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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Rusty's got it. The balance lies in the question of "would you rather have the picture or all the info?" That other site, what do they get other than an early pic? An early pic that more than likely was seen after this place had seen it? With no substance behind that place showing early pictures, it does nothing more than raise questions that will not go answered. At least here you'll get info about the product itself.

Long story short, MSH isn't run on sensationalism.

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in that comrie pic.. did anyone else notice that brad richards is wearing Vapor XXXX?

Are you sure it's a XXXX?

It will be fun doing this for the next six months until the X60s start popping up.

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in that comrie pic.. did anyone else notice that brad richards is wearing Vapor XXXX?

Are you sure it's a XXXX?

It will be fun doing this for the next six months until the X60s start popping up.

Indeed, it will always seem like quite a coincidence when someone switches to XXXX or "XXXX" skates right around now.

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in that comrie pic.. did anyone else notice that brad richards is wearing Vapor XXXX?

Are you sure it's a XXXX?

It will be fun doing this for the next six months until the X60s start popping up.

Indeed, it will always seem like quite a coincidence when someone switches to XXXX or "XXXX" skates right around now.

nah, I just like screwing with people

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why does comrie's xxxxs look different...the little red triangle is the same

are these the disguised x60s?

Light. Tilt a set of XXXX and the red triangle will light up and go darker. Not quite like a hologram, but when it catches the light it brightens up quite a bit.

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why does comrie's xxxxs look different...the little red triangle is the same

are these the disguised x60s?

Light. Tilt a set of XXXX and the red triangle will light up and go darker. Not quite like a hologram, but when it catches the light it brightens up quite a bit.

comrie also has his ankles taped while richards does not.

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No one in the NHL will have the X60's this season. Definitly not before Bauer makes an announcement that their coming out. NHLers will prob start rocking them next summer.

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Richards changes skates every couple of months, ever since he stopped using Vapor XXs. Think the only thing he hasn't worn are 9Ks, Mission and Grafs. :rolleyes:

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No one in the NHL will have the X60's this season. Definitly not before Bauer makes an announcement that their coming out. NHLers will prob start rocking them next summer.


Richard xxxx's look like vapor xxx's boot to me look closely around toe area

Doesn't mean anything. If they are wearing it, they will be wearing the internals of the 60 in a XXXX boot. You're simply not going to be able to tell, so I might as well end this little game before it starts.

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No one in the NHL will have the X60's this season. Definitly not before Bauer makes an announcement that their coming out. NHLers will prob start rocking them next summer.

A handful of Bauer sponsored pro players are already using the X-60 dressed up as a xxxx. You won't see the difference unless you look inside the skate.

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Doesn't mean anything. If they are wearing it, they will be wearing the internals of the 60 in a XXXX boot. You're simply not going to be able to tell, so I might as well end this little game before it starts.

How about we take it a step further, NO one talk about this skate period. Prove to BaUeR that if they insist on being insecure and overbearing, they do not deserve the hype they want. Apparently BaUeR only wants the benefits of certain marketing avenues on their terms.


Much like previous releases in the vapor line we are likely only talking about minor improvements. Its not like they cultivated some new materials that can only be found on the moon.

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Its not like they cultivated some new materials that can only be found on the moon.

they could have, what with the way this skate is being gaurded.. wouldn't be surprised if Reps have this thing in a metal briefcase handcuffed to their wrist now... this skate could contain nuclear launch codes :ph34r:

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