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Why do guys with half shields get mad

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I agree, but why do you say the seatbelt anaolgy dumbs down the arguement, and then use that exact analogy twice to support your position? ;)

I meant that it's a pretty good analogy for dumbing down the argument for others here who don't seem to get it. The idea that people who wear cages or support wearing cages are also all for the reckless use of high sticks and shoddy play is ridiculous. I think our position is the exact opposite- don't be reckless, keep your sticks down AND wear full facial protection. Hockey is a contact sport with assumed risk, you need to limit your risk if you don't want to get hurt.

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Quoted for truth.

Aside from what I've repeated ad nauseam, there's really not a whole lot more I can say to be "constrtuctive."

In fact, I would assume none of you believe in car insurance, because apparently accidents never happen.

I'm actually amazed that any beer league wouldn't 100% require players to wear cages for insurance purposes.

I have car insurance because I know that there is always the potential that an accident can happen. That said, if some jackass can't control his vehicle and hits mine, I am still going to be pissed. I have health and dental insurance for the same reason and guess what, if some jackass can't control his stick and hits me, I am going to be pissed.

Leagues don't care because the coverage that they carry is usually only for catastrophic instances and barely, if at all, covers the minor incidents that most people's normal health insurance would cover.

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No one is saying you shouldnt be pissed when you get hit....at least I dont think so. I get pissed when someone recklessly high sticks me in the cage (though it just happens so rarely). I think most are disagreeing with the generalization that cage wearers are reckless with their sticks. I just do not see that to be true....as I stated earlier, I may just be in a good league.

Posters here just need to differentiate the reason for anger. Getting hit can make you mad, and justifiably so, regardless of intent. But getting mad that you sustained an injury that could have been prevented by a cage is on you.

In short, IMO:

Getting hit with a stick and getting mad is OK. Yes players should be better with stick control. Anger due to injury that could have been prevented with a cage should be at least partially directed inward.

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I really have nothing more I can add to this conversation that hasn't already been said.

If you don't wear adequate facial protection, you're taking a chance, simple as that.

But, whatever.

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No one is saying you shouldnt be pissed when you get hit....at least I dont think so.

Thread title:

Why do guys with half shields get mad, when...........

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How does this sound: If you are wearing a visor, you assume some amount of risk due to the nature of hockey. Regardless of what you wear, let's all keep our sticks down.

Case closed. :D

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How does this sound: If you are wearing a visor, you assume some amount of risk due to the nature of hockey. Regardless of what you wear, let's all keep our sticks down.

Case closed. :D

As someone with a cage or without one, if you high stick me because you're an idiot, you assume the risk of me getting pissed.

Case double closed.

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case opened for a second.... Its just funny to read this thread because whether its wearing a visor, no shoulder pads, shins over, or anything that could lessen protection its all PP and most incidents that happen in the rec hockey are due in large part to careless play rather than a hard play on the puck and trying to lift a stick - which also has bothered me in this thread. The reason missed stick checks can result in face contact is because they are expecting to make contact with the stick so when it is moved that energy never hits the stick and continues to the face (which actually is much easier than u think, most battles for the puck both players are very low and closer to the ice). It's like swinging and missing on a slap shot. You hit the ice, miss the puck, and go flying because that contact that you were expecting never happened and the energy meant for the puck now has you paralell to the ice.

sorry that was a tad long.....Case closed again

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case opened for a second.... Its just funny to read this thread because whether its wearing a visor, no shoulder pads, shins over, or anything that could lessen protection its all PP and most incidents that happen in the rec hockey are due in large part to careless play rather than a hard play on the puck and trying to lift a stick - which also has bothered me in this thread. The reason missed stick checks can result in face contact is because they are expecting to make contact with the stick so when it is moved that energy never hits the stick and continues to the face (which actually is much easier than u think, most battles for the puck both players are very low and closer to the ice). It's like swinging and missing on a slap shot. You hit the ice, miss the puck, and go flying because that contact that you were expecting never happened and the energy meant for the puck now has you paralell to the ice.

sorry that was a tad long.....Case closed again

Guess that would make it all the more reason to wear a full cage?

