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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission bucket

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as i watch the leafs game right now, there are a ton of players that are wearing the new mission helmet. surprising, considering how little hooplah there has been about this thing

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Yeah, and Lindros is sportin the new One90's...getting some good looks of them cuz he's getting his ass knocked around by Chara, and all you see are his feet up in the air.

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I just watched the B's and Canadians, saw LOTS of RBK helmets and equipment tonight. One Canadian had a Mission. Not a bad looking helmet. But saw a lot of older CCM helmets too. Still RBK had the show for sure.

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I just watched the B's and Canadians, saw LOTS of RBK helmets and equipment tonight.  One Canadian had a Mission.  Not a bad looking helmet.  But saw a lot of older CCM helmets too.  Still RBK had the show for sure.

Dagenais, Ribeiro and Ryder (I think) are all wearing Mission lids this year.

[EDIT] A quick check of the NHL Gallery confirms that Ryder is wearing Mission...

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im guessing the bucket??

ya i was watching the blues at wings too...M. shanahan got in two fights..well there was a brawl..but he was the center of it..and the second one he just creamed someone..anyways..the commentator said that this year theres a new rule that if you instigate a fight in the last five minutes of a game..you get kicked outa that one..get a game misconduct and the coach gets fined $10,000

I thought that was crazy..how they will fine the coach..theres not much the coach can do about it. the commentators didnt really like it either.

wings suck. :D

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I just watched the B's and Canadians, saw LOTS of RBK helmets and equipment tonight. One Canadian had a Mission. Not a bad looking helmet. But saw a lot of older CCM helmets too. Still RBK had the show for sure.

One :blink: , Ribeiro, Dagenais and Ryder all have it for sure, and I don't know about the rest of the team.

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im guessing the bucket??

ya i was watching the blues at wings too...M. shanahan got in two fights..well there was a brawl..but he was the center of it..and the second one he just creamed someone..anyways..the commentator said that this year theres a new rule that if you instigate a fight in the last five minutes of a game..you get kicked outa that one..get a game misconduct and the coach gets fined $10,000

I thought that was crazy..how they will fine the coach..theres not much the coach can do about it. the commentators didnt really like it either.

wings suck. :D

It's so the coaches don't send out thier goons at the end of the games.

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ya..i understand that..but alot of the times the players just go at it naturally..im assuming that the players will be paying the coaches back..or else be doing alot of skating in practice.... :ph34r:

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I think it is going to replace one of the itech helmets because most itech helmet user are now switching into it any way.

i think richard park refuses to swtich to the mission bucket...he's still using the itech!

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Alot of guys for the Habs are wearing the Mission helmets this year. But Dagenais switched to an RBK helmet (He's been wearing one for the last few games)







Are the guys ive seen wearing them.

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I think it is going to replace one of the itech helmets because most itech helmet user are now switching into it any way.

It's not the same helmet as the Itech - they're just trying something new.

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only to some degree. back half looks to be the same. front half is a modified mold. new hole configurations.

We'll find out for sure in a month or so.

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Is anyone still using the Itech helmet? Seems as there are tons of Mission helmets, at least in the games I've seen so far, but I haven't seen any Itechs yet.

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Saw Bertuzzi still wearing the Itech HC-100 in the Edmonton-Vancouver game last night.

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