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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

2009 MLB Season

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Ortiz took the Clemens defense. It's also hilarious that he doesn't want the list released that could clear his name 'cause he could be one of the supposed people on it who didn't fail.

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It's strange how he is the first player that had a union rep. at his press conference.

If he really didn't take anything then why wait ten days to comment on it?

If it was a supplement why not say that from the get go?

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The union stooge was SHOOK when Ortiz said he took supplements and such from DR. When the trainer who worked with Ortiz/ARod/Manny/Sosa/Pedro was found out to be peddling steroids to kids it was shown that over the counter stuff there is nearly as bad as the stuff we have to buy in dark alleys here.

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Well, in the DR, there's really no such thing as a prescription drug.

I remember when I lived there as a kid, you went to the pharmacy and just asked for what you wanted.

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Can Bettman present the Lady Byng to Pujols please. Amazing display last night in Pittsburgh.

I assume you mean the fan going over the rail...do you have video...? I checked YT but didn't see it.

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I say the Jays should let Rios go and give most (if not all) of this money to Doc:


They should try and lock Doc up for awhile if they gave away Rios for nothing or try and sign a big name or franchise player in the off season.

Before they do ANYTHING...they need to fire JP. :angry:

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A real assholefest between the Cub fan who tossed a beer on Victorino (even tho I hate the guy) and Pedro for thinking jheri curls are cool.

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The best though was the Philly fan sitting in the bleachers throwing POPCORN as the beer tosser got tossed.

First, way to stand out like a sore thumb in left field. Get ready to have your ass beat on Waveland Ave after the game. Second, that popcorn better be extra buttery to inflict some damage.

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I don't think the Phils fan is getting beat. No one was stopping him from that "attack" in retaliation and the security just had a look like "popcorn? Really?"

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He was probably a lawyer anyways, and convinced Victorino to press charges on the guy.

And is anyone else impressed with all the throwing at guys/standing up for teammates/bench clearing brawls that are going on right now?

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I would like to thank Terry Francona for continuing to play Jason Varitek, ever. He has no bat left and is terrible behind the plate. After last night his true caught stealing percentage is at 5%.

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I would like to thank Terry Francona for continuing to play Jason Varitek, ever. He has no bat left and is terrible behind the plate. After last night his true caught stealing percentage is at 5%.

The problem for the Sox is Victor Martinez may be a good hybrid player, but he is only so-so as a catcher, and they don't have anyone close to the majors projecting to anything more than average.

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All I can say is Cliff Lee is a monster. Not only does he pitch well, but he comes to a completely different league where he has to bat too, and has a higher batting average than Eric Bruntlett.

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He's on a poor-ass team that has some choices to make and as the "old" guy around it makes sense. Inconsistent and some arm problems in his history just seals the deal.

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the angels have acquired him for 2 prospects and a player to be named i believe..and also thank you ryan howard for going on a hot streak and going 2-2 tonight so far with 2 homers and a walk..now only if madson or lidge dont blow this then i will go to sleep a happy kid

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Kazmir is owed 20+ mil over the next two years as his fastball continues to rapidly lose velocity. His peripherals have gone to complete crap this year. They got a decent return for the guy.

Don't see why the Angels felt they needed him though, I guess for the playoff bullpen.

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I suspect the Angels wanted a lefty in case they face the Spankees in the playoffs.

I understand Kazmir has had decreased velocity, but there's still something wrong with the economic structure when a Wild Card contending team can't afford to wait to determine whether he'll solve his problems the next year or so.

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Ever since he was drafted he was expected to eventually blow his arm out. Last year people were just sitting around waiting for the shoulder or elbow surgery to be needed as he fell apart. You're not supposed to just lose 2+ mph between 23 and 25, unless you're Matsuzaka.

The money just makes the trade easier to work.

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