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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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harrow hockey sticks, shafts

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Can someone comment on the shaft dimensions of the box shape? I have a concave Harrow and, while it is concave, the corners of the shapes are very round. I would compare it to a Vapor shaft. Are the corners of the box more square? Would you compare it to a one95 or Easton shape? How thin is the box shape?

Also, can someone comment on a SE16 combo with a Harrow blade?

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For those interested in the flex of the Harrow.

I compared my 75 Harrow shaft to a tapered 77 one95 shaft. I cut the Harrow right at the 96 flex line. This equals about 90/91 on the one95. Therefore, for those that want a summary, the Harrow 75 shafts are stiffer than other 75 flexes (at least the one95).

I'll also note that the tapered one95 shaft feels a lot stiffer than my 77 one95 OPS. I don't believe that the 77 one95 tapered flex ratings are correct. It looks to me that is it nothing but a one95 paint job.

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Shipping for a shaft and blade is between 25 to 30 dollars US or so depending on which shipping option you take. They use UPS and they ship everything from Denver. I had to call them for something and asked them about where they shipped from and was told that they ship everything from Denver.

On another note, tried my P4 blade last night that went pretty well. During the warm up I was able to shoot a few lasers as well as during the game. My passing was pretty much what it usually is like. Shots and passes went where I was aiming. Haven't taken any slap shots or one timers yet so can't comment on tork issues yet, at least when it comes to slappers and one timers. I still have to get used to the lenght of the blade though as it's fairly long. gotta get used to the little toe curve/hook too although that seems to be going fairly well at least to flip th epuck out of the zone. So far very satisfied peformance wise and after two games I can't see much damage/wear on the shaft.

My 92 flex seems a bit stiffer than my 87 flex Bauer X:Shift. I can feel the stick load for the shot but it seems like it uncoils for a lack of a better word a bit faster than my Bauer. Overall, very happy with the stick and when the shaft breaks, if it breaks, I'll more than likely buy another one or two specially if I can get the same deal.

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  OldNSlow said:
For those interested in the flex of the Harrow.

I compared my 75 Harrow shaft to a tapered 77 one95 shaft. I cut the Harrow right at the 96 flex line. This equals about 90/91 on the one95. Therefore, for those that want a summary, the Harrow 75 shafts are stiffer than other 75 flexes (at least the one95).

I'll also note that the tapered one95 shaft feels a lot stiffer than my 77 one95 OPS. I don't believe that the 77 one95 tapered flex ratings are correct. It looks to me that is it nothing but a one95 paint job.

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I agree that the Harrow are slightly stiffer (The marking would say the same as well). Still, the Harrow is feeling very good. Slap shot speed velocity is up (due to extra stiffness Im sure), and in close snap shot speed seems to be down. The real testament will be how these shafts "wear in".


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Got to use my 300 tonight for the first time. The first thing I noticed is that the stick just feels good. The grip shift finish is very nice. The glossy finish on the bottom grips without being overly sticky. I could easily move my bottom hand up and down if I loosened my grip some. Shooting was good. Wristers and snap shots (like others have said) were lasers. I have never been able to shoot like I did tonight. Slap shots were a different story. I wasn't getting any speed on them. This is probably due to me stepping down in flex. Also I could not keep them down. The number 6 blade is a bit more open faced to the RBK IW blade pattern I have been using. Might just take some getting used to I guess.

Overall I am very pleased. Although, I hope that i can get used to the flex and the blade pattern since I play D and rely heavily on slap shots.

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Has anyone had problems fitting the harrow tapered blade into non harrow shafts? Mine wouldn't fit into my dolomite, but it did fit into my synergy 2.

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  Hoser said:
Has anyone had problems fitting the harrow tapered blade into non harrow shafts? Mine wouldn't fit into my dolomite, but it did fit into my synergy 2.
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I was able to fit a #7 Harrow blade into my dolomite grip. It was a close fit. Try heating the glue on the tenon a little more.

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The Dolo shafts I've had were always a tight fit with other blades. Definitely heat up the shaft a little more (not enough to ruin it though), also you might want to try filing the tenon of the blade just a bit with a rasp. I believe I've done that on the corners and edges just to sneak it into shafts before. Don't go nuts with either, but just a bit of extra heat and a bit of filing can sometimes sneak a blade in.

