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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you remember when ?

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Goalies would laugh if they saw the Cooper "Jacques Plante" style mask I wore from 1969-1972. Cheap plastic with pieces of foam inside. Can't remember the model # but was the first production mask for us goalies, until that came out we went pure Gump Worsley!

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Yeah, I also didn't wear a wire cage from 68-76. Remember those silly plastic and foam things that your wore over your mouth to "protect" from a puck. Sometimes they were mandatory at a hockey camp. They attached to your ear loops on the helmet. I finally got hit in the mouth by a puck going about 2 mph and ended up with a "dead" tooth. The next day I bought a ProTec wire mask for my SK-20 helmet. I also collect old sticks from antique shows, flea markets, and garage sales. I have lots of old Northland Custom Pro with the straight blade and the fibreglas tape wrap on the blade. I have an old Northland with the paper label from the 30s or 40s. I have a mint Sher-wood stick from the 50s. My big find at Brimfield, Mass was a Spalding Lester Patrick stick definitely from the 30s. As I said in another thread I have over 75 pairs of old 50,60, early 70s gloves. These are Cooper, CCM, and Winnwell. The gloves are heavy leather with long cuffs and leather laces on the side wrist. They are "mitts." Essentially, they are the gloves I didn't have the money for when I was a kid and always wanted.

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We were having a discussion like this and the subject of the old Cooper blocker pad came up:



It got me to wondering about the waffle design, in which an array of holes are punched in the leather. According to Wikipedia these holes were there to reduce weight, but I strongly doubt that's what motivated it. I suspect it has something to do with water management -- perhaps providing a vent to prevent condensation or giving some stress relief in the leather for expansion/contraction when it gets wet/drys off.

Can anybody enlighten us?

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I remember being one of the last kids to switch over to a skate with Tuuk holders from the old metal ones. It was such a fun thing to blow the ice out of the holders until you got that snow in the eye. I think CCM Mustangs were my first skate with Tuuk blades.

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My first love, CCM 752 Kevlar Tacks w/ white Pro Lite 3's. The love I had for those can only be compared the love of a first g/f even though neither was the right fit for me :lol: . Yep. I'm a gear whore.

For me the same can be said of the Ultra Lite shaft when it first came out.......Bauer Composite skates, precursor to the 1st Gen. 5000 Skates

- Chrome Gretz shaft (never got my hands on one cuz a senior was $100 dollars!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

- And oh my, easton airs. How I love those impossible to break in GX1300's and 1350's or any variation of them. Pure glove porn.

- Now that I'm older and realize my weekend warrior dreams will never lead me to the Show, I find myself gravitating back to my GX1300's and 5030 woodies. Sigh, the good ol' days.

EDIT: 1st skate crush was actually 652 Super Tacks w/ RBK Pumps! White heel wedge was so sexy, even if I didn't know what it was supposed to do LOL.

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Sticks- I liked the Red Titan 2020 sticks because the blade didn't soak up as much water, but I swithed to Sherwood 5030's in school because they wouldn't special order my Titans. It was either Sherwood, Koho or Christian.

Gloves- I liked the leather Koho professional. I think the model was 750 or something. They had diamond inlayed on the backrolls.

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I remember my first hockey stick was a straight blade wooden Cooper. Then after that I started to use Titan's and Koho's for both ice and street hockey because they had the fiberglass blades. Those were great for hockey during recess time at school =)

Back then I knew nothing about equipment and it was more about the game. Didn't know what puck feel meant, flex, lie, characteristics of a good stick/equipment and all these other terminologies that are embedded into hockey equipment.

It seems now that a stick over 450g is considered heavy while back then sticks weighted a few pounds hahahaha.

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I have a Northland Crackshot in my parent's den right over their fireplace.

I remember having a Pierre Turgeon Victoriaville stick when I was younger. Dates myself a bit

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Recently bought an Easton Carbon Tip shaft - cant find anything on it so guessing it's pretty old.

Also have a Titan ASD 200 woodie, i think it's about to die so stopped using it.

My old mission skates in the cupboard are one of the first they sold i think.

Gotta hang on to all the old gear

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Anybody remember those ball hockey gloves they had come out with? They were gloves about the shape and size of construction gloves but with padding. I think they had a couple of color combinations. Red top with white plam comes to mind.

Also, anyone here remember playing with "pitounes". That's the name we gave to those pucks that had come out with somewhat soft rubber on the outside and hard and heavier middle to give it more stability. It was to be a mix between an official puck and a rubber puck.

