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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Supreme? -> Bauer ONE90

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my boss got pulled a side with only 6 other high profile skate dealers and was shown the skate, and he said its like lighter than any other skate ever. its has a longer holder for more glide. and its clear holder looks incedible on the skate. and about it being carried in a silver box is BS

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my boss got pulled a side with only 6 other high profile skate dealers and was shown the skate, and he said its like lighter than any other skate ever. its has a longer holder for more glide. and its clear holder looks incedible on the skate. and about it being carried in a silver box is BS

OT, but where do you work?

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I can see where there is a resemblance to the quest skate, but in the shape only, and the laces are the laces that come with Nike skates lol. The ankle tapers in more than my 5090s and I think that is what makes it look a little like the quest or V line. From the pics, it looks like a beautiful skate in my humble opinion. Props to Bauer for NOT making the skate a bunch of weird colors.

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i was at the sens practice today and havlat, alfredsson and fisher were using the one90s. the holders look like shiny silver from far away. Havlat left half way thorugh the practice and changed back to his vapor 10s

yeah and they are supposed to be the only ones to have them.

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I have the new Snergy 1300 skate and it is an incredible piece of skate technology. I personally like the stiffness and it is amazingly responsive on the ice as well and the most comfortable skate I've ever pulled on. No pinch or pressure points anywhere from day one. The toe area is a little snug ( normally I wear CCM's) but that's just a matter of fit adustment. I also have a pair of 04 Pro Tacks which are also phenominal skates. For me to prefer the Snergy's over the Tacks is amazing considering I've loved CCM from day one. Another skate I've considered trying is the new KOR skates which are the same concept as the Snergy skate but their heat mouldable but still light carbon composite design. I personally think we are at a crossroads in skate design and Easton and KOR are just the beginning of the newest skate technology. CCM and the mesh metal design is another indication of things to come.

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so who is wearing the ONE90 at this point? ive been in 8090s and i have a way to get these i just want to see them on somebody before i go about getting them.

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so who is wearing the ONE90 at this point? ive been in 8090s and i have a way to get these i just want to see them on somebody before i go about getting them.

I would want to actually try them on and see if they were worth the money. Seeing someone else wearing them doesn't really mean anything.

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nono i meant to see how they look i kno that has no bearing on how theyll perform and all i was really just lookin for a picture kinda...team order im not paying so

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Was Lindros wearing the new Bauer One90 last night? Saw a picture in The Toronto Sunday Sun (will try to scan it)

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last i seen of lindros in camp, he was wearing what looked like tacks to me. kinda odd since i thought he was a bauer guy

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last i seen of lindros in camp, he was wearing what looked like tacks to me. kinda odd since i thought he was a bauer guy

I know what pic you are refering to, but no, he wore XXXs. In the pic you refer to you saw another guy's leg with CCMs, but the perspective really made it look like this was Eric's leg. I had to take a close look to realise the evident mistake:


Pic of him wearing XXXs.


Not sure about last night, but it's likely he wore ONE90s as he will reportedly be one of the first to sport them.

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It looked like he was wearing some fort of Supremes last night, but I didn't see a close-up of them. I figured he went back to his old 8000's, but like I said, I didn't get a close up.

Those are likely Steen's Pro Tacks. I was surprised they are so nice looking. Tack's have never really stood out as a "sharp" skate for me, but these are nice.

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last i seen of lindros in camp, he was wearing what looked like tacks to me. kinda odd since i thought he was a bauer guy

I know what pic you are refering to, but no, he wore XXXs. In the pic you refer to you saw another guy's leg with CCMs, but the perspective really made it look like this was Eric's leg. I had to take a close look to realise the evident mistake:


Pic of him wearing XXXs.


Not sure about last night, but it's likely he wore ONE90s as he will reportedly be one of the first to sport them.

lol i thought that was lindros's leg too! youve really got to look closely to notice.

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He used an XX last night, but I'm sure they are wood. They look "off" and everytime I see them his blades are wood underneath, which you can see because he doesn't tape his full blade.

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Never know until you get concrete proof but I am sort of leaning towards actual XX because if it was wood I would think they would have done a XXX paint job. You are the one who was at the game though, he was using a woodie when I went last Tuesday against Boston.

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Just browsing over at another sight and they claim the list on these puppies will be around $800.00 Canadian. The person also claims they will be well worth the scratch.

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