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The Smartphone Thread

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I'm excited about the device, but sadly refuse to upgrade. I'm still pretty peeved that if I upgrade I lose my unlimited data plan. I've had every iPhone to date, and as an Apple "fanboy" per-say, it's sad to walk away.. haha. But honestly, I've had enough of AT&T and Apple's pissing contest...

I guess I'm getting an HTC EVO through Sprint, because that phone is simply amazing.

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You'd be grandfathered into the unlimited data plan if you're currently on it and choose to stay on it.

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I made the switch from iPhone 3GS to the EVO 4G on 4 June and have no complaints so far.

I truly feel that the EVO is a huge upgrade from the 3GS, mainly because my Sprint service is a tremendous improvement over AT&T in Pittsburgh, not to mention much more cost-effective. However, I believe that Mack is correct in stating that you'd be grandfathered into the unlimited data plan with AT&T. That's what the rep at the local store informed me, anyway.

Bottom line is, the EVO is terrific, and the new iPhone will (in all likelihood) be great as well.

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im in the same boat as well - my contract has been up for a while now and im debating about staying with att and getting the iphone or else jumping ship and getting the htc evo 4g from sprint. at&t still has crappy signal at my house and workplace - but im not sure if sprint would be much better..

here's a question someone might know - does either phone have a media player that can play .xvid videos?

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  goaliemanshark said:
Dont know what Capsfan is doing asking about a Droid App in the iPhone thread, try searching for NHL in your wimpy driod app store... Whatever moving on!
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There are conversations about other smart phones in this thread despite the title. I didn't think it necessary to start a new thread just for one question, your highness.

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Thanks JR!

The EVO is a nice phone too. I just cant get used to the Ui, and Sprints service is terrible in my area. I wish it was good as ATT service (which is actually pretty decent here) the EVO is the only phone with any sort of future technology built in. Regardless I will still get an iPhone 4 due to the aforementioned reasons. Hopefully it lives up to the hype. The build quality on the phone looks really good, better then any HTC phone. They all feel kinda cheap.

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I remember working next to Sprint world headquarters when I lived in Kansas City and never could get a signal there with a Sprint phone. Always loved that one.

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  CapsFan said:
Anybody know of a good NHL app for Verizon Eris (Droid)? The app on NHL.com is for Blackberry only. I've looked and haven't found anything all that great.
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There isn't much in the way of NHL apps in the Android market, aside from the Versus Hockey app, which isn't amazing. It gets the job done.

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  EBondo said:
There isn't much in the way of NHL apps in the Android market, aside from the Versus Hockey app, which isn't amazing. It gets the job done.
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I was hoping I was missing something, but I guess not. Looks like NFL, NBA, MLB have good apps, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that not much thought was put into an NHL app.

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  CapsFan said:
I was hoping I was missing something, but I guess not. Looks like NFL, NBA, MLB have good apps, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that not much thought was put into an NHL app.
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CBC'S HNIC App is pretty good.

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  camhockey16 said:
i think the thing that is really swaying me towards the evo 4g is the unlimited data plan - which is no longer going to exist with the iphone
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It will if you already have one. Data plans are for new customers.

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  Drewhunz said:
It will if you already have one. Data plans are for new customers.
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That is AMAZING to hear! I was hoping when I upgraded to the new iPhone I could stay on the unlimited.

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From what I've been reading, some of you might be overestimating the impact of the unlimited data plan. From what I understand, only 3% of AT&T's customers are exceeding the 2GB that the $25 plan would offer. I checked my usage two nights ago and was around 400MB (although I don't know how far into the month we are), while the Big D's was at 1GB, but I'm not as addicted to FB as my lovely bride.....

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  Jason Harris said:
From what I've been reading, some of you might be overestimating the impact of the unlimited data plan. From what I understand, only 3% of AT&T's customers are exceeding the 2GB that the $25 plan would offer. I checked my usage two nights ago and was around 400MB (although I don't know how far into the month we are), while the Big D's was at 1GB, but I'm not as addicted to FB as my lovely bride.....
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Jason, you're right at the moment. I have never gone over 1gb of data on my iphone... but I've also never been able to tether my laptop to it. I will be killing the data plan when I can do that.

