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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. Amazing man. So nice to chat with. And an amazing skater.
  2. But you cant play a game with no laces so while strengthening may happen it's not practical. Its interesting
  3. But shouldn't the blades be realigned properly to do this? Doing this on skates with bad alignment makes zero sense? Aligned yes....
  4. You need to go to LA. Daryl Evan's I believe his name is skates with no laces at all. Great teacher and awesome gentlemen. I personally disagree but after talking for hours with him we came to a mutual understanding of the bio mechanics and his theory.
  5. How about not ruin a perfectly good helmet and void all warranty and or protection standard for a 10 year old. A you need is something going wrong and the plastic getting weak and some stupid person taking a slap shot and hitting the kid on the head.... You may laugh and say BS... it happened. Kid got a puck in the forehead and the paint caused the plastic to go soft. Lucky only a few cuts and a concussion. Dont paint helmets...please
  6. Personally after reading all of this.... it's being way over thought. One major issue I keep finding on boots is where we might think blade center is is not necessarily center. And definitely not center for each individual. I have started mounting or recounting blades with 1 rivet in the front and one in the back where I feel it's right for that customer. So far the success rate is far higher than when I would guess were center might be and make it so. Using the inside of the center of the boot on the heel has been huge. And its amazing how far off some skates are. Including customs and top of the line skates.
  7. Probably referring to the steel. Although I did 2 weeks for holders. Back log.
  8. This goes for all profiles on any skate. If your not balanced in your boot and it doesnt fit really well to start all this pitch and blade contact really means zero when it comes to the best performance. I used to be of the thougt a profile cam solve any issue. After spending this summer really researching and working with many pros again I have found proper boot fit and set up is far more important than a crazy profile set up. The issue I see the most is people reallllly want a specific boot and so on and its bot the correct fit.
  9. There are external and internal ones. The external is same as you see with most skate lifts/shims. However, I have found a guy to make ones that are white so they blend in with the holder much better. The internal is a proprietary system and material. Who's did you see @Buzz_LightBeer?
  10. And here they are in action. You can see the Boosts under the left front of the holder.
  11. I'd say they are most similar to the XL2000 molded tip.
  12. Correct. The new material imo lasts longer and is more durable
  13. 10000% agree. Here are some straight up facts about all 3. True. QC isnt where it needs to be. Bauer. Absolutely the worst for blade alignment. CCM. The worst for protection although for the right foot comfortable. As @Nicholas G says you just have to pick your poison.
  14. I'm at 970 and counting. I rarely see these glue issues. My issues are forgotten embroidery and that's been maybe 5 or 6 times?
  15. Curv is not moldable is the biggest issue.
  16. No they do not. Just a moldable foam. 😉
  17. I disagree. Had 2 high level guys had them since last Christmas and no issues with shot blocking. And the best part was less wear...
  18. An attempt was made to get them in he exact same spot on the ice. There is no trickery here. Its straight science. Watch Austin Mathews shoot 2 years ago and then again last year. Hes much more upright and in control of were the puck is going. And again there Chiros and other medical staff all say they were in improved health as it came to sore backs knees and so on.
  19. Definitely a service. And @Vet88 you can send in new skate info and the calculations will be done forbthe different model and sent to make the adjustments.
  20. So an update. I also work with some great support staff at the Pro Skates I work with in the summer. And in talking to the chiro that works with a bunch of the guys using the Hockey Stability system all of them improved in there flexibility and decreased in pain in areas of issue in past injuries. Including guys like Austin Matthews JVR and Connor Brown. And many more. Those are guys I've worked on skates for personally though that she worked on..
  21. I'm pretty stocked on XS black and regular I'm sure most others are y now as well as Nash had a bunch months ago. And no issues shipping if not in Canada. (If not available where you are)
  22. CCM XS has been out for a full season at Pro level. I haven't heard of a single issue. From what I cam tell and have been told the tower is stronger in the back on the XS and the blade movement after a season is relatively non existent compared to the B Trigger. My son had then since Christmas and just took them off for the new True holder. So far liking both. Although the True is lighter with the shorter blade. He doesnt seem to feel any difference at the moment. So all is good. I'd highly recommend the XS if your wanting the taller steel and quick release.
  23. Pro Sharp with Diamond Wheel. IMO. More sharpens and more consistant. Do you have diamond wheels on them now??
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