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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy Christmas/Chanukah/Ramadan/Kwanza/whatever

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Leaving for the airport to fly home to Ireland for the first christmas home in 6 years in about an hour or so.

This site has turned a crap hockey player into a crap hockey player with sweet gloves and other gear whore items, so for that I thank you.

Whatever it is you celebrate or don't, have a great and safe time folks.


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Happy and safe holidays to everyone here at MSH!

As I look out my window, it is almost a complete white-out, so unlike last year, I think there will be a white christmas here!

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  cbj05 said:
Happy and safe holidays to everyone here at MSH!

As I look out my window, it is almost a complete white-out, so unlike last year, I think there will be a white christmas here!

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Mississauga is nuts right now plus the additional 15 cm on sunday will make for a messy but joyful holiday

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  TBLfan said:
As I look outside it's 79 degrees, merry freaking christmas.

This year I'm getting a steel pole and celebrating festivus.

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I'm glad the pole is for Festivus and not pursuing a "dancing" career....you would be PO!!! ;)

As to everyone else......enjoy your holidays in whatever way you find most pleasing. Have a great one everyone!!

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Looks like it will be a white Christmas here in upstate NY

Sretan Bozic i nova godina!

(Merry Christmas and happy new year in Croatian)

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We're sitting at -8*C and have a few inches of snow on the ground right now with another 6" due to fall on Saturday night. The sub-freezing tempatures are supposed to be here thru to New Years Eve so we should have a white Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!


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  Chadd said:
  MLSman said:
Looks like it will be a white Christmas here in upstate NY
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I got my fill of that in the last week. Rochester, Buffalo, White Plains, etc...

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My sister works in White Plains, she said they didn't get hit too bad. I am not looking forward to driving back to Philly next week to get my car.

Happy Holidays to everyone, and happy birthday to all the holiday babies whose birthday celebrations get lumped into holiday celebrations!

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Outside my window, less than 3 feet from me, I'm looking at roughly a foot and a half of snow up and down my street.

Merry Christmas to all!

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^I hate you. It hasn't been remotely cold during Christmas for the past 4 years. It was pretty cold Monday but I think the expected low tonight is 64 with a high of 80. :(

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No you don't. I've been stuck in my house for 6 days. Wind storms, followed by more snow throughout the week. Not been fun.

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Bumped into a few Sabres doing some last minute scrambling about twelve hours ago. Goose had one of the sales associates pretty much doing all the shopping for him, so he got chirped a little bit. Even so, he (and the associate) seriously took a long ass time; we threatened to leave him there by himself. He wound-up spending quite a bit of money all in one shot.

Walked across the parking lot, got some Timmy Ho's, wished each other luck (traffic was a huge bitch), got in our cars and left. I hope they made it home okay ;)

There was, of course, the requisite promise that next year would be different; that the shopping would be done by the end of August. Of course, I think we all knew it wasn't true - as we were walking out of Ho's, I stopped, looked at my watch and said "So, uh, same time next year, boys?"

In all honesty, Christmas has lost it's appeal over the past few years. It's all just one big rush - and it makes an already busy schedule nearly unmanageable -


I'm glad it's almost over. Maybe once I become an adult and get married and have kids, it'll become fun again. Right now the whole thing is just one huge pain in the ass.

Merry Christmas, though, boys (and girls).

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What they said :lol: I hope everyone gets what they asked for and everyones holiday is somewhat peaceful...I know what those family get togethers can be like, my family takes care of that cluster-F on Thanksgiving. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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