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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you were an NHL'er

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Skates-Bauer 8090 w/T'blades

Sticks- Adrenaline Control, XXX's and XXX lites with a Blake pro pattern in my name


Helmet-Mission Intake

Pants and other protective- The one I have now

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for sticks? i would go with the M-1, or Hex-1, Yzerman Jr. Type Curve

Skates - Mission S500's or RbK Pumps

Gloves - Eagle X70's

Helmet - That sexy Mission Helmet with an Oakley visor

Protective - RbK protective (elbows, shoulders, pants, shins

Now my team? :D

Avs or Flyers

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Keep my XXX skates but a free pair whenever i want, and the new One90's.

My Rbk/Oakley setup on my noggin.

Custom XXX gloves,

Full Jofa/Rbk under the jersey.

8000 pant

all the sticks: easton and bauer

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-Nike Flexlite 12

-Bauer 5000, Itech HC100, or Mission Helmet with a smoked tinted Oakley Visor.

-Vapor XXX Gloves in either Black and White or USA color or Team Colors

-SL's in all black with grip, Vapor XX Stick'Um's, Stealth Grips, and my Custom Innovative shaft similar to Kovy's except a different color fade. (Yeah I pulled that one out of my ass, but it sounds good)

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Helmet - Bauer 8000

Visor - Oakley Aviator

Shins - Rbk 8K or Bauer 8000

Elbows - Nike V-14

Shoulders - Rbk 8K

Pants - Tackla

Skates - Custom fit Rbk 9K pumps

Sticks - Rbk 5 K shaft or Bauer Vapor X shaft with Christian short hosel blades

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Helmet - Nike 0004

SHoulder - Nike V12

Elbow - Nike V12

Pants - Nike PRO

Nike Blue Undershirt

Shins - Nike V12

Skates - you guessed it Nike V12

Gloves, TPS HGT Nylon, w' leather cuff and leather one piece fingers

Sticks -

-Offense - XXX 87 P92, Apollo PT3 87

-Defense - RBK 7k 45kp RP. Novius 260 modanoish pattern

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Helmet: Jofa 690 old style padding, not the current model. Just like I wear now.

Visor: Itech HS22 Wave or Oakley straight small.

Shoulder: Itech 660

Elbow: DR EP44

Pants: Tackla 5000 or 9000

Shins: Don't know, still can't find the perfect shins

Skates: S500

Gloves: TPS R2 with inserts, 14" with +1/4" fingers

Sticks: TPS R2 XN10 R flex

Blades: wood unless I could find a comp that feels as nice as the old Response/2004 christian comp/Salming G series comp blades

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helmet-reebok 8k helmet with itech HS22 pro wave visor/tint

custom Mia gloves.

vapor XXX skates.

easton stealth grip- easton synergy sl- bauer vapor XXX lite- innovative true 1

jofa 8k-shoulder shin and elbow pads.

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Skates: XXX or 9k pumps (which I have't seen anyone using since orentation camp?) :huh:

Gloves: undecieded between eagles, XXX or synergys

Helmet: RBK or 8000 with Oakley or Itech visor

Sticks: Adrenaline or ST/ST grip

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Helmet - New Mission lid or Nike 0004

Shoulder - Nike V12

Elbow - Nike V10

Pants - Tackla Air 9000

Jofa "Pro issue" undershit

Shins - Nike V12

Skates - Mission S500

Gloves - Eagle X70 SE with plastic inserts and Goatskin

Stick(s) - Stealth Grip with a modified Parrish curve.

Everything i have now except for the new mission helmet :huh:

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I'm takin' y'all back


Any of these models but custom fit; CCM original 652 Super Tacks, 1st generation CCM 852's, Mega Air 90's, maybe the old Supreme Comps, Fedorov Nikes.


DR Centaurions




Old school Flaks, some modified Douglas pads, or those old Easton Donzis pads w/ orang padding, black shoulder caps.


I forgot what they were called, but there was a Louisville TPS model w/ black padding and white plastic plates over it.


Easton GX1350's. Or possibly Easton PLD's in nylon, kinda like the ones Kovalev wore in Pitt. (at least that's what they looked like to me)


Custom length and flex Easton UL shaft (original brown kevlar weave) w/ a custom easton Z-carb, no focus flex, and no crappy silver paint job.


Nike 0004, w/ an oakley visor, I think modified straight cut, no vents. Sweet.

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helmet - bauer 5000, HS22

gloves - the new nike gloves

stick - id try millions of sticks

skates - one90, or if those don't fit, flexlites

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I forgot what they were called, but there was a Louisville TPS model w/ black padding and white plastic plates over it.