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Okay, got the new Harrow shaft and blade in. This blade is about 3/8-1/2" longer at the hosel than the other, and the graphics are a bit different. I believe it's a newer production (has the 300 graphics). Cut the shafts to the same length, might have to cut the new one down a bit more but will see how it goes in game first.

Took some pictures of the sticks and curves. The #2 is basically a clone of the Reebok P30 (Bergeron)...which is perfect. Shaft did the same cracking thing as the first one, felt a hair stiffer, likely will break in the same way. The color contrast is sweet...instead of black with red and white accents it's white with black and red.

Shot with them today, kick is similar but obviously I'm much more comfortable with the 6 lie and the bigger mid curve. Kid at the driving range was curious about them (I guess he'd been approached by a rep about using them next year in college).

Grip Shift on top, glossy grip on the bottom:


#4 is a very mild mid-toe, #2 is a bigger mid curve:


#4 is 5.5 lie, #2 is 6 lie. #4 is also longer, but the #2 has a longer hosel, possibly due to a newer production run:


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Alright, I've had my 300 shaft and blade for a few weeks now. Overall, I like it a lot. Only problem is about halfway through my games, my blade is getting loose. I added more glue last night before I played, but with about 15 minutes left, the damn thing got lose again. Any suggestions other than throwing some tape on the tendon?

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  coryroth24 said:
Alright, I've had my 300 shaft and blade for a few weeks now. Overall, I like it a lot. Only problem is about halfway through my games, my blade is getting loose. I added more glue last night before I played, but with about 15 minutes left, the damn thing got lose again. Any suggestions other than throwing some tape on the tendon?
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not giving it enough time to set imo i usually wait a day but thats kinda pp too

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I got my Harrow Shaft/Blade in last week and played with it once and I like it. Same color as Jarick's glossy shaft but mine is matte finsh. I heard the shafts were long so I order a 75 flex cut it to the size I have been playing with and made it a 83 flex. I have a blade #5 which is compared to the nb p88 lindros which I have used and I like. Overall the stick is nice haven't used a two piece for years which at that time is was an aluminum shaft with wood blade. But I am happy with it very good puck feel and alot lighter then my nb one50. My next one I will probably order a little bit stiff. I know it flexs alot for slapshots I'm not use to it but also something to get used to Also I don't see anyone beating the 50% off. It might not be a s19 or some other high end stick but it is nice.

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To help some people out with picking a flex. I ordered an 85 flex. Length of shaft was 55'' and was an 85 flex at that length. Every inch cut increases the flex rating by 4.

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Played with both sticks last night, up a level again, last game of the season for that team (still have a game and playoffs with the other).

The blade got loose a bit, which is weird since the other blade was such a tight fit. Shots definitely felt funky with that happening, and I went back to the #4 stick. Had a decent game though, got the tying goal in the third, though we lost in OT. Lots of compliments on my shot (quick snapper off the pipe and in), which was nice since all the guys on that team can skate circles around me.

Afterwards, I put a strip of tape on one side of the blade and cut the stick down 3/4". It says it's all the way up to 100 flex now, feels a bit stiff but I'm sure it will still break in a bit.

Cory, I'm assuming you got one of the newer blades, probably has a bit thinner tenon. Does yours have the curve information on the blade itself or on the hosel? A strip of tape on one side should do it.

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  Jarick said:
Cory, I'm assuming you got one of the newer blades, probably has a bit thinner tenon. Does yours have the curve information on the blade itself or on the hosel? A strip of tape on one side should do it.
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I was thinking of going the tape route. Was kinda hoping those days were behind me from the last time I used a two piece. The only thing on the hosel is the pattern number. Nothing else...

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That sounds like what I assume is the newer style blade. I think if you took the tape off the blade itself and looked on the backhand it would list the curve specs. These also seem to have almost 3/4" longer tenon.

To be honest, I've never noticed the tape on the tenon, especially only with one strip. The nice thing is the tenon is hollow, so I just tucked the end of the strip on one side and ran it down all the way onto the hosel, put the blade in, just a little glue right near the base of the tenon, then cut off the excess tape after it's inserted. Certainly not as bad as others. I'm just surprised it didn't get loose when I was shooting at the range.

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