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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. I can tomorrow my son has them on his now. Look good!! With engraved step steel. Offering that starting in July.
  2. The lifts on both players skates have zero to do with profile and pitch. They are both working with Patrick Kelly (Red Kellys son) He has a formula to balance the players in there skates. The profile of the blade is not changed.. Patrick has 53 guys on his system right now and more lined up for the summer. Although he's preoccupied at the moment as his father unexpectedly passed away last Thursday night. Very sad. JVR and him were just in that morning while we worked on JVRs skates for the world's. His dad was doing better but passed 2 hours after he left the hospital. 😔 RIP Mr Kelly.
  3. No, I do not believe they are actually. And please do not take it as a "Hey I know more than you message in the last post". It's just we have been trying to figure out how to best test for rotational impact for the last 5 years and I believe. And we have still not come up with a conclusive test to get the measurements! When your playing with someone's brain you want to get it right and not second guess or use football head forms on hockey helmets. Hence why nobody at CSA or HECC fins this study has any validity!
  4. Here is the issue. Nobody's brain or skulls are the same. There brain trauma is all different. So ok matter the helmet foam construction or anything. None of it .matters in the end because if the person wearing the helmet has had 5 conks vs subject B that has had zero the brain damage coukd actually be equal because subject B didnt drink near enough water and was actually more severely injured. There is absolutely no way a helmet can do anything to alter the outcomes of brain damage in a hockey incident. I were talking fractured skulls... ok then we can discuss best product for dollars. Concussions. Nothing....
  5. @Leif to answer your question yes I do have scientific data to support this. I am on the CSA board that conducts the saftey tests for helmets. I got in involved because I am also on the board of Stopconcussions a not for profit with Ketih and Wayne Primeau. Also was the first brain donor for the Canadian Brain bank similar to the one in Boston. Although not a medical Dr I have had 13 concussions documented and almost died from my last major one playing Football in 1985 for the Slough Silverbacks of the Budweiser league in the UK. I feel these experiences and board positions give me an adequate amount of understanding of how helmets work as well as what can and cannot prevent a concussion. Example: 4 years ago one of my players wearing a top helmet was hit with a shoulder and not even the hard cap in the side of the head as she turned to go up the ice. She was knocked out. She didnt skate again till October and didnt return to play till November and this was in April. Another time Jennifer Botteril was playing shinny as I was the equipment manager and Raffi Torres was out there with some buddies. Jen turned up ice and ran into him all by accident bit she was out for 2 months. Helmets do not prevent concussions. Period.
  6. Really?? Have you seen some of the new ones?? Not to mention rotational impacts usually have zero to do with helmets. They are caused by reckless players applying dirty hits.
  7. Actually VN at testing would do better on slower impacts as it absorbs more energy in a localized area. Epp is better at high impact. How many times in a game do you get hit in the head with a puck vs how many times in a game would a guy fore arm your head in the glass. Pucks need EPP forearms need VN.
  8. They use football headforns. There tests are not at all relatable to present hockey helmet testing methods. Not to mention a helmet does ZERO to reduce/prevent concussions
  9. I am. And depending on where the camp is we can take some pics and sort his all out for everyone. I'm beside Chesswood arena near the Scotiabank Arena at Downsview
  10. There is no way those holders Re aligned properly. I have never had that issue in 30 years of any holder. Its 100% an alignment issue. When your done with the skates I will pay for then to be shipped so I can inspect them.
  11. My shop is 5/8ths or less. Most of my minor midget and up players are going with less. And there all pretty good players. I have maybe 10 out of all my customers at 1/2 only a couple goalies at 3/8ths If the sharpen is level the pressure is even and consistent you dont need to ho so sharp.
  12. Sovwhats to become of them? 9 out of 10 is pretty high. I would have thougt maybe 3 4??
  13. To be honest your post looks different from when I orginally read it so I cant even find it now. And no it was simply a comment. As I have said to anyone having issues if the skate is way out then there is a scan issue not a shot at you at all.
  14. SMU. You stated in your post that "the scans were wrong initially" it is a direct quote. I would have empathy if I wasnt dismissed so readily at the beginning as youbhad said your pro shop were amazing and it couldnt have been on there end. People make mistakes and that is the first line error when it comes to these skates. If the scanner is off your skates won't be right. Back to topic pleaseeeeeeeee.
  15. That's really funny you say the scans were wrong??? Pretty sure I said that from day one. Now after 900+ fits next time will people listen? Nope.
  16. You sure they didnt input your card on the screen? All skates go through the True online app unless they are Pro Minor Pro or a specialty order.
  17. Not you he was referring to SMU. Alan has reposted the exact account of his dilemma every time. And while we all feel for him with the issue. We are all pretty much over hearing the entire story that is no so long it takes up an entire page with 3 or 4 other responses. But I have had the same success with fitting of Pro Stock boots. Just took the original measurements and checked to see how close and so far all but 2 have been very good fits. One came back after a couple skates but sold that skate again to a rec player that had odd feet and was able to make them work. Have a great day!!!
  18. I dont know what to tell you. in the 3 years I have been fitting these skates the red has always been the top cap liner. Not and extra and never taped.
  19. If the Foam is red that's the liner foam not added. All added foam is black.
  20. I didnt think so. But lighting is key
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