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It would look better if the stitching was all over and the glove was solid black. Pinstripes, it would be pretty gangster.

I would take a pair of pinstriped franchise gloves for free.

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Sorry bro, the white stitching doesn't look good on a black glove that doesn't have white on it, ANYWHERE.

Also, micronash palm is garbage (in the minds of many, not only myself); you guys need a different standard palm.

I still love you though. B)

No MSH logo? Score one for Hoffman... :D

The white stitching looks terrible; sorry.

Come on!

I love the Micronash.. i wouldn't mind it if the Stroker palms were offered though

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Add another to the list that doesn't quite like the white pinstripe, nothing that a shaqrpie wont fix. Amazing gloves nonetheless, love the short cuff. Good work by waarrior and nice choice by JR

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i guess im the minority here with jr, i don't mind the white stitching either. maybe i don't mind it on my red pair because there is white on the glove by my black purple pair have no white besides the stitching and it doesn't bother me at all, a little contrast never killed anyone.

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i guess im the minority here with jr, i don't mind the white stitching either. maybe i don't mind it on my red pair because there is white on the glove by my black purple pair have no white besides the stitching and it doesn't bother me at all, a little contrast never killed anyone.

But what about the durty steeezy

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About the glove - wore them last night and I really like them...I was never a fan of loose-fitting gloves and I don't have any experience with Warrior gloves but these seem to fit me just right. The cuff cuts down on the "openness" of the glove as well.

I had been told that they don't breathe well - but in the glove's defense it was quite warm on the ice last night.

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But what about the durty steeezy

i look on phew now and then, and i still have no idea what half that shit means, and im only 19. guess it never caught on with michigan or i missed the boat on the new terms

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Congratulations, you're a fully functional and normal male. And hetero. If anyone knows what that means and uses it in their everyday talk without the slightest bit of irony, they're retarded.


You know the mitts I love. Would I get narrow or regular? Of course all bets are off if they can't get me a zero cuff :(

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The white stitching looks terrible; sorry.

A black fine DecoColor paint pen will fix that....I used it on mine to get rid of the white stitching. :)

Nice gloves, JR.

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Congratulations, you're a fully functional and normal male. And hetero. If anyone knows what that means and uses it in their everyday talk without the slightest bit of irony, they're retarded.


You know the mitts I love. Would I get narrow or regular? Of course all bets are off if they can't get me a zero cuff :(

The problem is that Warrior's 15" is a 14" with a longer cuff and fingers - not a 5 roll.

If that weren't the case, I'd say buy the glove then get the cuff chopped off aftermarket.

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well these aren't cutom but there are for his team, grabovski warriors for the few games he play in montreal i been meanin to put a pic sooner but i couldn't find my camera charger :P they look even dirtier when they were new


Edited by ovechkin_368

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well these aren't cutom but there are for his team, grabovski warriors for the few games he play in montreal i been meanin to put a pic sooner but i couldn't find my camera charger :P they look even dirtier when they were new


"dirtier" huh? You must be a phew member, so are they just "dusty" now...the gloves are nice

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"dirtier" huh? You must be a phew member, so are they just "dusty" now...the gloves are nice

Seriously, I want to slit my wrists every time I read "dirty" and "bar down" on the internet. And I do apologize for going off topic.

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"dirtier" huh? You must be a phew member, so are they just "dusty" now...the gloves are nice

Seriously, I want to slit my wrists every time I read "dirty" and "bar down" on the internet. And I do apologize for going off topic.

No, I hear you, it's annoying as hell

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Yo Man those Mitts are straight PHILTHY son.

Durty Steez for Lyfe!!!!!

:huh: :huh:

Spent all of 5 minutes on PHEW and wanted to hang myself.

Edited by JohnnyCanuck

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