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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXXX - "Skate of the year"

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Ok - as outlined here http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=38282

XXXX is a skate of the year 2007

But somehow (and I did use the search) I can't seem to find any reviews by mods or senior members?

There're some recent reviews in here http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=38451

but certainly nothing to the extent of the info coming out on One95 which is surprising since XXXX been out there since May?

So I'm curious what warranted the award? Why & how are XXXX better then V10 or S15 or even One90?

Also what were the criterias for selecting XXXX over everything else?

(I'm not questioning the award by any means - but would really like to understand why XXXX is the best skate at the moment)


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"We have a panel of shop owners, Senior Members and those who we deem have had enough exposure to full product lines from every manufacturer. We send out a ballot in December with the categories. Products eligible for the voting are current year product that is available for 1Q bookings (no mid-year or Holiday launches.)" ~ JR

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V10 is a good skate, but nothing shockingly new. One90 won the previous year, S15 has a ton of problems.

XXXX was the only mainstream new skate that wasn't falling apart or just an update over the previous year.

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They're a vast improvement over the Vapor XXX. I'm guessing they added volume to the XXXX and it fits more people. I tried on the Vapor XXX in a wide and it still didnt fit very nice on me, but the Vapor XXXX did. A more comfortable skate for me anyways, just too expensive for me to justify the $500+ price tag on them.

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Vapor 40's are probably on more feet than any other skate. That says a lot.

well - more is not better right - only better is better

but I guess if the only real criteria is fit then if XXXX fits more people then it should be the winner...

I just though there's more to it then just "fit" when it comes to skate seletion.

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Vapor 40's are probably on more feet than any other skate. That says a lot.

well - more is not better right - only better is better

but I guess if the only real criteria is fit then if XXXX fits more people then it should be the winner...

I just though there's more to it then just "fit" when it comes to skate seletion.

Look at the judging criteria again- they're looking for the best new skate.

What skates were new for the initial first quarter sales? That list is short. Which of them were vast improvements and not just restyling? That list is shorter. Which of them has gained widespread success and has caused hundreds of skaters to abandon perfectly good skates to get them? You're looking at 2 pairs maybe.

The 30 was a good, solid skate. They took the Vapor XXX and made a much better skate that has caused widespread success from mite to pro levels with the Vapor XXXX.

How does that not beat the pedestrian Vector 10, the untouched 9k, the inconsistent S15, and the skates from companies that 3/4 of hockey players have never heard of?

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No. Would a 10 gram skate with therma-nuclear whatever you call them blades that felt like a knife going through your foot do you any good?

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No. Would a 10 gram skate with therma-nuclear whatever you call them blades that felt like a knife going through your foot do you any good?

which ones would these be?

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I'm speaking hypothetically. Fit is really the only thing that matters, with durability being a distant second if money is an issue.

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Look at the judging criteria again- they're looking for the best new skate.

What skates were new for the initial first quarter sales? That list is short. Which of them were vast improvements and not just restyling? That list is shorter. Which of them has gained widespread success and has caused hundreds of skaters to abandon perfectly good skates to get them? You're looking at 2 pairs maybe.

The 30 was a good, solid skate. They took the Vapor XXX and made a much better skate that has caused widespread success from mite to pro levels with the Vapor XXXX.

How does that not beat the pedestrian Vector 10, the untouched 9k, the inconsistent S15, and the skates from companies that 3/4 of hockey players have never heard of?

Good analysis, there were very few skates that qualified for selection. In fact, we chose not to award any prize for innovation of the year as we didn't feel anyone had created a truely innovative product.

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Thermablade found a new way to completely suck.

Speaking of which has anyone here tried it out? I looked in the review section but found nothing.

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I like the Vapor line but for my money if I'm paying $500 plus for a new skate I'm going with Grafs. You'll get great fit and proven durabilty. I'm surprised some of Grafs newer models didn't make the cut. I bought the Vapor XXII and find it a really good skate and it's holding up great so I know the XXXX's are a better model skate so I'm not predjudicial on the matter. The XXII was a lot cheaper skate and a pleasant surprise after the durabilty issues with the old XXX's. Nike/Bauer seems to have addressed the durabilty factor with these skates and they are a great skate and very popular. But for this kind of cash I'd still go with Graf but then that's just me and my personal preference. I really do like the Vapor XXXX's but then again I could be persuaded to go with the XXV's which are substantially less expensive.

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Graf hasn't done anything really new to their skates in ages. Heck, folks were shocked when they finally went with a composite outsole for some skates.

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Ok - as outlined here http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=38282

XXXX is a skate of the year 2007

But somehow (and I did use the search) I can't seem to find any reviews by mods or senior members?

There're some recent reviews in here http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=38451

but certainly nothing to the extent of the info coming out on One95 which is surprising since XXXX been out there since May?

So I'm curious what warranted the award? Why & how are XXXX better then V10 or S15 or even One90?

Also what were the criterias for selecting XXXX over everything else?

(I'm not questioning the award by any means - but would really like to understand why XXXX is the best skate at the moment)


When Motor Trend announces Car of the Year does that mean it's good for you ? It's all personal preference and most importantly: what fits.

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Exactly what I'm saying BGM. Each one of us has a different outlook on various products available to us.

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The Graf 700 series has proven to be durable for quite some time. The Ultras havent been around long enough. The G series had their issues. Use a bit of critical thinking here..Some of the younger guys havent developed this apparently. Bauer and CCM have had their durability issues as well but definitely have better service and marketing philosophies. Graf had a great reputation in the day. Maybe the Fraf guy on the board can chime in and give us his take on their philosophy and obvious service issues.

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Proven durability with Graf........HA!

More subjectivity. I've never had a single problem yet with my Graf's, durability, performance, you name it.

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