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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cavs019

  1. Looks like a QRL - HG12/11K love child.
  2. He actually produced tonight for once so I imagine he'll stick with that twig for now. Signed, Disgruntled Drouin Fantasy Owner.
  3. My guess is no- but you can order boots with traditional eyelets, particularly the tech mesh V cuts.
  4. On that note- has the stance changed at all on being able to get boots cut an eyelet lower? If I'm paying for custom skates I'd prefer to lace the boot all the way up rather than having to leave the top eyelet undone.
  5. PM9 is about half an inch shorter and 10 grams lighter than P92 though!!!!
  6. Is that a red tuxedo cummerbund where the bottom stripe is supposed to be? I also hate white shoulders on dark jerseys- as both a player and a TV viewer.
  7. Anything sub 400g is already too light. The XN10 felt like shooting a bowling ball with a straw...and that was 10+ years ago.
  8. I might end up giving these (or Trues) a shot- Id love to find a modern skate where I don't need to leave the top eyelet undone. Do you guys know how much lower they are in terms of boot height vs. say a 1X or Jetspeed? Last retail pair of skates I had that I could lace all the way up was the old One90. My sense is that my V shaped D/AAA high instep foot might work with these off the rack. Hoping I don't need customs to accommodate a narrower heel.
  9. Cage size has more to do with the length of your face than the size of your helmet. That said, how a cage fits you helmet to helmet may vary depending on how high or low the mounting screws are, and if you have the clips flipped up or down.
  10. I don't get the issues people have with the aesthetic. They're literally all black skates with a silver accent. Pretty non-offensive from my perspective.
  11. I think he's saying True +3 forward is slightly more forward than his VH/CXN combo, not True's base pitch. Sounds like -1 + TUUKs is probably the ticket for me.
  12. Sorry to ask this again guys- I think it may have been lost as this is a super active thread. Hopefully ordering my first pair this weekend: How is the pitch on these compared to Graf? I had 703s and 735s way back and absolutely hated the "on the toes" feeling they provided. Neutral to negative Bauer pitch has always worked. Is this something Vh/True would be able to explicitly accomodate when constructing the insole/outsole? I'd be ordering them undrilled for LS Edge installation. Another obvious solution is profiling or lifts but I'd prefer to have the neutral pitch built into the boot/holder as opposed to having to rely on someone sharpening my skates at a consistently high level. I don't trust most of the shops near me to be able to do that without butchering prior work.
  13. Bengals vs Seahawks?
  14. Hopefully this means the entire god awful Quicklite line is being turned over.
  15. I'm a bit late to the party on these- quick questions for the VH gurus after digging through 115+ pages: - My favorite boot of all time is the old Bauer One90- it's the last retail boot I could lace all the way to the top eyelet and I think it helped springboard the "no negative space" wave along with MLX IIRC. Would these be somewhat similar? - How is the pitch on these compared to Graf? I had 703s and 735s way back and absolutely hated the "on the toes" feeling they provided. Neutral to negative Bauer pitch has always worked (with some profiling to fine tune) Is this something Vh/True would be able to accomodate when constructing the insole/outsole? I'd be ordering them undrilled for LS Edge installation. Thanks guys.
  16. I can't think of many plays in-game where a goalie can track the shooter for an unobstructed 100 feet.
  17. Most NHLers can shred goalies apart when they get looks in high percentage scoring areas. They hard part is actually getting to those scoring areas- which has nothing to do with goalies. But I digress...
  18. Fixed that for you. But yes- these are terrible. The US and Canada jerseys look like bobsled/alpine skiing suits.
  19. I need to finally pull the trigger on those custom V cuts. Good lord.
  20. Less silver paint, more black paint. Application of red paint appears to be about equal to the 2016 model.
  21. VHapor 10s? Those are absolutely beautiful.
  22. Drouin was using something akin to the old AK27 last night. My first thought was he found some old Kovalev stock lying around in the MTL stick room :)
  23. It looks like a non-grip X60 from 2010. Hopefully this means they will release black tapered blades again.
  24. Matthews also actually uses a P92 which helps the "I want to be like Auston" narrative for the younger folks.
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