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It was more Damon sucked. Playing him in CF is not smart at this point. They're going to look to trade him this winter and about 99% of his value will be based on teams thinking he can still play CF.

It's too bad Austin Jackson isn't on the 40man, otherwise I'd just say call him up in September and let him play CF every day for the hell of it. It's what he'll be doing by the end of next year anyway.

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  mik3 said:
Yeah, unless Torre blows out his arm, he probably has two years left. Though his ERA was 5.75away from Petco. Not that Dodgers stadium is a hitters park.
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That plus the NL West isn't exactly chock full of hitting machines, either. It's Torre though, he'll figure out a way to screw up a pitching staff.

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I can understand them overpaying for CC, but Burnett? I'm glad the Braves can go back to finagling a deal for Peavy.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  mack said:
I can understand them overpaying for CC, but Burnett? I'm glad the Braves can go back to finagling a deal for Peavy.
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I doubt either will finish those contracts in NY. CC can opt out after 3...and I'm not sure the specifics of AJ's deal...but he had an Opt Out in his Toronto contract...so I'm sure he'd want one again.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Both CC and AJ? And we're in a recession?
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Hahaha, i think CC is definatly worth the money and his stats prove it. Burnett on the other hand i think is getting a bit over paid. Hopefully he can play good enough to actually deserve the money.

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I think Sabathia is likely worth the money today, but he's done poorly in the postseason and there's a big fear about what type of shape he'll keep himself in.

Who knows with Burnett? If he truly had been on a contract drive last seasoon, then the Spankees wildly overpaid.

  chippa13 said:
Wow, teams are really climbing over each other to sign Manny. :unsure:
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Did you happen to see the ticker on ESPN last night. Manny said he expects to play next season, as well as hit 700 homers for his career, but he said he would retire this offseason if he doesn't get any offers he likes.

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Toronto has been competitive and middle of the pack the last few years in the Al east, with the revamped NY Rotation and the huge seasons the rays and redsoxs had last year surely we will find Toronto bottom feeders with the orioles

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Both CC and AJ? And we're in a recession?
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They're not done either. Expect Lowe or Sheets as well.

What's the over/under on # of starts for AJ next year? I say 18.5.

I hope Yankee fans enjoy the 2-3 random 'minor' arm injuries that result in a DL stint.

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  Jason Harris said:
I think Sabathia is likely worth the money today, but he's done poorly in the postseason and there's a big fear about what type of shape he'll keep himself in.

Who knows with Burnett? If he truly had been on a contract drive last seasoon, then the Spankees wildly overpaid.

  chippa13 said:
Wow, teams are really climbing over each other to sign Manny. :rolleyes:
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Did you happen to see the ticker on ESPN last night. Manny said he expects to play next season, as well as hit 700 homers for his career, but he said he would retire this offseason if he doesn't get any offers he likes.

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I had a good chuckle at that one. Looks like Manny's agent seriously overestimated the market for Manny.

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It will be interesting to see how the recession affects attendance in all baseball parks this summer. Big risk by the Yanks that may bite them in the ass. We shall see.

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A couple of my buddies who are big Boston fans were bitching about how they didn't sign him. I never got why Boston was interested in him in the first place as I don't see where he would fit in their line up. They have Youkalis at first, Lowell at third and Papi at DH. Why spend $170 million for a guy when you have solid players at those positions to begin with? Seems like another case where Boston (and NY, too) seem to think that they need every big free agent.

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  ponty said:
It will be interesting to see how the recession affects attendance in all baseball parks this summer. Big risk by the Yanks that may bite them in the ass. We shall see.
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You can go to New Yankee Stadium for an exhibition game and sit in the bleechers for .25 next year. They want to match the price of seats when they first open YS. Will 'regular people' go back for 1000X that though?

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  ponty said:
It will be interesting to see how the recession affects attendance in all baseball parks this summer. Big risk by the Yanks that may bite them in the ass. We shall see.
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They'll be fine. The YES Network is their bread and butter, anyway.

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