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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. What blade is that? Stock holder mounting?
  2. Correct, They are less wide and can be mounted in a similar fashion to figure skates and are actually easier to mount than holders that are right and left as you don't have to worry about the outside of the holder being too far off in some cases. I have only worked on 3 pairs so far but I really like it. There will be quirks as with all of the quick release. Until I'm more familiar with this Shift Holder the XS is still my favorite so far. But this one could take off.
  3. Ummmmm I guess they don't use sarcasm much in Boston......?
  4. Wow hows that bitter pill tasting? Hahahahahaha 😜
  5. It's serviceable but the holder would need to be removed like the tuuk.
  6. Don't need to . DM for the details
  7. Sounds like a mess to me. Boots are wrong size. Holders are to big. Blades are mismounted. And so on and ao on. 🙄
  8. I'd say it's far more than 20. And also sounds like the alignment is off in the shorter boot. Personally in these instances I always start with the profiles equal from the same door and adjust from there instead of trying to reverse it.
  9. Unless you want to get super picky about lines... they kinda look pretty similar...??
  10. I knew there was someone else who was intending to go with MIPS. I remember hearing that at the CSA meeting. Easton eh.. hummmm. I think it will be the same as all other helmets and only fit a majority not all.
  11. https://mipsprotection.com/ Performance will be top notch. Fit have to wait and see. Pretty sure it will be dialed in though.. tons of helmet research from that factory.
  12. MIPS tech the #1 group of helmets in the world on multiple sports. It should be extremely interesting. I think it looks like a 5000 Warrior cross..
  13. Well it has a quick release system. Easier to pop blades out than the others. Its taller holder and shorter steel reduce weight but maintain turning ability on sharp turns and the new holder is nice and rigid so no flexing
  14. If you can get the new holder.. get it
  15. That's why the holder is taller. .maintains that angle with less weight and steel
  16. Exactly!!! This process tells you where and how much of a change is needed.!! Great idea for an opening line to explain it. Thanks
  17. Not everyone is the same though. Some need it in the toe. It's all science based. It can't be just it's this or that. The Jump Test tells the majority of the story and it goes from there.
  18. Not even close. There is no way to profile the blades to the degrees that voukd be needed. Plus each foot is usually different. My son was just redone and because of his growth has changed dramatically.
  19. That is Step. And the holder is taller. More info coming......😉
  20. If you'd like I showed Mr Kelly the thread today. Simply email the website and hed be happy to answer your questions.
  21. Correct Step is making the steel and talked to both today a ton of stock will be ready to ship soon. All steel will go through True. Yes the holder runner is patent pending world wide so I think it will be a while before there are any knock offs. Besides it's a very intricate design and not like a typical blade. Should be interesting.
  22. Actually thoughts you were trying to be funny about the snake oil till I read all about bikes and cleat alignmenton. Wow that's crazy!!!
  23. I can do the Jump Test via online. But I would need the akates for alignment and such. But yes way better if you could come see for yourself. Let me know!!
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