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Went to verizon today. Really wanted to look at the droid Incredible. Well they said it was on backorder and they wouldn't have them in for a few weeks. I said that's fine, I'm still under contract and just trying to decide between the iphone4 and incredible. Then the sales rep told me how the battery in the incredible was crap. And the reception wasn't very good. And the hospital I work at is on extended network so the battery would draw even more. And that the store manager had on and had to return it because it wasn't as good as the Moto Droid and all the other phones. I can understand if you are trying to sell me on a phone you currently have in, but I've never been talked out of a sale like that. Pretty much sealed the deal with me getting the iphone4. I do like the android and htc sense ui a lil bit better, but I've been happy with my 3g. I've still got a few weeks to decide...

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That is unreal....

Extended network? That is the lamest excuse i have ever heard!

Get an iPhone 4 for the sole reason to NOT give Verizon your business after that bullshit!

Besides the obvious UI tweaks this is why i like the iPhone over any other phone.

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  goaliemanshark said:
That is unreal....

Extended network? That is the lamest excuse i have ever heard!

Get an iPhone 4 for the sole reason to NOT give Verizon your business after that bullshit!

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Are you saying extended networks don't exist, or that phones don't draw more power in them? And what bullshit? He was told not to buy something by an honest salesman relating that the particular phone would not be the best choice.

I get maybe a day or two of charge with my phone where I now live since I'm constantly in dead spots and the phone is signal-seeking. If I leave it in certain places where I know I get signal instead of carrying it around I'll get 5 days.

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Weird... I have never noticed this on any phone i have ever had. I didn't think that was the case, but apparently I was wrong. I know extended networks "roaming" exists, but i dont think it will alter battery life. A cell signal is a cell signal.

A Verizon employee trashing their best phone because they didn't have it in stock is what struck me as bullshit! The way Race laid the scene this is the obvious conclusion, but salesmen can be hard to read sometimes. Honest salesman are few and far between.

Oh, and Rustpot. If you carry around your phone don't you use it more? That seems obvious to me! Please forgive my stupidity!

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Read this if you want or are going to get a smart phone

Comparing the flagship phones for the 4 major carriers, it shows which one is going to be ideal for you based on what you want in a phone.

Non-biased opinion here, but, the EVO looks like the overall winner.

Faster ram, superior camera, much larger screen, mifi, fm radio built in, flash capable. The iphone4 has a better resolution on a smaller screen, another mic to noise cancel.

I don't see what's so great about the iphone4. They both have same processor, the evo actually has more storage capacity (granted via microSD, but with that you can swap out for literally infiniate storage space for music movies etc. And a vast majority of the apps on the droid network are infact free.

What apple has for them is people that use their products religiously because they are a)perceived to be the cool thing to use, b)historically have had an easier OS to use.

I have never had a smart phone, and am getting the incredible within a week. I used the incredible for like 5 minutes in the verizon store, and by the end of it was a pro. Since then I have been trying out my friend's iphones, and honestly, the OS is actually much harder for me atleast on the iphone than the incredible. And since then I've been researching the shit out of it, and, the consensus from non-biased virgin smart phone users is that they want the iphone because it looks so cool and stuff, but those who actually use the two, prefer a droid. the widgets make it easier to get to your app, and the phones aren't on the shitty at&t service (that I had for 8 years which truly is awful).

Motorola is releasing a new droid sometime this year, and while quite a bit of people still are going to have their erection over the iphone still intact, a better phone all-around is going to be released, but since it wont be from apple its not going to get the publicity and sales it deserves. /end rant.

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  goaliemanshark said:
Weird... I have never noticed this on any phone i have ever had. I didn't think that was the case, but apparently I was wrong. I know extended networks "roaming" exists, but i dont think it will alter battery life. A cell signal is a cell signal.

Oh, and Rustpot. If you carry around your phone don't you use it more? That seems obvious to me! Please forgive my stupidity!

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The phone will be actively seeking a better or "home" signal. If you leave your device on with the phone equipped in a dead zone it is broadcasting for a tower response constantly.

And no, I use my phone seldom. I get maybe 2 calls a day, don't make but maybe 2 a week, and text maybe 10 or so times a week. I keep it around, but I don't carry it around the house where the living room gets signal, my bedroom doesn't, the kitchen may, the dining room does not, etc. I do not have a data plan as I'm still of the mindset that I don't need to be constantly plugged into the internet to continue breathing. And the majority of my friends do not update but perhaps daily on their respective facebook/twitter/I don't care.com sites. If anything substantial happens I can be reached, otherwise I do not give a shit.

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