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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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A "different" customer who demands special treatment after purchasing one piece of equipment is unlikely to get special treatment from me. Someone who has been a regular customer and has purchased some sticks, gloves, pants and little johnny's last two pair of skates from me may not even have to ask for special treatment.

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After arguing my manager came in and what does he do? He gives her a new one. My manager is a softie and won't stick up to anyone.

That is the worst. It makes you look like an imbecile. If I was the manager I would have told the lady it was time to leave the shop or I would call the cops. I don't take bullshit from people. I run my own store (not a HS, and online only), but we get calls from asshats. I don't think they expect it when I tell them that they're being rude and I won't deal with them. Shuts them up really quick. Some people just think yelling is going to solve the problem. No - being honest will help solve the problem. I don't have problems with customers who call yelling at me if their problem was my fault and is correctable through me. I have problems with the ones that broke their own stuff and call and yell at me.

That's like SouthWest Airlines. They try to treat their customers properly, but when push comes to shove, the customer is not always right because their employees are valued.

"The customer is always right" has been taken to an extreme in some places.

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Thats not my point, my point is that warranty's have to be made through the company and I can do nothing about it. I told her that at least 10 times.

So why would you have given a new stick to someone from your town? We don't have an LHS in my town, so I have to go somewhere else. I hope they won't discriminate against me just because of my address.

Don't get me wrong, I think the woman you described was way off and you dealt with her the right way. But why make an exception for someone local? As you said, it's Bauer's policy that warranties are made directly through them.

Megamandan does have a point. Store loyalty should be rewarded. Nothing strange with that.

But store loyalty is different than being local... unless that is what he meant by "local"...

Thats what I meant by local. I meant regulars. I know it's not through bauer but I would have told them my manager was in the building and I'm sure he will be able to do something for you.

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Anyone here have some bad experiences from the other side of the table?

I ordered a visor from my LHS on April 4th, told I would get a call in 2 weeks "for sure" to let me know if it's going to be a straight up order, or if I'm going to need to put down a deposit. 2.5 weeks go by and I call, and am treated rudely when I ask about my visor. I called again today after 3.5 weeks at about 11 in the morning, the guy said he's going to lunch but would call them as soon as he got back from lunch, find out what's up with my visor, then call me back. It's 5 o'clock, the store's closing, and I'm going to another game with my rusty old cage :blink:

I just find it really hard to support my LHS when I could have bought the same thing online for 10 bucks less and had it in my hands a week ago........

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My own philosophy is this:

"The customer is not always right, but they are always the customer."

Without customers, the store/service is non-existant. Do what you can to keep your current customers and gain new ones. This does not mean that losing a few is going to kill the business, either. Also, it can actually help the business grow if employees see the owners/managers stick up for them. The customer shouldn't see the manager go over the employees head - that's just not cool.

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I dont work at the shop but its right opposite the rink shop and i think its really harsh what people do to the guy who works there.

When new skates come out eg. RBK 9K's, they ask him to order them some, then they try them on and say they will buy them next week and then they buy them off the internet once they are fitted.

I think its harsh because he has gone out his way to get the NEW expensive skates for you and fitted them for you and its also not exactly like he is raking it in.

If he's special ordering in stock for a customer (especially if it's expensive and not something he wants to have on his shelf) then he's kind of a fool to not ask for a non-refundable deposit.

Nothing says commitment like laying out some cash you'll lose if you don't complete your end of the bargain. You are right though, people that get the service and then give their business elsewhere are dicks.

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

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A "different" customer who demands special treatment after purchasing one piece of equipment is unlikely to get special treatment from me. Someone who has been a regular customer and has purchased some sticks, gloves, pants and little johnny's last two pair of skates from me may not even have to ask for special treatment.

Perfect phrasing Chadd. I do all my shopping at 2 different shops. One is in a rink and the other is a free standing store. There are almost always the same people there and they all put in the effort to call me by my first name. I never ask for any favors but every once in awhile they throw me a bone. ie - throw a roll of tape in my bag if I am buying some new socks or a stick, give me a discount on an item if I am buying a lot of stuff

There are times my wife looked at the receipt when I got home and asked where I found a coupon and points out that I got a discount that I did not know was there. The service I have always received makes me go back to them. Little things like this stuff just makes it that much harder to shop online.

When I was in sales years ago, my manager would always say people don't mind paying a little more if they get good service.

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

I hate that. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to just cut the damn laces.

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together  in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

I hate that. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to just cut the damn laces.

especially when the laces are all brown coloured i dont wanan touch those. or when there wet from just playing and they dont have the courtesy to wipe them down

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together  in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

I hate that. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to just cut the damn laces.

especially when the laces are all brown coloured i dont wanan touch those. or when there wet from just playing and they dont have the courtesy to wipe them down

Yeah, "mystery" wet skates are the worst... Or when someone wants a skate re-riveted and there is standing water on the footbed. Ick.

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that has also happened to me exept i did come right uot and say can you wipe these laces down or take them out i mean the laces were yellow and the skates smelled like my whole hockey bag it was brutal!

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

The local PIA does the exact opposite. You bring your skates, not tied together, they sharpen them and tie the knot, even if your there waiting for them. It really pisses people off, because they do it even if you ask them not to, if I recall. Needless to say, I don't go there for sharpenings, but its funny when you know more about the equipment than the guy behind the counter.

