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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

shoeshine boy

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Everything posted by shoeshine boy

  1. those are pretty sweet! who did you go through to get them?
  2. nope that's the Ice Complex in the northern "suburbs" of Atlanta. it's a brand new rink that opened in August of this year. the league is not rink affiliated. REALLY nice facility. :)
  3. Technically we're not playing but..... Summer season CHAMPS!!!! :)
  4. kind of both those are beautifully composed pictures.
  5. are you doing special stuff like a Hossa cuff?
  6. just curious, whom did you order through?
  7. very nice TBL gloves. classic look. :)
  8. my first pair of Warrior customs were 12 inches (no inserts) and my second pair were 13 inches (with inserts). I felt that there's a HUGE difference in size between 12 and 13. probably a bigger jump than between any of the other sizes.
  9. those are very nice Warriors. I'm considering building a pair replica Kovalchuks from his Atlanta days.....
  10. I love those gloves. I was so tempted to buy the pair on Ebay last week that I ALMOST pulled the trigger. glad I didn't though because my gf would have been pissed! lol!
  11. thanks. I could see the silver shield liner even though the pants were on the bottom of the pile. folks around me were asking for RBK and CCM pants, most of which showed marginal wear. I said to Bobby the EQM, "what size are those pants with the yellow liner?" I was already determined to get them if they were even CLOSE to my size. :) they're a little small but I'll make them work!
  12. my purchases from the Thrashers equipment sale: Marty Reasoner's gloves: I like that the name is stitched in the glove color. palms are in decent shape. one friend got Recchi's CCM branded MIA gloves in brand new condition. apparently I just missed some unused Kovalchuk's that were going for $125. Warrior pants: $25 in new condition. VERY pleased with this pickup. they also had tons of sticks (bypassed that line) and lots of shoulder pads. by my calculation I got $400 worth of gear for $55! :)
  13. the Eastons are great gloves. the fingers are just a little long for me so they may go up on the shelf.... the Team USA gloves however, will definitely be used!
  14. I came home to 2 boxes on my front porch! Dupuis gloves for the Pens 3rd jerseys: bought off of Dupes. can't decide whether to repalm them and use them or put them up on a shelf. Team USA Bauer 4 rolls: I always wanted a pair of Team USA gloves. this is my first pair of Bauer 4 rolls. I must say, I'm impressed with how comfortable they are.
  15. I've had 2 pairs of Bauer Vapor 8 skates with perf steel. the first set of steel lasted 5 years and only changed out because I wore them down. the "new" pair of skates also has perf steel and is still going strong after 2 years. of course, I'm just playing beer league....
  16. lol! no kidding! I bought a pair of Vapor XXXX's last winter. I'm breaking them in slowly but it really throws me off how much lighter the new skates are!
  17. yep, I'm still skating in vapor 8's and mine do that. great skates though!
  18. I got them from Pure Hockey. probably paid more for them that I should have ($185) but they were so awesome that I had to have them.
  19. you may be talking about mine: they were my first pair of Eagle PPFi's and my favorites of the 5 pairs I own.
  20. I'd say it's Oilers / the old Vancouver navy. pretty dark.... yeah, I'm not really a fan of white gloves either, mostly because I don't have the skill to back up flashy gear :lol: but I figured I'd buy them anyway. they are brand new, never used. now I have a complete set of MIAs: 1 carbon, 1 tufftek and one leather.
  21. my new Eagle PPFi navy gloves from the $99 Hockey Monkey deal: MIA gloves bought off of Ebay:
  22. personally I hate the white stitching that Warrior does down the front. when my custom Franchises got here I went to the craft store and got a black fabric marker and a maroon fabric marker to "color in" the stitching. you could probably also use a Sharpie but I went with the fabric markers just to be sure. results can be seen here: custom franchises
  23. nice! are you going to "color in" the white stitching on the navy?
  24. that's maroon. the red is much brighter. I requested silver/gray outline for the print but I think Warrior goofed it. it wasn't a big enough deal for me to send them back. I got these through the Pro Stock Hockey Gear deal so including the Kovy pro style and number on the thumb I paid $237 which included shipping. I think that deal goes until 6/1. Ice Warehouse has/had a similar deal for 15% Warrior customs which came out to a similar price with the options I had.
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