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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just an long traditional christmas meal with family is all i can think of. I've already told everyone not to buy me presents 'cause i really dont need anything.

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  Dean_ said:
  legiahockey said:
nothin for me.blew abot 15 grand of my parents money :( this will be the first year i have money and will buy my parents some stuff. gunna go diamond necklace for mom and some of those temper pedic slippers for my dad....dont know what to get the guy. all he does is smoke and drink coffee 24/7 lol. might as well walk around in comfort right?
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How did you spend 15 grand ?

I am asking for:

- Clothes

- Nhl 09 and Madden 09

- Nike Air Max 90's

- New Stick

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yes. school. airplane travel (which was real cheap). winter clothes. food. dorm...it added up quick

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  Chadd said:
I'm asking for a few holidays off next year, I think I worked every major holiday (except for st pats day) and most of the minor ones.
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Well, that didn't work. I have eleven hours off at home on new years eve, otherwise working straight through from 430 AM on the 29th to 8 PM on the third.

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At my age, I don't really ask for anything. If I want something, I just go ahead and buy it. I do want a 2009 Subaru WRX, but with the state of the economy i'm not going to drop $$$$ on a new car. I just ordered some Bauer XVI Women's ice pants for the girl i'm dating, so i'm psyched to give them to her. She told me how she can never find pants that fit because men's pants don't fit most female players well.

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  djosbun said:
At my age, I don't really ask for anything. If I want something, I just go ahead and buy it. I do want a 2009 Subaru WRX, but with the state of the economy i'm not going to drop $$$$ on a new car. I just ordered some Bauer XVI Women's ice pants for the girl i'm dating, so i'm psyched to give them to her. She told me how she can never find pants that fit because men's pants don't fit most female players well.
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And the deals on WRX's and Sti right now are unbelievable.

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Yes, the deals are nice, but 65 people (40%) at my company were let go less than 2 months ago, so i'm just trying to be smart and hoard my money.

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  djosbun said:
Yes, the deals are nice, but 65 people (40%) at my company were let go less than 2 months ago, so i'm just trying to be smart and hoard my money.
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That's actually bad for the economy. It's nice to have a cushion but as long as your job isn't in question, you should be spending responsibly.

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  AnthonyJTa said:
What, no black gloves on your Christmas list? I'm totally just ribbing you man. Enjoy the game!
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Yeah still feel like an ass for that one. Didn't quite think it through. Never going to live that down....

Anyone else going to the game?

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Gotta love the holidays. My dad just called me cheap when I told him I didn't want to drive my rental car 1200 miles from Philly to Lansing and back, only to pick up my repaired car, pack, and move back to Lansing a few days later.

Fuck it, I'd rather spend Christmas alone in my apartment than buy $300 in gas and practically spend 3 days driving.

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put a ak27 blade and a pair of gloves on my list. dad was in canada for a couple weeks, and since selection in Switzerland is so shit, i asked him to get them while he was in TO, I'll be happy with whatever he got me, because my current gloves are ripped to shit.

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my son want every rc car he sees. the kid is getting 3 rc jeeps between us, my mom and the wife's mom.

already got mine.

new runnin shoes, and a new cell.

wife got new running shoes as well.

but the best gift we all could recieve is the economy turning around. and for the familys who have loved ones deployed in the gulf and afganstan a safe and speedy return home.

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My parents jsut helped finance a trip out to Denver, CO for me to go to a hospital for asthma treatment.....they asked what i wanted for x-mas, and i told them that was above and beyond anything i could ever ask for gift wise, so nothing. I think I kinda bummed them out when they heard that.

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  Datsyukrulez13 said:
Xbox360 w/ NHL 09!!!
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Best game ever! I just wish I could get on live at home!

Red Wings Winter Classic Jersey


Far Cry 2

Fallout 3

Sleeve for my macbook

I just bought myself new gloves(vapr XXV) and skates(white 9k pumps) so i'm pretty much set on hockey gear.

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My family gave me my gift today, I got a mac mini I'm pretty pumped. We do gifts today now that we're older + lots of family are coming over tomorrow, it just makes it easier.

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  Langenbrunner15 said:
Do many of you do the whole Christmas eve giving gifts or Christmas day?

Personally, my family does it christmas day.

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We do both. I get gifts from aunt's, uncles, cousins and grandparents today but I get all my immediate families gifts tomorrow.

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Pretty much all I want is clothes or money for clothes. I'm also going to buy some Nike ID Air Max 360s to replace my blown out 180s and I need a new pair of dress shoes.

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my daughter opener all of hers tonight since we are having a hectic travel day tomorrow and she goes back to her mom Friday, the rest of my family starts doing the "here's yours" about September onward.

And I did end up with the cute, well adjusted sig other, so I'm mildly hopeful about goodwill towards men now lol

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