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I accidently high sticked a guy recently, got caught in a tangle and as I pulled my stick out I didn't see him coming. Stopped straight away apologised, the guy shoved me and we ended up going. It was just a friend's pick up and ended up putting the guy on his arse. <_<

A pity some guys cannot accept an apology and want to escalate the matter quickly. The pick up organiser ended up ripping through the guy at the end telling him that if someone does it by accident and apologises straight out then don't go fighting him. I still feel bad for sticking him, but not for popping the guy back.

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I agree that you're playing at your own risk when wearing a visor or nothing at all. I started out with a cage and hated it. Moved to the visor/cage combo and liked that. But then I switched to a half visor. If you get nailed with a flying puck — that's your fault but a stick shouldn't even be up in your face in the first place — I think there is a penalty for that ;)

With that being said, none of us are pros (that I know of) and we're not getting paid to play. I'll be picking up a visor/cage combo once I re-join a league. Till then I'm just doing clinics and open hockey, I'll wear the visor. Unfortunately, I think that I lost my old cage/visor combo :( Will have to buy another...

I accidently high sticked a guy recently, got caught in a tangle and as I pulled my stick out I didn't see him coming. Stopped straight away apologised, the guy shoved me and we ended up going. It was just a friend's pick up and ended up putting the guy on his arse. <_<

A pity some guys cannot accept an apology and want to escalate the matter quickly. The pick up organiser ended up ripping through the guy at the end telling him that if someone does it by accident and apologises straight out then don't go fighting him. I still feel bad for sticking him, but not for popping the guy back.

Why feel bad? You defended yourself.

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He feels bad about the sticking, not the defending himself I believe :)

Ah yeah i took it as the "sticking him in the face with my fist" not "sticking him in the face with my stick". DUR me.

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I accidently high sticked a guy recently, got caught in a tangle and as I pulled my stick out I didn't see him coming. Stopped straight away apologised, the guy shoved me and we ended up going. It was just a friend's pick up and ended up putting the guy on his arse. <_<

A pity some guys cannot accept an apology and want to escalate the matter quickly. The pick up organiser ended up ripping through the guy at the end telling him that if someone does it by accident and apologises straight out then don't go fighting him. I still feel bad for sticking him, but not for popping the guy back.

It's funny that you mention this, as I did similar thing to a guy a few nights ago but with opposite results...

I was parked in front of the net on the power play, battling for position with the opposing D-Man. As the two of us were jostling back and forth, I shifted to face the shot from the point and accidently caught him with a high stick. I immediately apologized and checked to see if he was okay.

Later on while on the bench, the player that clipped poked his head around the glass and called me over. He said not to worry about the high stick and that it was just part of the game in front of the net. We tapped gloves and that was it.

I was genuinely taken aback by his display of sportsmanship, as most guys usaully don't have that much class.

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Thats the way it bloody should be Sed27.

For the record I wear a visor.

He feels bad about the sticking, not the defending himself I believe :)

Spot on Phunk, must be an Aussie thing or something. ;)

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That is how it should be. For some reason, a good amount of players that wear a visor just do not want to admit that no matter how careful players are there are just to many uncontrolable variables in hockey. You will get hit eventually.

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The problem is that "usually" there is no apology.... more often we hear nothing or some comment about how we should be wearing a cage.

Not in my league, or any pick-up game I have ever played in. In the 2+ years I have been playing I have never heard that type of reaction. It is always an apology, or nothing (if the player was unaware of the hit). Where do you guys play? Douchebagville?

Actually, my league and rink may very well be in the minority as I think about it. A guy joined my team from another rink/league, and the first game was against a team that I find to be very chippy and aggressive...even a bit dirty. I told him to prepare himself, and after he told me that it was nowhere near a bad as his other league. After playing other teams, he commented that he was surprised how nice the whole league seemed.

