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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yrhmblnr8r last won the day on April 1 2020

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Community Reputation

69 Good

About yrhmblnr8r

  • Birthday 09/13/1976


  • Skates
    1st Gen Mako
  • Hockey Bag
    St. Charles Chill
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 16k
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9044
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior Projekt
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM V08
  • Gloves
    CCM Pro, Bauer APX, Eagle PPF
  • Stick

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  1. Thanks wedtside. You’re right, I saw the youth, but too small. I might try hockeytron. Thx
  2. I need to find one of these Firstar sweaters in a SR Large or X-large. We had a guy pass away and we’re giving the last sweater he ever wore to his family. His buddy is going to adopt the number, though, so I need at least 1 replacement. I’ve found some options that are close, but not exact. Any chance some MSHer has this exact sweater or knows where I might find one? https://imgur.com/a/Ul7HVro
  3. Fair enough. I was more concerned with sweat absorption if I chose the wrong type. I guess it can always be taken out and redone if it gets too funky.
  4. To that end, what’s the recommended material to add when you don’t want to steal from a donor pair? I’ve seen removed backhand padding for sale (shipping usually makes it not worth it) but shouldn’t I be able to grab foam from Michaels that would work?
  5. If volume isn’t the issue and you just want to cover the stitching, something like this would do. http://thepalmsaver.com/about_us No need to rip apart donor gloves when peel and stick is available.
  6. 30” x 20” x 13” for my Sparx
  7. I use 1 part isopropyl alcohol, 1 part Hydrogen peroxide, based on a recommendation someone posted here years ago. Just spray your gear when you spread it out to dry after your game. It’s good for keeping smell at bay, so I start with a good cleaning first.
  8. The 2021 Dawg Bowl is going on right now at the Edge Ice Arena in Littleton, Colorado. https://www.dawgnationhockey.org/events/dawg-bowl/ Our silent auction with plenty of hockey-related items available ends tonight at 7:00pm MDT. https://e.givesmart.com/events/mlc/i/_All/ For anyone out-of-state, I'd be happy to pick up your items and arrange shipping, depending on size/weight/etc. Just message me here if you want to work something out.
  9. You’re good. Unless it rubs wrong or the adjustment clips slip, why would you need to redo it?
  10. The cage is a senior large. I can dig around my spares for comparison pics tomorrow if you would like. Lmk.
  11. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions. Here's a full album: https://imgur.com/gallery/dLH3Tas SOLD $60 14” Custom pro stocks made by MF2. Mesh gussets. Loops and liners are intact. I patched a hole through the 1st layer with PalmSaver. See pics. Gloves are near new and not yet broken in. I just have too many. MF2_pics $100 Pro Stock Colorado Avalanche Thirds Team issue. These are a pro model so the palm does not zip off. Wear on the pointer finger and thumb were patched with palmsaver. See pics. Size 13” but fit like a 14”. Last pic is a side by side with 14” Tacks for reference. The Tacks glove is not part of this sale. Avs3rd_pics $50 Large Ottawa Senators Pants RBK MHP520 Two-piece pants. Buttons are solid. Zippers zip smoothly. Board burns on the hips. See pics. SensPants_pics $OLD 75 Itech Titanium cage SR Large The first titanium cage on the market. Very light. New, old stock. All hardware and packaging included. SOLD $40 24 New Champion Adult All Sports Team Mesh Pinnies Scrimmage Vests Yellow. Pinnies $275 SOLD LA Kings Jerseys team set of 21 SR Large SOLD
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