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together  in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

I hate that. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to just cut the damn laces.

especially when the laces are all brown coloured i dont wanan touch those. or when there wet from just playing and they dont have the courtesy to wipe them down

Yeah, "mystery" wet skates are the worst... Or when someone wants a skate re-riveted and there is standing water on the footbed. Ick.

I can't believe all the stuff you guys have to put up with! Although, customers have to put up with alot of BS too, especially at the bigger hockey stores.

I went into Pure Hockey to get my skates sharpened and asked the guy(nicely) if he could replace a missing eyelet on my skates. He said that he didn't know how to do that. If he can't replace an eyelet, how well do you think he sharpens skates?

I went into Zwickers and asked (on several occasions) what their regular groove was. They insisted it was 1", I had another LHS measure the hollow, it was exactly 5/8". I also asked Zwicker (politely) if I could get a 9/16", and they guy said they have 1" and 1/2", that's it.

How about the kid at Pure Hockey that doesn't know exactly what it does, but is authorized to put a custom radius on your skates "magically"?

Or the guy at Pure Hockey that scoffs at playing in Men's Leagues because he is "too good", but never played after High School?


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I went into Pure Hockey to get my skates sharpened and asked the guy(nicely) if he could replace a missing eyelet on my skates. He said that he didn't know how to do that. If he can't replace an eyelet, how well do you think he sharpens skates?

I went into Zwickers and asked (on several occasions) what their regular groove was. They insisted it was 1", I had another LHS measure the hollow, it was exactly 5/8". I also asked Zwicker (politely) if I could get a 9/16", and they guy said they have 1" and 1/2", that's it.

How about the kid at Pure Hockey that doesn't know exactly what it does, but is authorized to put a custom radius on your skates "magically"?

Or the guy at Pure Hockey that scoffs at playing in Men's Leagues because he is "too good", but never played after High School?


Which pure hockey did you go to? I have received nothing but good service from them (I go to the one in Malboro), except for the time where my friend gave me a gift card and it wouldn't go through. In fact, their service saved me from buying an SL once (the time when they were BRAND new, their employee told me he tested one and broke it on the 5th shot). But yeah, I haven't had any problems with them at all.

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Which pure hockey did you go to? I have received nothing but good service from them (I go to the one in Malboro), except for the time where my friend gave me a gift card and it wouldn't go through. In fact, their service saved me from buying an SL once (the time when they were BRAND new, their employee told me he tested one and broke it on the 5th shot). But yeah, I haven't had any problems with them at all.

The first 2 instances were Marlboro, the last instance was in Nashua.

Generally, you are right, the Marlboro employees are helpful. A kid named Ryan spent more than 1 hour helping me try on skates.

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Small complaint: Customers who bring their skates in for sharpening tied together  in a knot that I can't undo unless I use needle nose pliers. The only reason I bring this one up is it happened 20 minutes ago. I left the skates tied together in a knot, sharpened them, and handed them back to the guy. I'll let him and his kid figure out the problem they created for themselves.

I hate that. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to just cut the damn laces.

I have. $3 for laces, please!

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You won't believe this but it happened in the shop to one of the guys last week: A customer came into the shop with her son. She was complaining that her son's feet were hurting very badly with the new hockey skates he had on. Brian looked down at his feet and told her it might be more comfortable if the right skate was on the right foot and the left skate was on the left foot! He had the skates on the wrong feet! She wanted to know how she could tell which was the right or left! I won't mention which country she was from but we get people from all over the world here. At least she did not ask for "skating shoes." I usually get that request once every weekend.

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Short list

1. the OPS flexing is ridiculous. I put up a sign to say "don't do it. The flexing may damage the stick you decide to buy." Then I ask them if they can read English.

When I saw Martin St.Louis flex his stick 2 or 3 times in the Gatorade commercial, it reminded me of this thread. LOL, no wonder there are so many broken sticks in the NHL!

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A customer came into store today with new Grafs for her kid. She had no problem telling me she went to a competetor and wasted their time having them size her kid and try on their skates,, knowing full well she was going to buy on ebay. Too bad for my competitor (I don't stock Graf no more). At least I made some money on sharpening and baking. :-)

These kind of customers are scum! Next time if she wants to try on skates, there will be a fitting fee for sure.

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Short list

1. the OPS flexing is ridiculous. I put up a sign to say "don't do it. The flexing may damage the stick you decide to buy." Then I ask them if they can read English.

When I saw Martin St.Louis flex his stick 2 or 3 times in the Gatorade commercial, it reminded me of this thread. LOL, no wonder there are so many broken sticks in the NHL!

I thought that too...but at least HE's flexing HIS stick...not every stick on a rack.

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A customer came into store today with new Grafs for her kid. She had no problem telling me she went to a competetor and wasted their time having them size her kid and try on their skates,, knowing full well she was going to buy on ebay. Too bad for my competitor (I don't stock Graf no more). At least I made some money on sharpening and baking. :-)

These kind of customers are scum! Next time if she wants to try on skates, there will be a fitting fee for sure.

With Graf's pricing structure you can't save that much by buying online.

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