensions are like the intermediates. I'll probably go with True skates when the time comes since my last two pairs were VH skates. I have CCM shins and elbows, Sherwood shoulders, Easton helmet with Bauer cage, Bauer gloves,
  12. Just noticed tonight, Matthews' skates dressed to look like vintage Modano style 652 Tacks. 🤔 https://www.nhl.com/video/matthews-ppg-opens-scoring/t-335699702/c-14175598
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