The beginning of the end of HB when they discontinued that line of hockey gear. By then Douglas had already stopped making the shoulder pad that HB copied to a T. HB owned that SP model, the elbow pad was awesome, and poof, it was gone. "Like I told you, what I said, steal your face, right off your head."

JR, give me the year they stopped with that line.

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I forgot what they were called, but there was a Louisville TPS model w/ black padding and white plastic plates over it.


The beginning of the end of HB when they discontinued that line of hockey gear. By then Douglas had already stopped making the shoulder pad that HB copied to a T. HB owned that SP model, the elbow pad was awesome, and poof, it was gone. "Like I told you, what I said, steal your face, right off your head."

JR, give me the year they stopped with that line.

Flexor went bye-bye in what, 1996, 97?

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I forgot what they were called, but there was a Louisville TPS model w/ black padding and white plastic plates over it.


The beginning of the end of HB when they discontinued that line of hockey gear. By then Douglas had already stopped making the shoulder pad that HB copied to a T. HB owned that SP model, the elbow pad was awesome, and poof, it was gone. "Like I told you, what I said, steal your face, right off your head."

JR, give me the year they stopped with that line.

Flexor went bye-bye in what, 1996, 97?

The good old days when the 2nd tier equipment guys had some good products and you could always rely on them when the big boys ran out of product.

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Stick- Stealth grip, SL,ST grip/non,inno tru-1 and maybe even a warrior but ifnot then hex-1 shaft and wood blade combo ALL CUSTOM CURVE

Helmet - Bauer 8000, RBK 8K, or even that new mission one id try

Shoulder - Top of the line RBK/JOFA

Elbow - Top of the line RBK/JOFA

Pants - CCM 852's

Shins - Top of the line RBK/JOFA

Skates - RBK 9K,RBK pump, Bauer XXX or One90`s and even those KOR skates id try

Gloves - Eagle x80,easton synergy 1300??,bauerXXX all with goatskin and plastic insterts

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Here's my list.

Skates: Custom Fit Vapor XXX's

Helmet: Bauer 5000

Gloves: Custom Vapor XXX's

Sticks: Custom TPS Responces (Pluses and XN10's) but I'll give every stick company a try too. Of course with my very own custom heal curve.

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G35's with LS2, Stealths or SL's, Oakley Mace gloves, Bauer 8000 or Nike V12 protective equipment and a Reebok helmet.

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lid: nike 4000, no visor

shouldies: bauer sp 60 or my "fedorov" itech techlite/jofa hybrid (ill have pics when done)

elbows: rbk 5k

pants: tackla pro stock, +2 inch length, zippers and suspenders

shins: jofa 8090

skates: custom graf 705/g5 with tuuk or ls2, or custom bauer 7000, 8000, or 8090

gloves: either custom pro ccms (like holik), pro bauer xxx or xx, or id some how get someone to make my original hespeler classic lites (ie easton or eagle) split fingers on all, two pairs of each one knit, one leather

sticks: 50, 54, and 58 inch custom length, 105 and 110 flex, sand paper grip easton ultra lite shafts with my custom woodie (bauer p71-ish) or some custom length/pattern sher-wood 5030 or 7000s

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RBK 8K helmet with itech mirrored

Nike V-14 Shoulder Pads

Nike V-14 Elbow pads

RBK 8k Shin Pads

RBK 8k Pants xtra Wide

Bauer XXX Gloves

RBK 9k The Pump Skates with LS2

TPS Adrenaline/ XXX Lite Pro Stock Regular Flex Lidstrom Clone (same as easton, but really 1:1)

yes that was it :D

but i want to play there, where Elias played last year in Europe

white pant, white gloves, white jersey... :o :)

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Itech Hc95 helmet with Ovechkin style visor

Nike V14 protective

Custom Easton Z-air gloves in nylon

CCM Pro Tacks pants

Custom white 735s with light speed 2

As many Flyweight 8/5 shafts with custom wood blades as possible

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Skates- Graf G9's (best heat mouldable skates)

Shins- RBK 8k

Pants- Tackla Air 9000

Shoulders- RBK 8k

Elbows- Bauer 8000's

Gloves- Eagle customs: split fingers, leather, mustang palms, loose cuffs

Bucket- Itech hc100, Itech HS22S Straight Cut Tinted Half Shield

Under- Underamour jock and Under Armour Coldgear

Sticks- One of everything just to try out, but most likely TPS XN10

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