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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cavs019

  1. The skates generally require a cool down period before use after they are baked. He basically went wild on synthetic ice while the materials were in their pliable state.
  2. From a technical standpoint (fit notwithstanding) the Makos are a phenomenal skate, and I think most of the gearheads here on MSH would agree. However, our population (or people who are overly concerned/interested with the technical aspects of a product) represents a small percentage of the broader hockey playing community, and what I've seen is that the demographic buying an $800 skate is your typical PHEW-type player who is more concerned with aesthetics than function. This is where the Mako fails in my opinion, as I've heard things like "it looks like a rental skate" being thrown around my LHS and local rink. The unfortunate reality is that regardless of performance, concept, features, or fit, people will spend $800 on the Bauer alternative because "its prettier." This obviously isn't a new concept but it certainly applies here. /rant.
  3. NHL players are the extreme when it comes to being a creature of habit. I don't think anyone is making that dramatic of a shift ever, let alone mid season.
  4. My CLs in a 13 have longer fingers than my Franchises or Bauer 4-rolls in the same size, and I'm not alone in holding this opinion.
  5. X90 = 7.0 = X60? +/- some variance in spec? Any idea what the MSRP will be?
  6. New wheels. Finalized the setup with the tuuk swap this weekend.
  7. If you end up not liking them consider me first in line to take them off your hands. I LOVE the XXX gloves.
  8. What size are your 95s?, I'm a 7 narrow guy also.
  9. Just write what you want in the additional comments section. I requested no stripes on the backrolls and only on the cuff roll and thats exactly what they did for me.
  10. As JR said, those are as retail as they come. Say goodbye to your anklebones as you once knew them.
  11. If you don't mind me asking, what size hustlers did you pick up and also, what sizes have you worn in other pants? I'm a RBK medium and cant decide if I should go medium or large.
  12. I don't think its a step forward, or backwards for that matter. It's an entirely different skate.
  13. ......as I scratch my planned trip to go buy XXXX's off this weekends to do list. :)
  14. I went to go buy two 87 Naslunds this afternoon and apparently my LHS (a FLD) already sold the two Naslunds they received. Is this only a limited release or are most shops getting more in around the 15th like they do with every other NBH product?
  15. Drew I've got a pair of near new black GX 3000s if your looking to buy/trade.
  16. Chadd what's the fit/sizing like on the 94's?
  17. uhhhhh........what's the curve on those CNT's?
  18. What is pro stock about them?
  19. Tuftek is way more durable than carbon, end debate.
  20. Maybe put some lightspeed 2 holders on them, they are taller and should provide more clearance on sharp turns.
  21. Where did you find that Hemsky.....I'm in love with that curve.
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