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The movie thread

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Anybody seen Zombieland? was gonna take a girl to it, but didnt know if it would be worth it. And before you judge, she has the best movie taste, which include; Fight Club, Superbad, Pineapple Express, The hangover. so I figured it would be her kind of movie..

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Its amsuing, worth going to. The celebrity appearance is comical. There werent really too many parts I laughed at, other than the whole part about garland TX, but it is still entertaining.


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  Drewhunz said:
Just got home from seing Paranormal Activity. GREAT for the genre, but damn do you feel creepy afterwards. This one demands that no spoilers are told.
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Have heard mixed reviews on the movie, but it did hit 1,000,000 demands on the website, meaning they're going to open it nationwide. My cousin saw it last night, never gets spooked at movies, but was legitimately freaked out by this one. I'll probably see it.

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Last night got dragged to Jennifer's Body at the cheapy movies. I gotta say, it was a total shitfest. Sure, Megan Fox is decent looking and given the opportunity most of us would nail her. But truth is she's pretty conventionally hot and interchangable with who knows how many other women, so I really don't get the concept of trying to sell these crap movies based on her looks. She is, however, a completely untalented actress, and it comes through pretty damn clear here. It's a basic rehash of the rape revenge film, al la "I Spit on Your Grave." Only instead of an actual rape, it's human scarfice by indie rock band that goes wrong. Believe it or not, it only gets more absurd from there.

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Its amsuing, worth going to. The celebrity appearance is comical. There werent really too many parts I laughed at, other than the whole part about garland TX, but it is still entertaining.


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Yeah, I thought the same thing. I was expecting a Shaun of the Dead type movie, but it wasn't really like that. It was funny in some parts, but not slow or boring in that you feel jipped out of your $10. You won't laugh the whole time, but when you do it's good. If nothing else, atleast you get to stare at Emma Stone for a little while.

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Saw Paranormal Activity last night and definitely did not sleep well. I'm not a fan at all of scary/creepy films, and this was definitely one I should not have gone to. Up until the last 5-10 minutes I'll admit I wasn't scared, but after the ending the whole thing freaked me out. Everyone in the theatre was laughing at parts throughout the film, but everyone was silent at the end. Very, very creepy.

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  furlanitalia said:
Saw Paranormal Activity last night and definitely did not sleep well. I'm not a fan at all of scary/creepy films, and this was definitely one I should not have gone to. Up until the last 5-10 minutes I'll admit I wasn't scared, but after the ending the whole thing freaked me out. Everyone in the theatre was laughing at parts throughout the film, but everyone was silent at the end. Very, very creepy.
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I'm not a fan of scary either...big ole chicken shit over here.

I plan to stay the Hell away from this one. My GF loves horror/slasher movies...so I've seen a few recently. She wants to watch The Exorcist before the weekend....way to ease me into it *L*

That still tops most lists as the scariest movie ever, right? I hear Paranormal Activity could dethrone (or in this case decapitate) it.

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Haven't seen the exorcist. My GF is the same way. Made me watch the exorcism of Emily Rose and which I didn't think was too bad. I just think the suspense in Paranormal Activity is what scares you the most. It reminds me of those online videos that tell you to watch closely and then something grotesque jumps at the screen - In PA you know something is going to happen, you just don't know what. And when nothing happens its just as terrifying as your body is still waiting to be scared.

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  RadioGaGa said:
  furlanitalia said:
Saw Paranormal Activity last night and definitely did not sleep well. I'm not a fan at all of scary/creepy films, and this was definitely one I should not have gone to. Up until the last 5-10 minutes I'll admit I wasn't scared, but after the ending the whole thing freaked me out. Everyone in the theatre was laughing at parts throughout the film, but everyone was silent at the end. Very, very creepy.
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I'm not a fan of scary either...big ole chicken shit over here.

I plan to stay the Hell away from this one. My GF loves horror/slasher movies...so I've seen a few recently. She wants to watch The Exorcist before the weekend....way to ease me into it *L*

That still tops most lists as the scariest movie ever, right? I hear Paranormal Activity could dethrone (or in this case decapitate) it.

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I saw it and I didnt think it was scary/good at all. I personally stay away from horror genre because theyre all too predictable and I dont handle gore well. While this movie wasnt so much that, it just was kind of outrageous in a sense that the way the characters acted compared to it being real life. It didn't help the mood that people were chuckling and laughing through it when I saw it, maybe it just killed the mood?

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This is creepier/scarier than the Exorcist. When I saw it the first time, younger obviously, Exorcist was creepy and scary as hell. Now it's still creepy but didn't make me feel uneasy like PA did. Best horror movie ever is still Alien, tho.

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  mack said:
This is creepier/scarier than the Exorcist. When I saw it the first time, younger obviously, Exorcist was creepy and scary as hell. Now it's still creepy but didn't make me feel uneasy like PA did. Best horror movie ever is still Alien, tho.
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I'd call Alien the best for building suspense. Somethings gonna happen...audience is tense...somethings gonna happen...somethings gonna happen...nothing happens. Audience Relaxes...THEN it happens!

That might have been the first movie that really used Music that way. (If I recall my HS Film Study class properly)

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I really really disliked The Fourth Kind. The way it was filmed seemed to kill it for me. Pick one way or the other IMO.

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The whole movie had a bad joke feel to it. The storyline was so laughable, I had trouble determining if it was a joke or not. Also, there were just some parts I couldn't believe were put into a movie. Thought it was unbelievably stupid.

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I was very disappointed with The Men Who Stare At Goats. I saw Pirate Radio last night and loved it, i was very surprised. I went into it having semi low expectations.

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Apparently Richard Curtis had it significantly re-edited from its original release as "The Boat That Rocked" in the UK and Europe. I just watched that version, and it was a bloody shambles. I certainly hope PR is better.

He really, really needs to get Ben Elton back involved in the writing. Curtis' recent movies have been progressively more formless messes.

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