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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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Sean Avery received a big round of applause from the fans when he came out to present his jersey. Earlier in the night, he was named the winner of the Fan Club's Most Popular Player award.

Is that for real? I cannot believe that.

Some fans pick the classiest player on their team, others pick the biggest asshole. The key is, he's their asshole because they would hate his guts on any other team.

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If you had a chance to watch it on tv Shanny has just about nothing left on his shoulder pads i have a pic of it but dont know how to upload pics but it was also interesting to see what modifications are made to their pads some guys had home made flaps that hung off the back of their pads i guess to protect against cross checking in their back

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yeah they were similiar but in slightly better condition at the point they are in that pic what is the point of wearing them


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A guy on another forum Im on caught Ovie's stick from the last game this year. Here is the curve since I've yet to see a GOOD shot of an Ovechkin pro-stock.


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Damn, that guy is lucky. Did he get to go back and get it signed? It looks like it's signed personally. Also, that curve is unreal. I'd like it try it out once and laugh as I shot pucks over the glass from everywhere.

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One of about 4 patterns, that I've seen... That is the first time I've seen that version. He's worse with changing patterns than I am.

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does every stick he use have to have some green on it?

is he secretly a leprochaun? did he have yellow and red and beige before tehy stole his lucky charms?

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That curve is impressive in person. I dont know how he doesn't hit the netting above the glass with every shot. I heard he curves his own stick sometimes before games and if he does not like what he did he donates his sticks to charity or gives it to a young fan.

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Shanny is still using some old cooper shoulder pads the Rangers have put on their site the video of Shirts off our backs its pretty cool to watch for an equipment junkie...Maybe he is using the Warrior ones for practice but now I guess next year we will see Warrior make some hockey pads I wouldnt be surprised if they dont soon since they make lacross pads

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Warrior had made him a set. Not sure if he is wearing it.

I remember watching a Red Wings Weekly where they showed him trying it out.. it was basically a padded shirt, with shoulder caps. I don't think he kept it.

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ovechkin curves all his sticks by himself, thats the bigggest curve of his i ve seen. im sure that usually there a bit smaller then that, and his un-toe-curved curve is sick as hell.

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Yeah, I hate the rangers but I knew they were doing it so I flipped it on. Gomez had a nice homemade set up with a tackla pant pad sewn on the back for extra padding. Most younger guys were rocking the jofas/rbks.

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