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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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I have more pics of new Reebok stuff and more CCM stuff, dunno if i'm allowed to post them or not though since they aren't released yet.

Post em, if they arent allowed the mods will clean it up.

My opinion anyhow =)

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The guys on CBC said Spezza uses a composite shaft with a wood blade. Same thing was reported when he signed with RBK.
Ultimately, Reebok designed a stick for Spezza with a graphite shaft and wooden blade, but with the look of a one-piece. Spezza will use Reebok gear, while providing the company with input and feedback.

This is what Wolski uses. A friend of mine had a V10.0 OPS Wolski pro-stock that was like this.

I have the same sticks, V 10.0 Wolski pro stock, the shaft and wood blade being fused together, i love them, only problem is the wood blade takes a beating.

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I have more pics of new Reebok stuff and more CCM stuff, dunno if i'm allowed to post them or not though since they aren't released yet.

Post em, if they arent allowed the mods will clean it up.

My opinion anyhow =)

No, don't post it. We'll do it when the time's right.

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Went looking for some pictures of Modano in Warrior gloves and came across this shot; I had never noticed him in Rbks.

I suppose I'm just out of the loop, but does anyone know the story of these - are they re-branded Eastons, or did Mikey first give Rbk's knock-offs a shot before sticking with Warrior's?


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He's still got his C in an older uni, probably when Reebok was courting him a few years ago before he dropped their gear altogether.

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I'm aware that it's an older picture and that he's in Warrior now; I was wondering whether those Rbks were a special make-up to be Easton knock-offs (as are his current Warriors) or if they were merely re-branded Eastons.

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I could be wrong, but I think those are Easton gloves with the Rbk put on them.

I think this was discussed on here quite awhile ago, but Im not 100%.

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He went from Easton's, to Eagles branded as RBK, back to Easton's (bought back an old pair from a collector around this time I think). Warrior started making gloves for him, but he wasn't happy with them, so he kept using his Easton pair(s), if I recall this correctly. Easton remade a pair for him, and he wore them in a couple skates, no games, and never wore them again I believe. Wore Easton's for the rest of the year. This season rolls around, and he's wearing Warriors.

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anyone else notice datsyuk no longer using the 8.0.8.? He is using a semi-blacked out 10k.

He's been switching between a 10K and an 8.0.8 which is also blacked out to the point that it looks like a 10K. As far as I can tell, he "toasts" grip tape on the bottom part of the shaft.

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