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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Supreme? -> Bauer ONE90

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Boy,are those ugly lookin skates;)

I wouldnt buy those,if they were a hundred dollars.

Why is the tongue so low, and the boot looks really flimsy.

I actually like the look and judging durability based on a couple of pictures is pointless.

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Boy,are those ugly lookin skates;)

I wouldnt buy those,if they were a hundred dollars.

Why is the tongue so low, and the boot looks really flimsy.

I actually like the look and judging durability based on a couple of pictures is pointless.

Actually Chadd I take back what I said the more I look at them the more I like them, the top eyelets look angled forward too much though.

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I don't know. I'm not a fan of the eyelet orientation - almost 90 degrees up. Reminds me of the 99-00 Supremes. Tendon guard is tall - but I wonder if RR&D took my advice on making the boot lower-cut - I had those issues with the 8090 and suggested it to them.

They had some problems with that Supreme lacing didn't they? Alot of kids (regionally) were having issues with the pressure and cuts from it. I get a serious Quest 1 vibe from the skates. They are unique looking close up, but I wonder if they'll look as obvious on TV.

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Hey guys, i heard of the one90 like 5-6 month ago...but i was told it would be on Nike skate...any info why they changed to bauer line??

By the way, these skate felt pretty light...(like all the new light skates) and I got told IT WAS SUPER CONFORTABLE...kinda like Kor is doing with their ''ultra moldable skate'' suppose to fit very well your foot..and like some said...it would be with clear holder

i was suppose to shut up...but since everyone talk about it right now...

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hey you guys

youve said it looked very ugly.... not... its so hot in real life!!!!!! ive saw them and its so cool. and also ive tried them (but not on the ice sry) and they have a such good feeling. its is (pardent my french) its soooooo f***ing light its like half the weight of the flexlite literaly. plus the see thruw tuuks are like tinted with a purple color with little shiny spots on it(a litle bit like on the seeling of this plane) 860642.jpg. and also well your right about the boot being so thin but its really stif and it protects well also the tending protector (the thing thats sticks out in the back) is soft so you have a more explosive movement


im saving all my money for them cuz its so worth it

ive heard that professional players have tried them and they said they were the best skates ever and that they were able to do things that they never did on the ice

BUY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if ever nike/bauer want to give them free to me cuz of this great puplicity ive gave them well ill be happy as a clown

peace out!

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hey you guys

youve said it looked very ugly.... not... its so hot in real life!!!!!! ive saw them and its so cool. and also ive tried them (but not on the ice sry) and they have a such good feeling. its is (pardent my french) its soooooo f***ing light its like half the weight of the flexlite literaly. plus the see thruw tuuks are like tinted with a purple color with little shiny spots on it(a litle bit like on the seeling of this plane) 860642.jpg. and also well your right about the boot being so thin but its really stif and it protects well also the tending protector (the thing thats sticks out in the back) is soft so you have a more explosive movement


im saving all my money for them cuz its so worth it

ive heard that professional players have tried them and they said they were the best skates ever and that they were able to do things that they never did on the ice

BUY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if ever nike/bauer want to give them free to me cuz of this great puplicity ive gave them well ill be happy as a clown

peace out!

That just might be the most opinionated post ever made. They will not make you a better hockey player.

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hey you guys

youve said it looked very ugly.... not... its so hot in real life!!!!!! ive saw them and its so cool. and also ive tried them (but not on the ice sry) and they have a such good feeling. its is (pardent my french) its soooooo f***ing light its like half the weight of the flexlite literaly. plus the see thruw tuuks are like tinted with a purple color with little shiny spots on it(a litle bit like on the seeling of this plane) 860642.jpg. and also well your right about the boot being so thin but its really stif and it protects well also the tending protector (the thing thats sticks out in the back) is soft so you have a more explosive movement


im saving all my money for them cuz its so worth it

ive heard that professional players have tried them and they said they were the best skates ever and that they were able to do things that they never did on the ice

BUY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if ever nike/bauer want to give them free to me cuz of this great puplicity ive gave them well ill be happy as a clown

peace out!

picture doesn't work :(

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Yeah I think Colink just gave us all a huge lesson on directed marketing and persuasive writing. ;) I also wonder how many times people will shoot the price out in this website...the wrong, or Canadian price as well.

I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say they have many Nike characteristics. The side looks like sharkskin or something. If they're custom fitted, then I'd imagine they must fit like a glove. Very interesting, I'd like to see them first-hand. I wonder how much Bauer is gonna charge us for this skate...probably like 2 million Rupees, 15 million Lira, 5 thousand Sheckels, 2000 Kronas, 1200 Canadian? Hahaha.

JR, once again you have come through for your flock of hockey-mad MSH sheep. Well done. The NSA could learn a thing or two from your stealthy workings. Now what I want to know, is what you had to do exactly to get those pics???? Hmmm....

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