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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The next hockey Dinosaur?

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Just for fun, what do you all think will be the next hockey innovation to bite the dust: T-Blades, Kor Skates, or Thermablades?

Any other products to add to the list?

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Kor is just skates, while nice, they are not an "innovation" or fad. They don't claim anything spectacular, just fit and decent performance, like other decent skates. OTOH, tblades, LSpower, and thermablades are items that are claiming something ridiculous/unbelievable and likely not provable in actual hockey conditions. What makes an innovation is a product that lasts and stands the test of time and test by the entire hockey world. If it's good, it wil last.

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Locjaw replacement blades, Cooper XL-7 helmet, Koho Revolution skates, Titan Turbo sticks, Neon Sher-Wood sticks, pink laces, anything camo, and Nike Air Zoom skates.

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I wouldn't necessarily consider t'Blades to have bitten the proverbial dust. A lot of travel hockey players wear them to ensure consistent edges in the event of an emergency in out-of-town tournaments. I used to wear them for this reason - I had enough of handing someone I didn't know in a city I wasn't too familiar with my skates, asking for 5/8" and getting them back in worse shape than I brought them in. I wore the t'Blades for awhile (S-18-264), but I have since switched to PITCH holders, and I keep an extra set of sharpened steel in my bag.

The shop I work in installs a LOT of t'Blades for house league kids who they're cool (though I don't know why - quite frankly, I was always sort of embarrassed by them).

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While Kor as a company may not last due to lack of exposure, their impact on the hockey world will be felt for a long time.

Kor was the original fully thermoformable skate and you're seeing that idea coming over into other brands. The ONE90 took on basically the same concept, and was (presumably) improved upon it with the ONE95. CCM has the new U-foam which, from what I've read here, reacts very well to the heat to give a more custom fit.

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Just saw Hecht in the Caps-Sabres game...and hope that the T-Blades are the first to go. Those things are terrible....clickidy clack!

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T-Blades are a great concept, but they are just too strange. As a ref I can't do anything to stand out so I would not be caught dead wearing them.

It is definitely inefficient to skate around with the weight of steel that you won't need for months.

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Kor is just skates, while nice, they are not an "innovation" or fad. They don't claim anything spectacular, just fit and decent performance, like other decent skates. OTOH, tblades, LSpower, and thermablades are items that are claiming something ridiculous/unbelievable and likely not provable in actual hockey conditions. What makes an innovation is a product that lasts and stands the test of time and test by the entire hockey world. If it's good, it wil last.

I believe they were an innovation, though that doesn't mean anythign in terms of its own longevity. When a product has a major impact in an industry, and others rush to emulate it or improve upon the concept, the product is innovative.

While Kor as a company may not last due to lack of exposure, their impact on the hockey world will be felt for a long time.

They may stop making skates but the company will continue to exist as an OEM.

Koho Revolution skates

AKA Externo, AKA Vector...

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If skate sharpening costs keeping going up ($6-7.50 in calgary), t-blades or a variation of it may stick around for a while, not to get into a t-blade debate, I hate the look & sound but the cost and consitency is starting to make sense, I may switch.

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If skate sharpening costs keeping going up ($6-7.50 in calgary), t-blades or a variation of it may stick around for a while, not to get into a t-blade debate, I hate the look & sound but the cost and consitency is starting to make sense, I may switch.

I'm sure tblades will go up in price too when they get to the point where its significantly cheaper than sharpening. No prices stay the same which is why sharpening is going up.

Next fad eh? hmmm aside from energy drinks I would say....

1) edge jerseys as chadd mentioned

2) Low end profit seeking composite sticks

3) Any where "composite" is thrown in aka footbeds, helmets etc...

4) itech TI damn expensive cage

5) Carbon blades (just rid them please like mission did!)

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I vote Therma Blades. At the current price point and minimal if any performance increase, it shouldn't be around much longer. I also just disagree with the whole concept of it.....

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If skate sharpening costs keeping going up ($6-7.50 in calgary), t-blades or a variation of it may stick around for a while, not to get into a t-blade debate, I hate the look & sound but the cost and consitency is starting to make sense, I may switch.

Go to Proskate in the Marda Loop. $5.

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If skate sharpening costs keeping going up ($6-7.50 in calgary), t-blades or a variation of it may stick around for a while, not to get into a t-blade debate, I hate the look & sound but the cost and consitency is starting to make sense, I may switch.

Go to Proskate in the Marda Loop. $5.

They are going to 7.50 in Dec.

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