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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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But are re-branded products still allowed? Like what we saw with Jagr's gloves etc.

Maybe they'll go Hull-style and sharpie "Easton" onto the shaft.

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When did Jordan Staal on the penguins start using a Vapor xxxx, i thought he used an s17

hes always been a bauer guy. the whole family is bauer

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sorry I'm a new member, but to reiterate, Mission-Itech will be no longer as of 09/10? I know Bauer bought them, but I didn't know that Mission was ending production completely.

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sorry I'm a new member, but to reiterate, Mission-Itech will be no longer as of 09/10? I know Bauer bought them, but I didn't know that Mission was ending production completely.

Funny that this has been brought up, I actually got a email to participate in an online survey the other day (I would think some other people here probably got it as well). From the questions the survey asked it seemed as if the survey was directed at helping Bauer determine whether to keep producing shields under the Itech brand or rebrand their facial protection as Bauer. So it seems like the Mission-Itech names may stay around for certain pieces of gear.

EDIT: I'm assuming that this survey wasn't one of Bauer's double-top-secret things, if it was, plrease feel free to delete the post.

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i will never understand why pros use thoes awful tblades. i understand why some amatures use them due to inconsistancy in sharpenings, and distance between reputable sharpeners and all of that but pros just doesnt make sense to me.

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It's pretty impressive how other than the Pants on Tor Player, all visiable equipment is NBH. I wonder how many players only wear visable NBH over only visable other companys?

I was watching the travel team at the rink practice. There were like 40 kids on the ice. All but one, were wearing NBH skates. The other kids wore the CCM U+. I thought that was pretty crazy.

I know on my college club team only 5 guys out of 24 players don't wear NBH skates. Two grafs, CCM Vector and two CCM tacks.

It seems like NBH rules hockey equipment.

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...but blacked-out product isn't allowed in the NHL anymore.



Hey now......Bauer is back! I saw Koci wearing these gloves the other night in the Kings-Blues game but couldn't find a pic. Are those the old 4-rolls? The "e" is capitalized....


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The Flexlites look nice. I'm not sure if anyone has heard any real information about them but is that just the "get them in the NHL look" or is it possible at retail they will be all black-classic looking like that?

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The Bauer Flexlite 4.0 skate will be available in all black starting April 2009. The MSRP is $350. There is a 4.0 PRO skate but that will be available to Europe only. The only difference is the 4.0 PRO features a "Variable x-stiffness Flexposite quarter package" while the 4.0 skate features "Variable stiffness Flexposite quarter package". The 4.0 PRO is a stiffer boot. The fit is the same between the two models.

As for Bauer "dominating" on the pro level with perceived exposure, Bauer was close to 70% share in NHL players for skates when the season opened.

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