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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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haha my cat is actually too big for her litterbox. She once jumped in it and was ready to do her thing, except her butt was hanging outside the box. Three of us sat there watching, like it wouldn't actually happen. Alcohol was involved this time too, but I can't say it would have turned out differently if we were sober.

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Jebus DS......you are going to end up being one of those weird, 65 year old geriatrics, sitting in your wheel chair in your boxers and slippers, watching Drew Carey on The Price is Right at full volume with 2 cats on your lap, one on your shoulder like a cracked out parrot, and one licking the bottom of your slippers.

Good luck with that. ;)

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And the problem is .........

My backyard is like the end of the rainbow for homeless cats. Gemma, Darcy, and Jamie just showed up. Gemma over 7 years ago and Darcy over 3 years ago. They were both feral. It took three months before they would let me touch them. Jamie showed up in June. He must have run away from his owners because he arrived already spayed. Chester and Dylan are from two different shelters. Deb saw Dylan on TV at 4AM and that's how we found him. Tiger was a week old kitten crying in my father-in-law's garage. We fed him with an eyedropper. He is about 7 years old now. I clean a lot of litter boxes!

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How do I get the cat spray smell out of my hockey bag? I had to buy a new bag it was so bad! I won't tell you cat lovers what happend to the culprit but. ;)

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Any idea what to do about a cat that goes in front of the litter box? This cat is so much fun, but it's frustrating to let him in from the big outdoor kitty litter, only to have him leave number two in front of the box. We've tried bleaching the area, putting food dishes nearby, or letting him out more often. The only thing we can think of trying is one of the auto-cleaning machines.

Is it an enclosed litter box ? Some cats don't like the enclosed boxes because it smells pretty rank in there, the cat could have a uti which makes them think the pain is coming from the litter box rather than their equipment. If the cat just one day stopped using the box take it to the vet rather quickly as this can be a sign of a serious medical problem.

Is the cat declawed ? Declawing is actually like amputating the first part of your finger, its painful and some cats don't like to use the litter box afterward because it irritates their paws.

Take the food dishes further away as they don't like to eat where they go the bathroom.

Keep the litter clean (change it everyday) and try a new litter maybe the corn based stuff. Stuff like lemon scented or other perfumes are actually pretty big turn offs to cats, additionally some don't like the dust associated with clay based litters.

Make sure to keep the area they are peeing on very clean if the scent lingers they may figure that is just where they are supposed to go.

Make sure the box is big enough for the cat and is located in a quiet place that isn't blocked by a more aggressive/dominant cat.

Remove any mats that may be near the box as generally they don't like this sort of thing.

You may have to put some effort into training the cat to not pee outside the box, its unlikely because they really do like the litter box.

How do I get the cat spray smell out of my hockey bag? I had to buy a new bag it was so bad! I won't tell you cat lovers what happend to the culprit but. ;)

Honestly getting a new bag is probably the best solution, if not here are some products that can get the job done.


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my cats both drink out of the dogs bowl, which is about 5ft from theirs. although it is on the counter. lazy cats. oh, and it's an irish wolfhound, the dog. so the water is disgusting after its been out a day

That's a HUGE dog!

GF's cat loves to drink out of the dog's bowl. The dog is an asshole and cracks it at the cat whenever it drinks out of the bowl.

I hate that freak'n cat!

haha yeah he is, he's a year and a half old, and steals things out of the sink, and back of the work top. haha

yeah my dog barks at the cats when they do that too.its funny though, they dont seem to care lol

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Well, I think Rose just used a few of her lives. Went to take the clothes out of the completed drying cycle and all I hear is meow. Turns out the cat that survived the coyote attack and countless encounters with dogs went for an entir spin cycle. Dad's gonna be pissed it lived, its looking like a broken rib may be all that happened.

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Here's a few of Marvin. He came from the barn where my sister keeps her horses. He has a brother that still lives there and they were the only two in the litter. I haven't weighed him in a while, but he was close to 20lbs a year or so ago. Definitely the smartest cat I've ever had; he plays fetch with those elastic hair ties girls wear and he'll drop it right in your hand every time.



Doing his best Snoopy impersonation.


In his cast after breaking his radius. He disappeared for a few days, during which we had a couple really bad storms with tornadoes and everything. He showed back up soaking wet with a broken leg, but otherwise fine.

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I have 3 cats, Misty, Simba, and Lucky/Fred (has 2 names). All rescued out of the street, 1 by me. I'll put up some pics if I get a chance but I love cats as well!

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