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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good/bad seller list

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Please everyone beware of Next Sakic. Over a year ago I traded him a mint synthesis shaft for what was supposed to be a whip nash response+. It ended up being a broken, intermediate Nash response+. He is still very active in the transaction forums and this was never resolved. Why he is still able to post here, let alone transact is beyond me.

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Please everyone beware of Next Sakic. Over a year ago I traded him a mint synthesis shaft for what was supposed to be a whip nash response+. It ended up being a broken, intermediate Nash response+. He is still very active in the transaction forums and this was never resolved. Why he is still able to post here, let alone transact is beyond me.

He's part of the "bad seller" group and shouldn't have access to this area.

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i know this is really going against everythign that was written, but i had sent a stick to NEXT SAKIC a day before i heard anything bad about him. (it wasn't posted yet) I got nervous, but with nothing i can do, i just hoped for the best.

His trade was fast, and perfect. I traded for a Z bubble with 4 blades for a dolomite, and UPS broke the dolomite i sent him. he's assisted me in everyway he can, and he hasn't done anything that would rub on me the wrong way. I would trade with him again.

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Long time coming...I am terrible at updating this, sorry guys!

Mack - Class act all the way, and one of the nicest people to ever do business with.

BuzzLightbeer - What else can possibly be said about Buzz? Last of the good guys.

Mattopiela - Super friendly, fast shipping, another good guy to deal with.

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