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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The future of hockey padding?

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Wrist protection would be another great application. No bulky cuffs or elongated elbow pads. It could be integrated into the wrist or forearm of a shirt or a standalone wrist pad.

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Wow...I've never heard of such a thing. I say get a patent on that really quick as this could be huge!

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- Kids

- Really clumsy people

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Wow...I've never heard of such a thing. I say get a patent on that really quick as this could be huge!

- Sports

- Law enforcement

- Construction

- Military

- Kids

- Really clumsy people

I would imagine they are working on that.

Although the exact chemical ingredients of d3o are a commercial secret,

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I'm pretty sure that spyder site is just for the downhill suits, not the suits with armour. At this point i'm pretty sure just the olympians have access to it. But once i get my hands on it...

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Oh, I'm so wearing this for Halloween! (if there was a Superman costume design)

"Hey, I'm Superman, the man of steel!"

"No you're not, you're bloody fat!"

"Oh yeah? Punch my gut then"



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Hmmmm I think I've seen this stuff before. At slow speeds it is soft and flexible. At high speeds, it act like a solid and is very rigid.

Where have I seen this before. Oh, I think I have it figured out. The secret ingredient is...Silly Putty. ;)

Very cool stuff. Kinda science fiction.

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if anyone can use that to replace hockey gear then it's game over for the rest... if i was reebok or nike i owuld put some serious money into this.. buy the company that came up with this stuff if you have to.

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if anyone can use that to replace hockey gear then it's game over for the rest... if i was reebok or nike i owuld put some serious money into this.. buy the company that came up with this stuff if you have to.

I pray they don't buy that company, they would retard the use of it so they could use more and more each year.

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with a major company like reebok or nike it would come out a hell of a lot faster. will they jack you for everything your worth for it... yes but it's better then waiting 10 years or more for a small company to bring it out.

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i think one of the best applications of this would be for undershirts and neck guards.

You can't use anything hard for neck guards. You need it to be soft...so that it absorbs the skate blade in case of impact. If it were hard, it would deflect and slide off. That is why neck guards are terrycloth.

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Put this stuff on the base layer in case of pucks then put a soft terry cloth layer over it to be able to absorb skate blades.

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