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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All that caffeine shit is really bad for you. It gives your body a huge letdown after games.

I've tried Vespa... and yes, it tastes HORRIBLE... but most often, I've noticed a difference when I use it. I feel less tired near the end of a game. Legs have a little more jump in them in the 3rd period. It doesn't always seem to work, but usually it does. Then again, I'm an out-of-shape beer leaguer, so the shoes I wear that day could possibly impact my game a little, too...

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Ugh, if you guys are getting the "real" Red Bull remember its nicotine content.

It tastes like death with a hint of bile, but Rock Star (forgot who makes it) was one that got me wired real fast.

Rockstar is made by Coke...

Not that it matters, but I figured Id let you know

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There was a place running a special on Vault in 16oz cans while I was in Charlotte and I started getting used to it.

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(note. I live in Canada and can not get redbull so plz disregard it).

i found some at shoppersdrug mart in a mall in canada so i unno, and they are always at convience stores near me

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Vault isn't all that bad as far as sweet soda style drinks go.

If you want a true rush, get a jug of BSN's NO Xplode. It's made as a pre-workout drink for bodybuilders, but I'm sure it would work great for hockey. It provides the most intense energy rush I have ever felt as well as increasing your focus on the task at hand. I've never had better workouts in my life than when I tried this stuff. Another good thing is it tastes good too, unlike most of the other energy crap out there. Since I haven't played anything other than open hockey since discovering it I'm not sure how it would translate to the rink, but I would be willing to bet it would be perfect. I can't find the BSN website, but here is a link to a description: boydbuilding.com on NO Xplode.

The only downside is your body does become accustomed to it. I noticed a lessened effect after going through 2 jugs (working out 5 days/week). So I quit for a month or so before starting back up again. But if you're only using it for games, this probably wouldn't be an issue.

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Surge was the best! is that true or a rumor JR?

Taste it for yourself...its pretty darn close. I think Vault might mave a bit more caffeine.

Mid-Michigan was a test market for Vault last year, and it was only $.50 for a 20 ounce.

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What flavours does the PIMP Juice come in?

LOL, no one else laughing at this? :lol:

No, because nobody else can believe that you bumped up a thread that was 631 days old.

(note. I live in Canada and can not get redbull so plz disregard it).

i found some at shoppersdrug mart in a mall in canada so i unno, and they are always at convience stores near me

This post is so rediculously old that they have actually started bringing red bull into Canada since this post was made!

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AMP from Mountain Dew has kept me up a few nights.

that stuff is good

i had some before a hockey game and it gave me tons of energy

but you have to drink well before the game because one time i did it and i got all the energy about an hour after the game

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Since this tread was started basically all the rules about getting ready for a game. I think now my favorite energy routine (Sudafed with some Gatorade) I technically illegal in Canada and the states.

But Red Bull, which would kill you in half as many doses, can be bought off the shelf. GO FIGURE.

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Monster Energy Drink, and Monster Assault are the best energy drinks out there. Best taste, best kick, most energy, coolest looking can. It's amazing. I used to drink one a day, but cut back. I'd rank Bawlz up there too

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be careful...taking things like sudafed for an extended length of time can begin to suppress your immune system...and well you won't know since you are amp'd out on sudafed before games etc..

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Surge was the best! is that true or a rumor JR?

Taste it for yourself...its pretty darn close. I think Vault might mave a bit more caffeine.

Mid-Michigan was a test market for Vault last year, and it was only $.50 for a 20 ounce.

Yeah, it is slightly tweaked, but the formula is pretty much the same...

Yeah, I tried it when it was .50.


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Gatorade has never branded itself as an energy drink. It is a hydration drink. It replaces sodium, potassium and chloride that you lose when sweating.

It also has carbohydrates that gives energy to fight muscle fatigue.

So yes, it is keeping your muscle energy up and then keeping your mental edge.

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Vault doesn't really do any thing for me energy wise and I like the taste of mountain dew way more. I've tried energy bars and that nasty gell stuff and I dont really like any of it. Amp is probably my favorite energy drink though.

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Gatorade has never branded itself as an energy drink. It is a hydration drink. It replaces sodium, potassium and chloride that you lose when sweating.

It also has carbohydrates that gives energy to fight muscle fatigue.

So yes, it is keeping your muscle energy up and then keeping your mental edge.

Oh Crap!

Would i be right in guessing that Lucazade Sport isn't an energy drink aswell?

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