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NHL 09

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It's an EA thing. They use some really cheap discs and it's one reason why I think I've had it. Happens more to me in Madden than anything, but it does happen in the recent games I've had.

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anyone else's game saying "disc unreadable"?

Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Everytime I want to play the game, I have to eject the disc, clear my cache through the dashboard, then put the disc back in and re-download the update. And sometimes I have to do this 4-5 times to get it to work...it's extremely frustrating and I have no other problems with any other games. The update was supposed to fix this bug but it didn't.

Did you download the most recent update ? I know alot of the people who had that particular problem were cured so to speak by the most recent NHL09 update.

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anyone else's game saying "disc unreadable"?

Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Everytime I want to play the game, I have to eject the disc, clear my cache through the dashboard, then put the disc back in and re-download the update. And sometimes I have to do this 4-5 times to get it to work...it's extremely frustrating and I have no other problems with any other games. The update was supposed to fix this bug but it didn't.

Did you download the most recent update ? I know alot of the people who had that particular problem were cured so to speak by the most recent NHL09 update.

Yeah - and It still does it, and everytime I clear my cache to get it to work, I need to re-download and re-install the update. It's pathetic....

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EA NHL Hockey 3-on-3 coming to XBL Arcade and PSN



Electronic Arts is poised to officially announce tomorrow that 3 on 3 NHL Arcade, an all-new downloadable hockey experience, is currently under development at EA Canada by the same team that produced NHL 09 and will be available on Xbox LIVE and the Playstation Network in February of 2009. 3 on 3 NHL Arcade promises to provide a lightning-paced, no rules hockey experience that gamers of all ages and ability levels can enjoy, and will be priced at 800 MS Points and $9.99 respectively.

Players will be able to compete against friends one-on-one online, or with up to three players on each side (three players on one console can play against three players on another console) engaging in three-on-three mayhem. Of course, 3 on 3 NHL Arcade will also feature the ranked and unranked online contests that gamers have come to expect from EA Sports.

YES! I miss this so much from NHL 05 or 06. If they stick to nhl 09 controls this will be soo fun. It's like online shinny

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Im getting this for my brother for Christmas, anyone know any good deals for a NEW copy online, either a Christmas time promo code or somewhere with some good sales? Walmart, bestbuy, and most of the usual ebgames type of sites are not running anything thats going to save me any coin that I can find...any help?

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anyone else's game saying "disc unreadable"?

Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Everytime I want to play the game, I have to eject the disc, clear my cache through the dashboard, then put the disc back in and re-download the update. And sometimes I have to do this 4-5 times to get it to work...it's extremely frustrating and I have no other problems with any other games. The update was supposed to fix this bug but it didn't.

Did you download the most recent update ? I know alot of the people who had that particular problem were cured so to speak by the most recent NHL09 update.

Yeah - and It still does it, and everytime I clear my cache to get it to work, I need to re-download and re-install the update. It's pathetic....

I wonder if its a disc problem or just a bad batch of xbox's. I've never had this 'disc unreadable' error for any game.

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anyone else's game saying "disc unreadable"?

Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Everytime I want to play the game, I have to eject the disc, clear my cache through the dashboard, then put the disc back in and re-download the update. And sometimes I have to do this 4-5 times to get it to work...it's extremely frustrating and I have no other problems with any other games. The update was supposed to fix this bug but it didn't.

Did you download the most recent update ? I know alot of the people who had that particular problem were cured so to speak by the most recent NHL09 update.

Yeah - and It still does it, and everytime I clear my cache to get it to work, I need to re-download and re-install the update. It's pathetic....

I wonder if its a disc problem or just a bad batch of xbox's. I've never had this 'disc unreadable' error for any game.

I think it's the discs, man....Littman even acknowledged the problem. Also, I have no other issues with any other games I own, or games I rent. Even on really scratched ones that I rent.

what do you do to clear your cache? and is the update in the online menu?


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Cache clear- fixed mine and no problems since.

Mack was saying EA is using sub-par CDs, all their games are crapping out on some machines.

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I have to do that clear cache "fix" 4-5 times everytime I fire my 360 up to play '09...it's a real pain in the ass. And what's weird is that it just started happening one day and gradually got worse to the point it's at now. :angry:

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wouldn't have that kind of issue with a PS3! :lol: :P

anyways, my brother in law has an xbox360 and he says he can download the game onto the hard drive, this prevents any "disc unreadable" or sudden crashes.

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Been too long to try and exchange the disc?

I got it from a hook-up....not sure if I can and I'm not about to ask. I did pay for it though, just not full price ;)

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Jersey code for NHL 2k9 - R6y34bsH52 case sensitive

Still no NHL 09 code yet?

3rd jersey code for NHL 09


Please note that if you have the code and play online with someone who does not have the code, there is a chance you may both be playing with dark jerseys as users without the code will not be able to see the alternate jerseys. This will be rectified next week when the team releases the planned roster update which will automatically insert the code for those that have not yet entered it.

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Went to a friend's house and played 2K9 on PS3. It may quite possibly be the most horrible hockey game ever. Some of the gameplay is great in theory, but its execution is just brutal. I won't even touch the create a player monstrosity.

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet but does anyone have problems playing their friends online? (XBOX 360).

I invite my buddy to a game (or he invites me), we get to the team select screen and you can't change teams, then after about 5-10 seconds we get the error message "this game session is no longer available" I can play random games online and can play a couple of my buddies via game invites, but with 2 of my friends in particular we can't play. Talked to EA and XBOX and they offered a couple suggestions but nothing's helped.

Anyone else have this problem? any ideas?

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yes i have had that problem ever since i got the game.... i can play half of my friends and then the other half it does that same thing "this session is no longer available"... our theory on the whole thing is that when tow people try to forcefully play each other and each person has a less than perfect connection (meaning wireless like myself) that it won't work. obviously we can't prove that but each person it won't let me play has a wireless connection and everyone i can play has an ethernet cord.

just out of curiosity... how do all you guys feel about the

skate down your on wing... cut into the middle at the hash marks... open up for a clapper... top corner... working every time. i know for me its gettin semi annoying because my friend has perfected the art and has no problem scoring 10 goals a game.

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i have nothing wrong with it as long as its not over used during the game.. the people that aggervate me are the ones that only have 1 or 2 ways of scoring that work every time

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Yeah my buddy does that, too. I just play to defend it and make him do something else. I mean really if the guy is able to walk right into the slot and let a slapper go everytime, there's a chink in you defensive armour lol.

Actually, one of my buddies and I both have ethernet connection. I'm thinking maybe if he's not highspeed or something. I've tried both wireless and hard wire connections. It's so annoying. Tough to get a league going with your friends when half of you can't play each other.

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regarding the internet, i think it may just be a glitchs in EA system it happens to everyone or atleast has happened to someone once, and you can't see the your jerseys or other teams jerseys when you join the game.

And yes those types of goals are annoying, but you know to be successful in this game you gotta know how to do all those types of goals, and from a defensive perspective, it's all about adapting to their play style. Thats what i do and i'm not losing as much now lol

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anyways, my brother in law has an xbox360 and he says he can download the game onto the hard drive, this prevents any "disc unreadable" or sudden crashes.

Yeah I heard that from my buddy that with the new XBL update you can download the game off the disc onto your HD. Might be worth a shot if you guys are having the disc problems.

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Tried it last week...it seems it's actually gotten worse. Last night it took me 48 minutes (I timed it) to get the game working.


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