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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. David is a RFA....so it would be an offer sheet situation. I'd love to see him in Montreal. The pressure on him to perform would be enormous, but I think he'd be a HUGE fan favorite from the second he stepped on the ice. But, that is all 'cart before the horse' stuff. The offseason money is getting thin in Montreal. Carey, as well as Lapierre (and possibly Moore or Metropolit) still need contracts. I think they will work on the people already in the organization, then see if a guy like Perron fits into the equation for next year. Any speculation on what David will get?
  2. I don't think there should be any "Show Off" posts allowed for the next 24 hours. MSH3.0 is the big show off of the day. Seriously, who is going to beat this *L*
  3. I'm surprised it took 33 pages for that to be posted!
  4. Just had an idea for another hockey-themed tatttoo. It may be one of two things...one of the best tattoo ideas ever, or one of the dumbest. *L* This idea: No team specifically...but like a hockey jersey under your skin. It would take a damn good artist to pull it off....and I'm not sure I would go to that extreme....maybe a small "tear" in the forearm...or on the shoulder... I also don't have the funds for more ink right now....just throwing it out to the tattooed masses of MSH. ...thoughts? [EDIT]: as it turns out....it's been done:
  5. My buddy had a basketball net on the garage when we were kids. There was a tree that had a branch that over-hanged one side of the "court". We named that tree 'Manute' *L* RIP big man!
  6. His curve is a mirrored Kovalev. David's gear is well documented in this thread, browse through it...and there are tons of pictures of him on the interweb. He has a public facebook Fan Page (which he updates frequently)
  7. I saw that video...nicely done. The big ones are amazing. Obviously T-rex is saved for the Finale....it's pretty awesome. We were sitting 2 rows in front of the where pupeteers were set up. 2 per animal. 1 for the legs and 1 doing arms/legs/tails...and I assume the eye/head movements.
  8. "Walking with Dinosaurs" If this comes to your city...go see it. Freaking awesome. I'm 34 and I was in awe. If you have kids (basically anything over 4 or 5)...TAKE THEM! www.dinosaurlive.com for a peek. I wish I had a better camera...my pics suck. Hoping 'jds' was there covering it.
  9. C'mon Montreal...Offer Sheet!!!!! Do it!!!!!
  10. We don't have that kind of testing up here (Canada)...but the way your entire life appears to hinge on those scores coming out of HS seems like a TON of added pressure on a young person. What is considered a good score...or, what do you need to get into good schools? Coming out of HS, I had mid to high 80's in 5 OAC courses...(at the time, you needed 80's in 6 OAC's for University admission). Up here College and Universtiy is not interchangable the way it is in the States...University is "better"...College is just for Trades or as a stepping stone to Uni later. When I told a Guidence Counsellor I was planning to go to College for Radio Broadcasting, they basically said I was "wasting my potential".
  11. I went looking on fark for the same Topic. Alas...nothing. Thakfully MSH didn't disappoint. In reference to his death. Pro athlete...37...a little young for a heart attack, no? Anyone else thinking they'll find drugs. I guess that is the Captain Obvioius comment of the day, right?
  12. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>&hd=1"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="447" height="276">
  13. Scored my first ever league goal tonight... :) Sadly, in a 5-1 loss :(
  14. Is it a flat rate or a per page? I know a guy that does lots of VO work on the side...he can't count the number of times a 30 minute studio session and a 2 hour session pay almost the same *L*
  15. They do narration for coloring books????? Sorry....too easy!
  16. We're 0-2 in Summer League. 6-0 loss 4-0 loss Both teams we've played are playing at LEAST 2 levels below their ability.
  17. I've seen cars with lights on, or doors left slightly ajar. I'm always afraid that if I touch it, I'm going to set off an alarm, or be seen opening/closingthe door and get accused of something...so i just leave it, and hope (for their sake) everyone else does the same.
  18. Impulse gear shopping. A true sign of gear whoring at it's best!
  19. I was going to vent that we lost in my first ever League hockey game last night. 6-0. Our average age is probably 42...the other team...more like 24...and probably playing 2 levels under their ability. Then...I see something like that, and realize how trivial the stuff that bugs me can be.
  20. I sprained my knee 2 years ago playing ball. I had some accupuncture/massage therapy on it...it kept me off the ice for a couple weeks. Hasn't bugged me since. Until tonight. Felt it tweak. My ball season and hockey season start on Tuesday. Ball practice at 6:00...hockey at 11:00 Boo-urns!
  21. I've been playing pickup with a visor for almost 10 years. Playing in a league for the first time this summer. I'll be wearing a cage, cause I hear the leagues around here can get a little chippy. I've been wearing the cage the last few weeks to get used to it. TWO pucks in the face tonight....a visor would not have offered any protection where these pucks made contact.
  22. Best player I ever saw with bad "flow" *L* was a guy I played with in a Wednesday after group. Grant Sanders. He had played some pro in Europe in the late 80's early-mid 90's. Was actually a teammate of Kirk Muller's in Jr. Pants and skates older than dirt...but he wore the team socks from his Euro team. Bright orange with logos all over them Jofa bucket Can't recall the gloves...but they were pretty beat up No shoulders...in fact one week, he wore like a coaches warm up jacket, with shitty elbow pads over the jacket. Kinda taped on. Stick? I dunno...some non desript mid level ops. And, he is probably 20-30 over weight. But, holy hell....skate like the wind....stick handle in a phone booth. Pass hard, and accurate and had an elusive shot you didn't see coming. Ripping wristers top corner from the blue line. Goalies never moved.
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