In fact we lost our first game in 9 last week, and there were no penalties, or even a harsh word. We actually commented in the locker room that if we were going to lose a game, we would want it to be against them as they are such nice guys. lol

So maybe you dont live in Douchebagville. Maybe I just live in Courteousville. I feel bed for anyone who has to play in a league with guys that would react like that.

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Thats the way it bloody should be Sed27.

For the record I wear a visor.

Spot on Phunk, must be an Aussie thing or something. ;)

Aussie Joe,

Both the defenseman in question and I were wearing visors. After speaking on the bench we continued to battle just as hard as before. I guess it really boils down to mutual respect between opponents.

The nice thing was the whole opposing team had this vibe. It was a welcome relief from the usual men's league BS.

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On Tuesday I took a stick in the side of the neck right above my collar bone...nasty scrape but nothing more. Goalie got pissed after a goal was scored on him and fired the puck...too bad I was w/in striking distance. He's a good friend and he felt like an asshole (his words).

I told him I was OK but he needs to BE IN CONTROL OF HIS STICK AT ALL TIMES!

Maybe at the next pick up I'll let a couple of head hunters go in warm ups...he just loves that :)

I'm not going to ride on a high horse here b/c I've tried to stick lift when I shouldn't have or got my stick up by mistake at times (knock on wood I've never clipped anyone). I always apologize for the close "shave", call myself a dick, and try to remember to BE IN CONTROL OF MY STICK AT ALL TIMES!

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They get hit in the mouth/ face with a hand, stick, puck? Last I checked, you are not a pro getting paid bookoo bucks to have "vision". I bring this up because a guy in drop-in last night started a fight because he got cliped by a stick in the mouth. I say if you are bold enough to step on the ice without a cage... too fu^*in bad if you get hurt.

Actually, some of us (I wear a half shield) played hockey when at 8 years old we were one of the first to have to wear a helmet. I'm 46 and we didn't have shields and bars for our helmets back then. One thing that I think has been lost with younger players is, they forget that "your responsible for your stick". Most players these days have no concept of that any more, since its not a big deal with everyone wearing a cage. I got through youth hockey with one cut to my right eyebrow and I took a stick to my right ear.

Since starting to play again in the 90s, it was strange for me to put a half shield on which I did anyway. I'm trying to move to a cage, but its very odd to play with it on, so I would say it might be that way for some others too.

I play hockey for fun. I'm not there to take someone's head off, with a check, or a high stick. Most of us have to work in the morning, and we are not gonna make it to the NHL. Out of respect for others, I control my stick and I have a blast playing the best sport in the world. I also wont put up with a jackass taking my head off with his stick, if it hits me in the mouth, face, head, neck or if I finally start wearing one, a cage. Keep your stick down out of respect.

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They get hit in the mouth/ face with a hand, stick, puck? Last I checked, you are not a pro getting paid bookoo bucks to have "vision". I bring this up because a guy in drop-in last night started a fight because he got cliped by a stick in the mouth. I say if you are bold enough to step on the ice without a cage... too fu^*in bad if you get hurt.

How about this then..... we go out and play and I "don't control" where I stick my elbows..... as we go into the corner and I just happen to drive my elbow into your chin and drop you like a bad habit because you're shorter than me and my elbow just happens to be right even with your face.... it's all good though 'cuz you got a cage on and it was an accident - right? You'll forgive me ocne you wake up and the post concussion syndrome runs it's course?

You know what, I have more respect for my fellow players than that and I watch where my stick and elbows are. I know that we all have to go to work tomorrow and I know the kind of damage that can be done by being careless. I hold everyone else to the standard that I hold myself to whether they like it or not.... If I hit you accidentally, then I apologize immediately and if I did it on purpose you'll know that right away too.

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