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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 08

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i thought all versions of 2K8 are $20? yeah i was talking about the PS2 version.

besides the cruddy roster updates the PSP version was pretty good. far better than '06's Gretzky which was pure rubbish.

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Oh man. Just had the weirdest goal scored against me.

Heatley went up, faked to the backhand, and pulled it back to the forehand, trying to shoot 5-hole. It was stopped, momentarily. It used Gigure's stick as a ramp, and the puck went like 20 feet up in the air. Giggy flopped around, trying to find the puck, and it came back down, bouncing off of his back and in. Eaves scored a goal on the next shot to win it... :rolleyes:

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Oh man. Just had the weirdest goal scored against me.

Heatley went up, faked to the backhand, and pulled it back to the forehand, trying to shoot 5-hole. It was stopped, momentarily. It used Gigure's stick as a ramp, and the puck went like 20 feet up in the air. Giggy flopped around, trying to find the puck, and it came back down, bouncing off of his back and in. Eaves scored a goal on the next shot to win it... :rolleyes:

I did that twice in the demo. One in the shootout.

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It's not terribly uncommon to see that type of goal scored during standard gameplay. I've never seen it during a shootout, though; then again, I almost never play video games, so...

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I'm joining this thread late... Played the 360 demo last night for about an hour, and boy was it fun. I only played the shootout on 07 (the demo) and didn't like how awkward it was so I never got it, plus the 360 isn't mine and I read that the current-gen didn't get a great game.

So my question- is the PC going to be controlled the same as in the demo? I'm still kicking on 06 and would love a big update for $40. I've got a 360 controller on my PC, so I'm hoping that it will be pretty good gameplay.

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I heard the PC version is basically an '07 360 version with updated graphics, I believe the same is going to happen to the PS3 version too. My understanding is that the 360 gets all the advertised lights and whistles because of an agreement between EA and XBox, and that PC's and PS will lag behind on development. [There's a "news item" on EA's site about this - i'll see if i can find it.]

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X360 and PS3 are identical with X360 getting 60 fps.

PC is '06 graphics engine with the Skill Stick.



Thank you for contacting us here at Electronic Arts Technical Support. I apologize for the difficulty with NHL 08.

There are some differences for the PC version and the console version of the game. This is because the games were not designed or programmed in the same way. The biggest difference between the PC version with the console versions of the game is that the PC version does not have the skillstick. I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.

Should you require further assistance about this or any Electronic Arts games in the future please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase (support.ea.com)

Francis A.

EA Games Technical Support

Its the pc version of 07 with a new player icon, updated rosters and a new soundtrack. It doesn't even support widescreen resolutions which means that even Ovy still looks like a fat ass beer leaguer on my 19" wide.

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They must have taken it out then. No love for the PC crowd eh?


When all is said and done, the next gen isn't TOO far off from the old graphics. Its essentially the same engine with tweeks and a lot better graphics than the pc. I still think its a great game and as much as I say that I wont buy it again this year for pc... I probably will.

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X360 and PS3 are identical with X360 getting 60 fps.

PC is '06 graphics engine with the Skill Stick.

Is it confirmed that PS3 is only getting 30 FPS AGAIN? I was hoping that was just with the NCAA/Madden football games...it really is a joke if it is all their sports games this year.

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X360 and PS3 are identical with X360 getting 60 fps.

PC is '06 graphics engine with the Skill Stick.

Is it confirmed that PS3 is only getting 30 FPS AGAIN? I was hoping that was just with the NCAA/Madden football games...it really is a joke if it is all their sports games this year.

God damn that is confirmed...IGN has a review up now if anyone wants to check it out. I'm really pissed about the framerate on the PS3, I thought Madden sucked because of it and I can only assume it is even worse on NHL 08. I can't figure out how EA can put out a game that is obviously vastly inferior on the PS3, like is it the system's fault here or are they just not putting the time in on programming. I'd WAY rather have to wait another month for the game to come out and have it run at 60 FPS. Hell, I just might buy a 360, this game sounds awesome on it.

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The frame rate had been mentioned before and I can't believe people are still surprised. Other than Heavenly Sword I'm stuck only buying movies for my PS3.

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I looked a half dozen places and none of them had it or even knew anything about it. Gamestop said they probably have it in some boxes they are unloading, so who knows.

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The frame rate had been mentioned before and I can't believe people are still surprised. Other than Heavenly Sword I'm stuck only buying movies for my PS3.

I'm really happy it's going to be at least two years of sports titles for the 360 that just shit all over the PS3 offerings. It was a given that last year they would need some time to get up to speed, but this year as well? Ugh.

At this point since I don't really use blu-ray at all it looks like I've paid $700 for a system mainly to play Metal Gear 4 on. Damn that better be a good game.

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It does suck, believe me. I automatically pick up the EA titles for the 360 (Madden, NHL [which is ungodly fun and I may be playing all night]) because the PS3 just isn't there yet.

I'm with you on MG4 and have no doubts it'll be awesome. At this point, it can't afford not to be.

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The frame rate had been mentioned before and I can't believe people are still surprised. Other than Heavenly Sword I'm stuck only buying movies for my PS3.

I'm really happy it's going to be at least two years of sports titles for the 360 that just shit all over the PS3 offerings. It was a given that last year they would need some time to get up to speed, but this year as well? Ugh.

At this point since I don't really use blu-ray at all it looks like I've paid $700 for a system mainly to play Metal Gear 4 on. Damn that better be a good game.

I spent months trying to decide whether to get a ps3 or x360 and eventually went with the ps3 and the ONLY reason i went that way was ebcause of MGS4. Seriously i'm getting really pissed off with what I have given up pretty much just for that game because my thoughts were always "most of the games I want will be on both (eg NHL) and will be the same, therefore better get ps3 for MGS. Now that I know that's not true I'm considering selling my ps3 while I can still get what I paid for it.

I swear to god if MGS later on gets released on 360.....

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