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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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-people who can't spell, or use proper grammer (some are just good people though)

G-R-A-M-M-A-R. Sorry bro, I just didn't want you to hate yourself.

Darn, with such a huge post, I should have added a disclaimer for typos. Consider this formally the disclaimer: I hereby am not responsible for typos contained within my typed replies, whether previously typed, this current post, or any/all in the future.

Oh and Mack, I live in Eastern Massachusetts in a middle-class household. Trust me, too close to civilization for my liking. Only good thing: close proximity to hockey rinks.

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I hate when I wear my new black Element hoodie (that I got for christmas) and my black jeans and people say, oh he's emo today.

People doing drum beats in the middle of class on their desks, when I'm trying to work

People kidding new shoes every month when their others are fine (thinking of someone in particular)

People who have a little chip in their sticks and pick at it, and then get a new stick (same kid)

People calling them selves by their own names (EX: Dougie8 hasn't read that post)

Ugly girls thinking their super models

Super hott girls saying they're not hott

Idiot coaches

people who think there Bobby Orr

bad reffing

Sidney Crosby-Complainers/Whiners

Slice/Hook (golf)- double bogey's or higher


Playing in a small town, not getting noticed

Awful hockey players that are all talk and no show

ppl who are not tough at all and say " you wanna go, lets go"

the emo/goth fad/phase

kids who hit and are mean to girls, and guess what? they get the girls

Stepping in dog crap

Slow drivers

People who wreck my poster for a school project!

A teacher assigning something in class thats big and saying its due tomorrow

teachers who smell bad

People tlking/coughing/making noise while your taking a swing (golf)

People stepping in your line

People who cheat in tournaments (kid cheated and tied me for second place)

Dial up internet!

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dirty people

ugly teachers with thongs

drunk friends who try and kick your ass

pretty boys who get w/e they want.

people with new shoes every month


bad grammer

sidney crosby

slice or hook (golf), 3 putting


ugly girls

people trying to be tough but never wanna fight (hockey)

ass kissers

hot girls who date pretty boys

playing double A

shitty coaching

people who think there Bobby Orr

bad reffing

snowboarding with slow people

cocky kids


hot girls who think there ugly

breaking OPS

when the remotes busted

no food in the house

people who get there mom to do everything for them

teammates with no finish

waking up early(unless its for hockey)

taking out the garbage

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when a girlfriend bitches at you for no reason and its magically your fault

Welcome to the rest of your life, my friend.

Later on, when you're married, you'll be replacing "girlfriend" with "wife" in that statement.

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when a girlfriend bitches at you for no reason and its magically your fault

Welcome to the rest of your life, my friend.

Later on, when you're married, you'll be replacing "girlfriend" with "wife" in that statement.

and you'll change "magically" to "always"

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kids who hit and are mean to girls, and guess what? they get the girls


my current peeve is a few students in my college classe that are immature and constantly get the teacher off subject soon as she walks in the door so we waste 20 minutes talking about the steelers or something in math class. Its college, if you dont want to be there, then leave.

and I'll add

girls that flirt with boys, but have boyfriends already.


girls that say they're going to marry Joe Blow, but fight with them 4 nights a week


girls that say your the perfect boy, then breakup with you.

I've got some animosity towards women currently.


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-people who can't spell, or use proper grammer (some are just good people though)

G-R-A-M-M-A-R. Sorry bro, I just didn't want you to hate yourself.

isnt it G-R-A-M-M-E-R? maybe im wrong... im not kidding i don kno how its spelled

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Slow computers

People who suck at stoping cars(like when the car stalls forward on the stop then throws you back..)

people who move to North america and don't learn to speak english

Dirty house

I'll think of more.

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People who talk about things when they are wrong but pretend their right.

Overhearing a conversation and knowing the thing they dont know.(Hard to type out what I mean but hears an example)

"So is the lockout over yet?"

"Hmm. Im not sure"

Meanwhile your hearing this and want to but in on this strangers and tell them the answer.

AHHHH that bugs the hell out of me.

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When you ask someone a yes/no question and they give you an answer that takes half an hour.

Cars that:

a)Have a stereo system worth more than the car and insurance combined.

b)Have tunes pumping out of them and the music is something along the lines of the Britney Spears..etc.

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When you ask someone a yes/no question and they give you an answer that takes half an hour.

Something to add to that, when they answer with "I don't know" all the time.

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-Fat chicks that wear clothes that take probably an hour to stretch big enough to get on.

-Stupid girls that can't spell (there's a lot at my school.)

-Suck ups to coaches, teachers, etc.

-Sidney Crosby

-Kids that like a player after he makes a good play, and thats the only reason why. (For example, Marek Svatos. Nobody even knew him last year. I loved him the first time that I saw him. Now all of the kids saying that they love him just because the realized that he's beating Sidney Crosby in the rookie scoring, and claim that he's been their favorite player forever.)

-People that copy other people. *Cough* Tim Damico *Cough* (svatos37, boulderhockey638, and dangle4u would know.)

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-Fat chicks that wear clothes that take probably an hour to stretch big enough to get on.

-Stupid girls that can't spell (there's a lot at my school.)

-Suck ups to coaches, teachers, etc.

-Sidney Crosby

-Kids that like a player after he makes a good play, and thats the only reason why. (For example, Marek Svatos. Nobody even knew him last year. I loved him the first time that I saw him. Now all of the kids saying that they love him just because the realized that he's beating Sidney Crosby in the rookie scoring, and claim that he's been their favorite player forever.)

-People that copy other people. *Cough* Tim Damico *Cough* (svatos37, boulderhockey638, and dangle4u would know.)

Yeah all that stuff bugs me too. A kid in my math class was like I really like that Svatos. and he plays hockey, but he doesn't know a thing about the NHL players that aren't on the highlight reel everynight

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when a girlfriend bitches at you for no reason and its magically your fault

Welcome to the rest of your life, my friend.

Later on, when you're married, you'll be replacing "girlfriend" with "wife" in that statement.

and you'll change "magically" to "always"

lol....so true.

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When you ask someone a yes/no question and they give you an answer that takes half an hour.

Something to add to that, when they answer with "I don't know" all the time.

ahhh my girl-friend answers like 80% of my yes or no questions with "i dont know"

what do you want to do tonight? -i dont know...

where do you want to go eat? - i dont know....

could go on forever... haha that REALLY bugs the hell out of me.

overhearing a conversation that i could give insight to bugs me, too. its usually the WORST at games tho where i could easily turn arround and give an answer, while the other two argue about it.

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Guys that walk around school flexing all the time trying to be hard.

hahah we have a few of those at my school, most of them have the I.Q. of a rock.

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