I can't remmeber what model it was but I had bought a Titan with a wooden blade instead of the regular fiberglass blade that never split opened but only got thinner. I loved that Titan stick with a wooden blade. It was a Titan Forsberg or at least a Forbserg Pattern or something. I seem to remember seeing Forsberg on it somewhere. Lightest stick at time I believe too. I had played a couple of games with it on the outdoors rink near my friend's place and had left my stick at his place. upon my return a couple days later, I got my stick to go play only to find out that the blade was split opened at the heel. I was so pissed off as I had left it there in mint condition. His dumbass brother had used it on cement. A 20 dollar stick at the time, which was pricy in those days.

The skate sharpening machines where you'd lose about half of your blade if your were lucky. If not, you'd lose a whole skate and miss the game. I still see some of these machines around at some places and still can't believe that there are people still using that

Artis or Artist (can't remember) hockey sticks. They were the cheapest sticks out there in price and quality. I remember my cousin giving me a set of used goalie gear with the two piece C/A and the works and a Artis goalie stick. it was so heavy and the blade on that was almost a inch thick lol. Broke on the first wrist shot I faced. Had to finish the game with a player stick.

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Lange skates were a big deal back in the day, although the skates I miss the most are my Micron Medallic Golds. I bought them on closeout in the 80's and could never find a replacement.

The first aluminum shaft I purchased was a CCM and I still have an Easton Gold that I use for ball hockey.

I'm old enough to remember "Playmaker" and "Rally" hockey equipment. The Rally stuff was endorsed by Bobby Orr, that made it really cool back when I was 8. :D

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I remember when I was a peewee and picked-up my first pair of Nike Quest gloves (Lobster-Thumb) in my hands and new I wanted to become a product designer.

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My favorite stick was the Easton convex aluminum with the silver tip. i used a 110 flex when i was about 5'5 and 125 pounds! i didnt know better at the time. i scored my first HS goal with that!

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My favorite stick was the Easton convex aluminum with the silver tip. i used a 110 flex when i was about 5'5 and 125 pounds! i didnt know better at the time. i scored my first HS goal with that!

I played beer league against a guy who had one of those. one game he cranked up a shot and broke it. he looked like he was going to cry right there and then. he was so upset he made the mistake of tossing it over the glass incurring a 2 minute penalty.

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Remember the Silver easton with green writing?--I think it was a brett hull stick? I loved that stick.

Got one in the basement, Easton HX 480 with a Titan Blade in it. I still use it for pond hockey.

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First Easton aluminum shaft. It was royal blue with yellow writing. I got it from my neighbor when it was too small for him and I thought it was the coolest. Later ended up getting the gretzky one and another that was silver with red writing. Also, as others have mentioned flak shoulders, specifically the ones with the little pieces on the shoulder caps that looked like carbon. Those were great shoulders for the time.

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The two best things of the "past" are the R2XN10 and the original Fury composite blade. Luckily, I have a little stash of R2XN10s but sadly, none of the Fury blades... and the only tapered Fury blade I tried was NOTHING like the original standard blade I had.

My favorite glove fit, Vapor XXX. Again, luckily I still have 3 pairs.

They're not nostalgic but it's those older versions of modern technology that I miss.

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My favorite stick was the Easton convex aluminum with the silver tip. i used a 110 flex when i was about 5'5 and 125 pounds! i didnt know better at the time. i scored my first HS goal with that!

I played beer league against a guy who had one of those. one game he cranked up a shot and broke it. he looked like he was going to cry right there and then. he was so upset he made the mistake of tossing it over the glass incurring a 2 minute penalty.

If this was a USAH game, he should've gotten a dime for tossing it over the glass per Rule 636c - Throwing Stick. I've had to call this one time, in an adult game, and I felt like a jerk for having to do it. The guy had two halves of a stick and I knew what he was going to do, and I kept yelling at him "Drop the stick! Don't throw it over the glass! Don't do it!" I wasn't all that far away from him and I'm not especially quiet, but I think it just didn't register what I was saying or why I was saying it.

Canadien 9001 aluminum shafts

I still have mine! Ordered it from Great Skate for around $45 with money earned from my paper route.

I also loved my old Cooper SK600 helmet, that thing was comfortable as heck on my head. and most of my youth hockey was played wearing long Cooperalls.

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